IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Harder, T.; Toropova, V. 2000 Snow leopard conservation in Kyrghyzstan
IUCN Newsletter Central Asia
Hardin, G. 1968 The Tragedy of the Commons
Science (162)
Hardouin, M.; Searle, C.E.; Strampelli, P.; Smit, J.; Dickman, A.; Lobora, A.L.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 2021 Density responses of lesser-studied carnivores to habitat and management strategies in southern Tanzania's Ruaha-Rungwa landscape
PLoS ONE (16)
Hardy, I.W. 1979 Golden cat in the Aberdare National Park
EAWLS Bulltin
Hargreaves, R. 2010 Countering the moral and ethical argument for canned hunting of captive bred lions in South Africa
Journal of the WildCat Conservation Legal Aid Society (3)
Hargreaves, R. 2010 The plight of wildcats in South Africa: Damaging causing animals or bycatch
Journal of the WildCat Conservation Legal Aid Society
Hargreaves, R. 2011 China's tiger farms much law but little justice
Journal of the WildCat Conservation Legal Aid Society (5)
Hargreaves, R. 2014 Independent Pro Bono Legal Analysis for Item 38 on the Agenda for the 65th Meeting of the CITES Standing Committee concerning Asian Big Cats
Hargreaves, R. 2012 A review of CITES Decision 14.69 on restricting captive tiger populations to levels supportive only to conserve wild tigers
Journal of the WildCat Conservation Legal Aid Society (6)
Harihar, A.; Chanchani, P.; Borah, J.; Crouthers, R.J.; Darman, Y.; Gray, T.N.E.; Mohamad, S.; Rawson, B.M.; Rayan, M.D.; Roberts, J.L.; Steinmetz, R.; Sunarto, S.; Widodo, F.A.; Anwar, M.; Bhatta, S.R.; Peter, J.; Chakravarthi, P.; Chang, Y.; Congdon, G.; Dave, C.; Dey, S.; Durairaj, B.; Fomenko, P.; Guleria, H.; Gupta, M.; Gurung, G.; Ittira, B.; Jena, J.; Kostyria, A.; Kumar, K.; Kumar, V.; Lhendup, P.; Liu, P.; Malla, S.; Maurya, K.; Moktan, V.; Van, N.D.N.; Parakkasi, K.; Phoonjampa, R.; Phumanee, W.; Singh, A.K.; Stengel, C.; Subba, S.A.; Thapa, K.; Thomas, T.C.; Wong, C.; Baltzer, M.; Ghose, D.; Worah, S.; Vattakaven, J. 2018 Recovery planning towards doubling wild tiger _Panthera tigris_ numbers: Detailing 18 recovery sites from across the range
PLoS ONE (13)
Harihar, A.; Chanchani, P.; Sharma, R.K.; Vattakaven, J.; Gubbi, S.; Pandav, B.; Noon, B. 2013 Conflating "co-occurrence" with "coexistence"
Pnas (110)
Harihar, A.; Ghosh-Harihar, M.; MacMillan, D.C. 2014 Human resettlement and tiger conservation - socio-economic assessment of pastoralists reveals a rare conservation opportunity in a human-dominated landscape
Biological Conservation (169)
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B. 2012 Influence of connectivity, wild prey and disturbance on occupancy of tigers in the human-dominated western Terai Arc landscape
PLoS ONE (7)
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 1. Introduction
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 2. Methods
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 3. Results
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 4. Discussion
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 5. Individual Tigers 2004-05
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 6. Individual Tigers 2005-06
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 7. Hilltop Tigress
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 8. Daytime photographs
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 9. Other animals photographed
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2006 Monitoring tiger and its prey in Chilla Range, Rajaji National Park, Uttaranchal, India - 10. Annex
Full Book
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2008 Responses of tiger (_Panthera tigris_) and their prey to removal of anthropogenic influences in Rajaji National Park, India
European Journal of Wildlife Research
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2009 Density of leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in the Chilla Range of Rajaji National Park, Uttarakhand, India
Mammalia (73)
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2009 Subsampling photographic capture-recapture data of tigers (_Panthera tigris_) to minimize closure violation and improve estimate precision: a case study
Population Ecology
