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Hatler, D.F.; Poole, K.G.; Beal, A.M.M. 2003 Bobcat_ Lynx rufus_ - Furbearer management guidelines British Columbia
Full Book
Hatough-Bouran, A.; Disi, A.M. 1991 History, Distribution and Conservation of large Mammals and their Habitats in Jordan
Environmental Conservation (18)
Hatt, R.T. 1959 Felidae of Iraq
Book Chapter
Hatten, J.R.; Averill-Murray, A.; Van Pelt, W.E. 2005 A spatial model of potential jaguar habitat in Arizona
Journal of Wildlife Management (69)
Haugerud, R.E. 2009 Reindeer husbandry and the surrounding world
Conference Proceeding
Haussler, D.; O'Brien, S.J.; Ryder, O.A. 2009 Genome 10K: A Proposal to Obtain Whole-Genome Sequence for I0 000 Vertebrate Species
Journal of Heredity (100)
Hauxwell, T.A. 1904 Melanism amongst panthers
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (15)
Havmoeller, R.W.; Jacobsen, N.S.; Havmoeller, L.W.; Rovero, F.; Scharff, N.; Bohmann, K. 2021 DNA metabarcoding reveals that African leopard diet varies between habitats
African Journal of Ecology (59)
Havmoller, R.W.; Jacobsen, N.S.; Scharff, N.; Rovero, F.; Zimmermann, F. 2020 Assessing the activity pattern overlap among leopards (_Panthera pardus_), potential prey and competitors in a complex landscape in Tanzania
Journal of Zoology (311)
Hawkins, C. 2001 Fossa - Night stalker
BBC Wildlife
Hawley, J.E.; Rego, P.W.; Wydeven, A.P.; Schwartz, M.K.; Viner, T.C.; Kays, R.; Pilgrim, K.L.; Jenks, J.A. 2016 Long-distance dispersal of a subadult male cougar from South Dakota to Connecticut documented with DNA evidence
Journal of Mammalogy (97)
Haworth, J. 1999 Life after Logging: the impacts of commercial timber extraction in tropical rainforests
Full Book
Hay, C.T.; Cross, P.C.; Funston, P.J. 2008 Trade-offs of predation and foraging explain sexual segregation in African buffalo
Journal of Animal Ecology (77)
Hayden, J. 2014 Recent management approaches for cougar in Idaho
Conference Proceeding
Haydon, D.T.; Randall, D.A.; Matthews, L.; Knobel, D.L.; Tallents, L.A.; Gravenor, M.B.; Williams, S.D.; Pollinger, J.P.; Cleaveland, S.; Woolhouse, M.E.J.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Marino, J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2006 Low-coverage vaccination strategies for the conservation of endangered species
Nature (443)
Haynes, L.; Hackl, Z.; Culver, M. 2005 Wild cats of the Sky islands: a summary of monitoring efforts using noninvasive techniques
USDA Forest Service Proceedings (36)
Hayward, G.D.; Miquelle, D.G.; Smirnov, E.N.; Nations, C. 2002 Monitoring Amur tiger populations: characteristics of track surveys in snow
Wildlife Society Bulletin (30)
Hayward, M. 2007 Implications of the Prey Preferences of Large Felids for their Conservation
Conference Proceeding
Hayward, M. 2009 Guess who we're having for dinner
Africa Geographic (July 2009)
Hayward, M.W. 2006 Prey preferences of the spotted hyaena (_Crocuta crocuta_) and degree of dietary overlap with the lion (_Panthera leo_)
Journal of Zoology
Hayward, M.W. 2009 Conservation management for the past, present and future
Biodivers Conserv (18)
Hayward, M.W. 2009 Moving Beyond the Descriptive: Predicting the Responses of Trop-Order Predators to Reintroduction
Book Chapter
Hayward, M.W. 2009 The Need to Rationalize and Prioritize Threatening Processes Used to Determine Threat Status in the IUCN Red List
Conservation Biology (23)
Hayward, M.W. 2011 Scarcity in the prey community yields anti-predator benefits
Acta Oecologica (37)
Hayward, M.W.; Adendorff, J.; Moolman, L.; Hayward, G.J.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2006 The successful reintroduction of leopard _Panthera pardus_ to the Addo Elephant National Park
African Journal of Ecology (45)
Hayward, M.W.; Adendorff, J.; O'Brien, J.; Sholto-Douglas, A.; Bissett, C.; Moolman, L.C.; Bean, P.; Fogarty, A.; Howarth, D.; Slater, R.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2007 The reintroduction of large carnivores to the Eastern Cape, South Africa: an assessment
Oryx (41)
Hayward, M.W.; Adendorff, J.; O'Brien, J.; Sholto-Douglas, A.; Bissett, C.; Moolman, L.C.; Bean, P.; Fogarty, A.; Howarth, D.; Slater, R.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2007 Practical Considerations for the Reintroduction of Large, Terrestrial, Mammalian Predators Based on Reintroductions to South Africa`s Eastern Cape Province
The Open Conservation Biology Journal (1)
Hayward, M.W.; Boitani, L.; Burrows, N.D.; Funston, P.J.; Karanth, K.U.; MacKenzie, D.I.; Pollock, K.H.; Yarnell, W. 2015 Ecologists need robust survey designs, sampling and analytical methods
Journal of Applied Ecology (52)
Hayward, M.W.; Child, M.F.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Lindsey, P.A.; Somers, M.J.; Burns, B. 2015 Ambiguity in guideline definitions introduces assessor bias and influences consistency in IUCN Red List status assessments
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (3)
Hayward, M.W.; Hayward, G.J. 2006 Activity patterns of reintroduced lion _Panthera leo_ and spotted hyaena _Crocuta crocuta_ in the Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa
African Journal of Ecology
Hayward, M.W.; Hayward, G.J. 2009 The impact of tourists on lion _ Panthera leo_ behaviour, stress and energetics
Acta Theriologica (54)
Hayward, M.W.; Hayward, G.J.; Druce, D.J.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2009 Do fences constrain predator movements on an evolutionary scale? Home range, food intake and movement patterns of large predators reintroduced to Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa
Biodivers Conserv (18)
Hayward, M.W.; Hayward, G.J.; Tambling, C.J.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2011 Do Lions_ Panthera leo_ Actively Select Prey or Do Prey Preferences Simply Reflect Chance Responses via Evolutionary Adaptations to Optimal Foraging?
