IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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He, L.; Garcia-Perea, R.; Wei, F.; Gisbert, J.; Li, M. 2002 Distribution and conservation of the Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)
In Press
He, L.; Garca-Perea, R.; Li, M.; Wei, F. 2003 Distribution and conservation status of the endemic Chinese mountain cat _Felis bieti_
Oryx (38)
Head, L.; Trigger, D.; Mulcock, J. 2005 Culture as Concept and Influence in Environmental Research and Management
Conservation and Society (3)
Headley, K. 1992 Trade in exceptional circumstances: An analysis of commerce in Appendix I Animal Species
Full Book
Heald, F.P. 1989 Injuries and diseases in Smilodon californicus Bovard, 1904, (Mammalia, Felidae) from Rancho La Brea, California
Conference Proceeding
Hean, S. 2000 Status of the tiger and its conservation in Cambodia
Full Book
Heard, N.; Launay, F.; Sanderson, J. 2014 Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund wild cat funding: an overview
Cat News (60)
Heard, N.; Mickleburgh, S.; Sanderson, J.; Wong, W.-M. 2021 Small grants sustain fishing cat conservation efforts
Cat News (72)
Hearn, A.; Ross, J.; Brodie, J.; Cheyne, S.; Haidir, I.A.; Loken, B.; Mathai, J.; Wilting, A.; McCarthy, J. 2016 _Neofelis diardi_, Sunda clouded leopard
Full Book
Hearn, A.J.; Cushman, S.A.; Goossens, B.; Macdonald, E.; Ross, J.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Abram, N.K.; MacDonald, D.W. 2018 Evaluating scenarios of landscape change for Sunda clouded leopard connectivity in a human dominated landscape
Biological Conservation (222)
Hearn, A.J.; Cushman, S.A.; Goossens, B.; Ross, J.; Macdonald, E.A.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2019 Predicting connectivity, population size and genetic diversity of Sunda clouded leopards across Sabah, Borneo
Landscape Ecology (34)
Hearn, A.J.; Cushman, S.A.; Ross, J.; Goossens, B.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2018 Spatio-temporal ecology of sympatric felids on Borneo. Evidence for resource partitioning?
PLoS ONE (13)
Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Bernard, H.; Abu Bakar, S.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2016 The first estimates of marbled cat_ Pardofelis marmorata_ population density from Bornean primary and selectively logged forest
PLoS ONE (11)
Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Bernard, H.; Bakar, S.A.; Goossens, B.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2017 Responses of Sunda clouded leopard _Neofelis diardi_ population density to anthropogenic disturbance: refining estimates of its conservation status in Sabah
Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Goossens, B.; Ancrenaz, M.; Ambu, L. 2010 Observations of flat-headed cat in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Cat News (52)
Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Bolongon, G.; Cheyne, S.M.; Mohamed, A.; Samejima, H.; Brodie, J.F.; Giordano, A.; Alfred, R.; Boonratana, R.; Bernard, H.; Loken, B.; Augeri, D.M.; Heydon, M.; Hon, J.; Mathai, J.; Marshall, A.J.; Pilgrim, J.D.; Hall, J.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of the Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Samejima, H.; Heydon, M.; Bernard, H.; Augeri, D.M.; Fredriksson, G.; Hon, J.; Mathai, J.; Mohamed, A.; Rustam,; Meijaard, E.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of the bay cat Catopuma badia (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Pamin, D.; Bernard, H.; Hunter, L.; MacDonald, D.W. 2013 Insights into the spatial and temporal ecology of the sunda clouded leopard_ Neofelis diardi_
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (61)
Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Pamin, D.; MacDonald, D.W. 2007 Factors Affecting Guild Composition of Wild Felids in Pristine and Logged Tropical Forest in Sabah, Malaysia: a Camera-Trapping Study
Conference Proceeding
Hearne, J.; Lamberson, R.; Goodman, P. 1996 Optimising the offtake of large herbivores from a multi-species community
Ecological Modelling (92)
Heath, D. 1997 Leopard and cheetah management in Zimbabwe
Hebblewhite, M.; Haydon, D.T. 2010 Distinguishing technology from biology: a critical review of the use of GPS telemetry data in ecology
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (365 )
Hebblewhite, M.; Miquelle, D.G.; Murzin, A.A.; Aramilev, V.V.; Pikunov, D.G. 2011 Predicting potential habitat and population size for reintroduction of the Far Eastern leopards in the Russian Far East
Biological Conservation (144)
Hebblewhite, M.; Miquelle, D.G.; Robinson, H.; Pikunov, D.G.; Dunishenko, Y.M.; Aramilev, V.V.; Nikolaev, I.G.; Salkina, G.P.; Seryodkin, I.V.; Gaponov, V.V.; Litvinov, M.N.; Kostyria, A.V.; Fomenko, P.V.; Murzin, A.A. 2014 Including biotic interactions with ungulate prey and humans improves habitat conservation modeling for endangered Amur tigers in the Russian Far East
Biological Conservation (178)
Hebblewhite, M.; Zimmermann, F.; Miquelle, D.G.; Li, Z.; Zhang, M.; Sun, H.; M”rschel, F.; Wu, Z.; Sheng, L.; Purekhovsky, A.; Chunquan, Z. 2012 Is there a future for Amur tigers in a restored tiger conservation landscape in Northeast China?
