IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            518 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Jun, J.; Han, S.H.; Jeong, T.-J.; Park, H.C.; Lee, B.; Kwak, M. 2011 Wildlife forensics using mitochondrial DNA sequences: species identification based on hairs collected in the field and confiscated tanned Felidae leathers
Genes & Genomics (33)
Jun, L.; Defu, H.; Liangliang, Y. 2010 Legal status and conservation of cat species in China
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jung, T.S.; Merchant, P.J. 2005 First Confirmation of Cougar, _Puma concolor_, in the Yukon
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (119)
Junge, R.E.; Miller, R.E.; Boever, W.J.; Scherba, G.; Sundberg, J. 1991 Persistent cutaneous ulcers associated with feline herpesvirus type 1 infection in cheetah
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (198)
Junginger, J.; Hansmann, F.; Herder, V.; Lehmbecker, A.; Peters, M.; Beyerbach, M.; Wohlsein, P.; Baumg„rtner, W. 2015 Pathology in captive wild felids at German Zoological Gardens
Jungius, H. 2010 Feasibility study on the possible restoration of the Caspian tiger in Central Asia
Full Book
Jungius, H.; Chikin, Y.; Tsaruk, O.; Pereladova, O. 2009 Pre-feasibility study on the possible restoration of the caspian tiger in the Amu Darya Delta
Full Book
Junior, J.L.R.; Gioso, M.A.; Domingues-Falqueiro, L.M. 2007 Estudo comparativo sobre prevalˆncia de doen‡a periodontal em _Panthera onca_ mantida em cativeiro e em indiv¡duos de natureza
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira (27)
Junta de Andalucia, 2006 II International Seminar on the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx
Conference Proceeding
Jurgenson, P.B. 1955 Ecology of the lynx in the forests of middle UdSSR
Zoologiceskij zhurnal (34(3))
Jutzeler, E.; Xie, Y.; Vogt, K. 2010 Pallas's cat
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jutzeler, E.; Xie, Y.; Vogt, K. 2010 Asiatic golden cat
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jutzeler, E.; Xie, Y.; Vogt, K. 2010 Asian wildcat
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jutzeler, E.; Xie, Y.; Vogt, K. 2010 Jungle cat
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jutzeler, E.; Xie, Y.; Vogt, K. 2010 Marbled cat
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jutzeler, E.; Xie, Y.; Vogt, K. 2010 Fishing cat
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jutzeler, E.; Zhigang, W.; Weishi, L.; Breitenmoser, U. 2010 Leopard
Cat News (Special Issue 5)
Jyotsna, B. 2007 Genetic studies of wild populations of tiger _Panthera tigris tigris_
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)