PLoS ONE (6)
Hayward, M.W.; Henschel, P.; O'Brien, J.; Hofmeyr, M.; Balme, G.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2006 Prey preferences of the leopard (_Panthera pardus_)
Journal of Zoology (270)
Hayward, M.W.; Hofmeyr, M.; O'Brien, J.O.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2006 Prey preferences of the cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) (Felidae:Carnivora): morphological limitations or the need to capture rapidly consumable prey before kleptoparasites arrive?
Journal of Zoology (270)
Hayward, M.W.; Jedrzejewski, W.; Jedrzejewska, B. 2012 Prey preferences of the tiger Panthera tigris
Journal of Zoology (286)
Hayward, M.W.; Kamler, J.F.; Montgomery, R.A.; Newlove, A.; Rostro-Garcia, S.; Sales, L.P.; van Valkenburgh, B. 2016 Prey preferences of the jaguar Panthera onca reflect the post-pleistocene demise of large prey
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (3)
Hayward, M.W.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2005 Prey preferences of the lion (_Panthera leo_)
Journal of Zoology (London) (267)
Hayward, M.W.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2008 Prey preferences and dietary overlap amongst Africa's large predators
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (38)
Hayward, M.W.; O'Brien, J.; Hofmeyr, M.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2006 Prey preferences of the African wild dog _Lycaon pictus_ (Canidae: carnivora): ecological requirements for conservation
Journal of Mammalogy (87)
Hayward, M.W.; O'Brien, J.; Hofmeyr, M.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2007 Testing Predictions of the Prey of Lion Derived From Modeled Prey Preferences
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Hayward, M.W.; O'Brien, J.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2007 Carrying capacity of large African predators: predictions and tests
Biological Conservation (139)
Hayward, M.W.; Scanlon, R.J.; Callen, A.; Howell, L.G.; Klop-Toker, K.L.; Di Blanco, Y.; Balkenhol, N.; Bugir, C.K.; Campbell, L.; Caravaggi, A.; Chalmers, A.C.; Clulow, J.; Clulow, S.; Cross, P.; Gould, J.A.; Griffin, A.C.; Heurich, M.; Howe, B.K.; Jachowski, D.S.; Jhala, Y.V.; Krishnamurthy, R.; Kowalczky, R.; Lenga, D.J.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Marnewick, K.A.; Moehrenschlager, A.; Montgomery, R.A.; Osipova, L.; Peneaux, C.; Rodger, J.C.; Sales, L.P.; Seto, R.G.Y.; Shuttleworth, C.M.; Somers, M.J.; Tamessar, C.T.; Upton, R.M.O.; Weise, F.J. 2019 Reintroducing rewilding to restoration - Rejecting the search for novelty
Biological Conservation (233)
Hayward, M.W.; Slotow, R. 2009 Temporal partitioning of activity in large African carnivores: tests of multiple hypotheses
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (39 )
Hayward, M.W.; White, R.M.; Mabandla, K.M.; Bukeye, P. 2005 Mammalian fauna of indigenous forest in the Transkei region of South Africa: an overdue survey
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (35)
Hazzah, L.; Borgerhoff Mulder, M.; Frank, L. 2009 Lions and Warriors: Social factors underlying declining African lion populations and the effect of incentive-based management in Kenya
Biological Conservation (142)
Hazzah, L.; Dolrenry, S.; Naughton, L.; Edwards, C.T.T.; Mwebi, O.; Kearney, F.; Frank, L. 2014 Efficacy of two lion conservation programs in Maasailand, Kenya
Conservation Biology (28)
Hazzah, L.N. 2006 Living among lions (_Panthera leo)_: coexistence or killing? Community attitudes towards conservation initiatives and the motivations behind lion killing in Kenyan Maasailand
Full Book
H”tte, M. 2003 Amur leopard and tiger conservation in a social and economic context
Full Book
H”tte, M.H.H.; Kolodin, I.A.; Bereznuk, S.L.; Slaght, J.C.; Kerley, L.L.; Soutyrina, S.V.; Salkina, G.P.; Zaumyslova, O.Y.; Stokes, E.J.; Miquelle, D.G. 2016 Indicators of success for smart law enforcement in protected areas: a case study for Russian Amur tiger (_Panthera tigris altaica_) reserves
Integrative Zoology (11)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)