Animal Conservation
Heberlein, T.; Willebrand, T. 1998 Attitudes toward hunting across time and continents: The United States and Sweden
Gibier Faune Sauvage - Game and Wildlife (15)
Hebert, D.M. 1996 The Cougar in Canada
Conference Proceeding
Heck, C.; Tranca, J. 2014 La realidad de la mineria ilegal en paises amazonicos
Full Book
Hecketsweiler, P. 1988 Odzala National Park
Personal Communication
Heddergott, M.; Steeb, S.; Osten-Sacken, N.; Steinbach, P.; Schneider, S.; Pir, J.P.; Mller, F.; Pigneur, L.M.; Frantz, A.C. 2018 Serological survey of feline viral pathogens in free-living European wildcats (_Felis s. silvestris_) from Luxembourg
Archives of Virology (163)
Heddergott, M.; Uulu, K.Z.; Barashkova, A.N.; Frantz, A.C. 2016 First record and molecular identification of _Toxocara cati_ in a Pallas' cat_ Otocolobus manul_ from Kyrgyzstan
Helminthologia (53)
Heddergott, M.; Zhumabai Uulu, K.; Barashkova, A.N.; Frantz, A.C. 2016 First record and molecular identification of _Toxocara cati_ in a Pallas' cat from Kyrgyzstan
Helminthologia (53)
Hedges, L.; Lam, W.Y.; Campos-Arceiz, A.; Rayan, D.M.; Laurance, W.F.; Latham, C.J.; Saaban, S.; Clements, G.R. 2015 Melanistic leopards reveal their spots: infrared camera traps provide a population density estimate of leopards in Malaysia
The Journal of Wildlife Management (79)
Hedges, L.; Morrant, D.S.; Campos-Arceiz, A.; Clements, G.R. 2016 Feasibility of using scent-baited hair traps to monitor carnivore populations in Peninsular Malaysia
Tropical Conservation Science (8)
Hedrick, P.W. 1995 Gene flow and genetic restoration: the Florida panther as a case study
Conservation Biology (9)
Hedrick, P.W. 1996 Bottleneck(s) of metapopulation in cheetahs
Conservation Biology (10)
Hedrick, P.W.; Fredrickson, R. 2010 Genetic rescue guidelines with examples from Mexican wolves and Florida panthers
Conservation Genetics (11)
Hedrick, P.W.; Kalinowski, S.T. 2000 Inbreeding Depression in Conservation Biology
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (31)
Hedrick, P.W.; Lacy, R.C.; Allendorf, F.W.; Soule, M.E. 1996 Directions in Conservation Biology: Comments on Caughley
Conservation Biology (10)
Hedrick, P.W.; Miller, P.S. 1992 Conservation genetics: techniques and fundamentals
Ecological Applications (2)
Hedwig, D.; Kienast, I.; Bonnet, M.; Curran, B.K.; Courage, A.; Boesch, C.; Khl, H.S.; King, T. 2018 A camera trap assessment of the forest mammal community within the transitional savannah-forest mosaic of the Bateke Plateau National Park, Gabon
African Journal of Ecology (56)
Heeney, J.L.; Evermann, J.F.; McKeirnan, A.J.; Marker-Kraus, L.; Roelke, M.E.; Bush, M.E.; Wildt, D.E.; Meltzer, D.G.; Lukas, C.J.; Manton, V.J.; Caro, T.M.; O'Brien, S.J. 1990 Prevalence and implications of feline coronavirus infections of captive and free-ranging cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
Journal of Virology (64)
Heggberget, T.M.; Myrberget, S. 1980 The Norwegian lynx Lynx lynx population in the 1970's
Fauna norvegica (1)
Heidtmann, L.M. 2014 Caracteriza‡Æo do genoma mitocondrial de on‡a-pintada (_Panthera onca_) e elucida‡Æo da filogenia mitogen“mica do gˆnero _Panthera_
Full Book
Heil, E. 1979 Le biotope des Vosges. Site favorable pour la rintroduction du lynx? The Vosges biotope, a favourable site for the reintroduction of the Lynx? Das Biotop der Vogesen - gnstige Lage fr die Reintroduktion des Luchses?
Conference Proceeding
Heilbrun, R.D.; Silvy, N.J.; Peterson, M.J.; Tewes, M.E. 2006 Estimating bobcat abundance using automatically triggered cameras
Wildlife Society Bulletin
Heilbrun, R.D.; Silvy, N.J.; Tewes, M.E.; Peterson, M.J. 2003 Using automatically triggered cameras to individually identify bobcats
Wildlife Society Bulletin (31)
Heilprin, A. 1887 The geographical and geological distribution of animals
Full Book
Heim, M. 2014 Quest to save the fishing cat
BBC Wildlife (March 2014)
Heinrich, S.K.; Hofer, H.; Courtiol, A.; Melzheimer, J.; Dehnhard, M.; Czirjak, G.A.; Wachter, B. 2017 Cheetah have a stronger constitutive innate immunity than leopards
Scientific Reports (7)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)