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Heinsohn, R. 1997 Group territoriality in two populations of African lions
Animal Behaviour (53)
Heinsohn, R.; Packer, C. 1996 Complex Cooperative Strategies in Group-Territorial African Lions
Science (269)
Heinsohn, R.; Packer, C.; Pusey, A.E. 1996 Development of cooperative territoriality in juvenile lions
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (263)
Helalsiddiqui, A.S.M. 1998 Present status of wildlife, human casualties by tiger, and wildlife conservation in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
Tiger Paper (25)
Heldstab, S.A.; MÅ ller, D.W.H.; Graber, S.M.; Bingaman Lackey, L.; Rensch, E.; Hatt, J.-M.; Zerbe, P.; Clauss, M. 2018 Geographical origin, delayed implantation, and induced ovulation explain reproductive seasonality in the Carnivora
Journal of Bioligical Rhythms (33)
Hell, P. 1961 Strong increase of lynx population in Slovakia
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (26)
Hell, P. 1973 Results of lynx research in the CSSR: I. Part - Food ecology and hunting significance
Beitr„ge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung (Viii)
Hell, P. 1979 Increasing human pressure and survival chances of the lynx in the Western Carpathians
Bulletin mensuel de l'Office national de la chasse (No.Sp.Sci.Tech. Lynx)
Hell, P. 1980 Results of lynx research in the CSSR: Part II - about the variability of the skull and body mass of the lynx Felis lynx in the Western Carpathians
Beitr„ge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung (Xi)
Hell, P. 1971 The lynx and its conservation in Europe
Natur und Mensch (13)
Hell, P. 1992 Managing the lynx population in Czechoslovakia
Conference Proceeding
Hellborg, L.; Walker, C.W.; Knispel Rueness, E.; Stacy, J.E.; Kojola, I.; Valdmann, H.; Vila, C.; Zimmermann, B.; Jakobsen, K.S.; Ellegren, H. 2002 Differentiation and levels of genetic variation in northern European lynx (Lynx lynx) populations revealed by microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA analysis
Conservation Genetics (3)
Helldin, J.O.; Liberg, O.; Gl”ersen, G. 2006 Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) killing red foxes (_Vulpes vulpes_) in boreal Sweden - frequency and population effects
Journal of Zoology (270)
Heller, M. 1993 Status and conservation of the wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) in the region Baden-Wrttemberg / Southwest Germany
Conference Proceeding
Hellstedt, P.; Kallio, E.; Hanski, I. 2000 Survival rate of captive-born released least weasels in southern Finland
Mammal Review (30)
Hemley, G. 1995 CITES: How useful a tool for wildlife conservation?
Wildlife Society Bulletin (23)
Hemley, G.; Mills, J.A. 1999 The beginning of the end of tigers in trade?
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. The Phylogeny of the Tiger (Panthera tigris)
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. 1978 Nachweis der Sandkatze (Felis margarita harrisoni Hemmer, Grubb und Groves, 1976) in Jordanien
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (43)
Hemmer, H. 1990 The cat
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. 1974 Felis margarita scheffeli, eine neue Sandkatzen-Unterart aus der Nushki-Wste, Pakistan (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae)
Senckenbergiana biologica (55)
Hemmer, H. 1988 Die Wildkatze - Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verband e.V. Niederwildausschuss Merkblatt 16
Hemmer, H. 1993 Gattung Felis Linnaeus, 1758
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. 1993 Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 - Wildkatze
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. 1993 Felis (Lynx) lynx Linnaeus, 1758 - Luchs, Nordluchs
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. 1993 Felis (Lynx) pardina Temminck, 1827) - Pardelluchs
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. 1979 Ein Bastard Pampaskatze (Oncifelis pajeros) x Oncilla (Oncifelis tigrinus)
Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (27)
Hemmer, H. 1981 Die Evolution der Pantherkatzen - Modell zur šberprfung der Brauchbarkeit der Henning'schen Prinzipien der phylogenetischen Systematik fr wirbeltierpal„ontologische Studien
Paloeontologische Zeitschrift (55)
Hemmer, H. 1974 Zur Artgeschichte des L”wen Panthera (Panthera) leo (Linnaeus 1758)
Ver”ffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung Mnchen
Hemmer, H. 1971 Intraspezifische Unterschiede der relativen Hirngr”ssen beim L”wen (Panthera leo L.)
Experientia (27)
Hemmer, H. 1972 Hirngr”ssenvariationen im Felis-silvestris-Kreis
Experientia (28)
Hemmer, H. 1974 Studien zur Systematik und Biologie der Sandkatze (Felis margarita LOCHE, 1858)
Zeitschrift des K”lner Zoo (17)
Hemmer, H. 1984 Die Carnivoren aus den Travertinen von Weimar
Quartaerpalaeontologie (5)
Hemmer, H. 1977 Biology and breeding of the sand cat
Conference Proceeding
Hemmer, H. 1972 Uncia uncia
Mammalian Species
Hemmer, H. 1978 The evolutionary systematics of living Felidae: present status and current problems
Carnivore (1)
Hemmer, H. 1964 On the nomenclature and distribution of the genus_ Dinofelis_ Zdansky, 1924 (_Therailurus_ Piveteau, 1948)
Palaeontologia Africana (9)
Hemmer, H. 1979 Fossil history of living Felidae
Carnivore (2)
Hemmer, H. 1967 Coat pattern and systematics of the leopard (_Panthera pardus_)
Pro.Deutschen Zool.Gesell.in Heidelburg
Hemmer, H. 1979 Gestation period and postnatal development in felids
Carnivore (2)
Hemmer, H. 1967 Notices of a bastard lion x (jaguar x? leopard) - _Panthera leo _x (_P. onca_ x? _P.pardus_)
Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (16)
Hemmer, H. 1973 Body proportion differences in panther cats (Pantherinae)
Hemmer, H. 1968 Studies on the ethology of the clouded leopard _Neofelis nebulosa_ (Griffith 1821) and the ibis _Uncia uncia _(Schreber 1775)
Ver”ffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung Mnchen
Hemmer, H. 1978 Were the leopard cat and the sand cat among the ancestry of domestic cat races?
Carnivore (1)
Hemmer, H. 1966 Notice of another specimen of Cape lion - _Panthera leo melanochaita_ (Smith, 1842)
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (31)
Hemmer, H. 2007 Variation of brain size in the _Felis silvestris_ group
Experientia (15)
Hemmer, H. 1978 Basics and current status of the breeding program for the recovery of the Barbary lion (Panthera leo leo)
Conference Proceeding
Hemmer, H. 1978 Foundation and current status of the research programme to restore the Barbary lion (_Panthera leo leo_)
Full Book
Hemmer, H. 2004 Notes on the ecological role of European cats (Mammalia: Felidae) of the last two million years
Book Chapter
Hemmer, H. 2007 Saber-tooth cats and cave lions - from fossils to felid performance and former living communities
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (259)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)