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; Goyal, S.P. 2011 Responses of leopard _Panthera pardus_ to the recovery of a tiger _Panthera tigris_ population
Journal of Applied Ecology (48)
Harihar, A.; Pandav, B.; MacMillan, D.C. 2014 Identifying realistic recovery targets and conservation actions for tigers in a human-dominated landscape using spatially explicit densities of wild prey and their determinants
Diversity and Distributions (20)
Harihar, A.; Prasad, D.L.; Ri, C.; Pandav, P.; Goyal, S.P. 2009 Losing ground: tiger _Panthera tigris _in the north-western Shivalik landscape of India
Oryx (43)
Hariswan, A. 2002 Upaya Penyelamatan Satwa Liar Indonesia melalui Konservasi Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_)
Full Book
Harley, V.; Funston, P.J. 2001 Genetic status and a population viability and habitat analysis of lions in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Harlow, H.J.; Lindzey, F.G.; van Sickle, W.D.; Gern, W.A. 1992 Stress response of cougars to nonlethal pursuit by hunters
Canadian Journal of Zoology (70)
Harmer, J. 1998 Beasts disappearing fastern than thought - Plight of tigers on candid cameras
Hong Kong Standard
Harms, V.; Nowak, C.; Carl, S.; MuĀ¤oz-Fuentes, V. 2015 Experimental evaluation of genetic predator identification from saliva traces on wildlife kills
Journal of Mammalogy (96)
Harmsen, B.; Silver, S.; Ostro, L.; Foster, R.; Yua, F. 2007 The Biology of the Jaguar in the Cockscomb Basin, Belize
Conference Proceeding
Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Doncaster, C.P. 2011 Heterogeneous capture rates in low density populations and consequences for capture-recapture analysis of camera-trap data
Population Ecology (53)
Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Gutierrez, S.M.; Marin, S.Y.; Doncaster, C.P. 2010 Scrape-marking behavior of jaguars (_Panthera onca_) and pumas (_Puma concolor_)
Journal of Mammalogy (91)
Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Quigley, H. 2020 Spatially explicit capture recapture density estimates: Robustness, accuracy and precision in a long-term study of jaguars (_Panthera onca_)
PLoS ONE (15(6): e0227468)
Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Sanchez, E.; Gutierrez-Gonzalez, C.E.; Silver, S.C.; Ostro, L.E.T.; Kelly, M.J.; Kay, E.; Quigley, H. 2017 Long term monitoring of jaguars in the Cockscomb Basin wildlife Sanctuary, Belize; implications for camera trap studies of carnivores
PLoS ONE (12)
Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Silver, S.; Ostro, L.; Doncaster, C.P. 2010 Differential use of trails by forest mammals and the implications for camera-trap sutdies: a case study from Belize
Biotropica (42)
Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Silver, S.C.; Ostro, L.E.T.; Doncaster, C.P. 2009 Spatial and temporal interactions of sympatric jaguars (_Panthera onca_) and pumas (_Puma concolor_) in a Neotropical Forest
Journal of Mammalogy (90)
Harmsen, B.J.; Foster, R.J.; Silver, S.C.; Ostro, L.E.T.; Doncaster, C.P. 2011 Jaguar and puma activity patterns in relation to their main prey
Mammalian Biology (76)
Harmsen, B.J.; Sanchez, E.; Foster, R.J. 2016 Differential marking behaviour by sympatric felids in a Neotropical forest
Cat News (64)
Harper, G.A. 2007 Habitat selection of feral cats (_Felis catus_) on a temperate, forested island
Austral Ecology (32)
Harris, D.J.; Sergiadou, D.; Halajian, A.; Swanepoel, L.; Roux, F. 2020 Molecular screening indicates high prevalence and mixed infections of Hepatozoon parasites in wild felines from South Africa
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (91)
Harris, G.; Thompson, R.; Childs, J.L.; Sanderson, J.G. 2010 Automatic Storage and Analysis of Camera Trap Data
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
Harris, L.A.; Steinetz, B.G.; Bond, J.B.; Lasano, S.; Swanson, W.F. 2008 Refinement of a commercial bench-top relaxin assay for pregnancy diagnosis using urine from domestic and nondomestic felids
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (39)
Harris, N.C.; Dunn, R.R. 2010 Using host associations to predict spatial patterns in the species richness of the parasites of North American carnivores
Ecology Letters (13)
Harris, R.B. 1992 Draft: A note on snow leopards and local people in Nanggian county, southern Qinghai Province
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)