IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Luo, S.-J.; Johnson, W.E.; Martenson, J.; Antunes, A.; Martelli, P.; Uphyrkina, O.; Traylor-Holzer, K.; Smith, J.L.D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2008 Subspecies Genetic Assignments of Worldwide Captive Tigers Increase Conservation Value of Captive Populations
Current Biology (18)
Luo, S.-J.; Johnson, W.E.; O'Brien, J. 2010 Applying molecular genetic tools to tiger conservation
Integrative Zoology (5)
Luo, S.-J.; Johnson, W.E.; Smith, J.L.D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2010 Whats Is a Tiger? Genetics and Phylogeography
Book Chapter
Luo, S.-J.; Kim, J.-H.; Johnson, W.E.; Miquelle, D.G.; Huang, S.-Q.; Pan, W.-S.; Smith, J.L.D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2006 Proceedings in phylogeography and genetic ancestry of tigers in China and across their range
Zoological Research (27)
Luo, S.-J.; Kim, J.-H.; Johnson, W.E.; van der Walt, J.; Martenson, J.; Yuhki, N.; Miquelle, D.G.; Uphyrkina, O.; Goodrich, J.M.; Quigley, H.; Tilson, R.; Brady, G.; Martelli, P.; Subramaniam, V.; McDougal, C.; Hean, S.; Huang, S.-Q.; Pan, W.; Karanth, U.K.; Sunquist, M.; Smith, J.L.D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2004 Phylogeography and genetic ancestry of tigers (_Panthera tigris_)
PLOS Biology (2)
Luo, S.-J.; Liu, Y.-C.; Xu, X. 2019 Tigers of the World: Genomics and Conservation
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences (7)
Luo, S.-J.; Zhang, Y.; Johnson, W.E.; Miao, L.; Martelli, P.; Antunes, A.; Smith, J.L.D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2014 Sympatric Asian felid phylogeography reveals a major Indochinese-Sundaic divergence
Molecular Ecology (23)
Luskin, M.S.; Albert, W.R.; Tobler, M.W. 2017 Sumatran tiger survival threatened by deforestation despite increasing densities in parks
Nature Communications (8)
Lutz, J.; Lutz, L. 1996 The Eastern Puma
Conference Proceeding
Lwin, T. 1994 Wildlife conservation in Myanmar
Myanmar Forestry
Lyamuya, R.D.; Masenga, E.H.; Fyumagwa, R.D.; Roskraft, E. 2014 Human-carnivore conflict over livestock in the eastern part of the Serengeti ecosystem, with a particular focus on the African wild dog _Lycaon pictus_
Oryx (48)
Lyapustin, S.N. 1999 Presentations of the country representatives - Russian Federation: Halting the illegal trade in CITES listed specimens
Conference Proceeding
Lydekker, R. 1908 The game animals of Africa
Full Book
Lydekker, R. 1896 A hand-book to the Carnivora - Cats, civets, and mungooses
Full Book
Lyke, M.M.; Dubach, J.; Briggs, M.B. 2013 A molecular analysis of African lion (_Panthera leo_) mating structure and extra-group paternity in Etosha National Park
Molecular Ecology (22)
Lynam, A.J. 2003 A National Tiger Action Plan for the Union of Myanmar
Full Book
Lynam, A.J. 2010 Securing a future for wild Indochinese tigers: Transforming tiger vacuums into tiger source sites
Integrative Zoology (5)
Lynam, A.J. 2001 Status, Ecology, and Conservation of Tigers in their Critical Habitats in Thailand, September 2001
Full Book
Lynam, A.J.; Jenks, K.E.; Tantipisanuh, N.; Chutipong, W.; Ngoprasert, D.; Gale, G.A.; Steinmetz, R.; Sukmasuang, R.; Bhumpakphan, N.; Grassman Jr., L.I.; Cutter, P.; Kitamura, S.; Reed, D.H.; Baker, M.C.; McShea, W.; Songsasen, N.; Leimgruber, P. 2013 Terrestrial activity patterns of wild cats from camera-trapping
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (61)
Lynam, A.J.; Khaing, S.T. 2005 Developing a National Tiger Action Plan for the Union of Myanmar
Environmental Management (37)
Lynam, A.J.; Kreetiyutanont, K.; Mather, R. 2001 Conservation status and distribution of the Indochinese tiger (_Panthera tigris corbetti)_ and other large mammals in a forest complex in Northeastern Thailand
Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society (49)
Lynam, A.J.; Laidlaw, R.; Noordin, W.S.W.; Elagupillay, S.; Bennett, E.L. 2007 Assessing the conservation status of the tiger at priority sites in Peninsular Malaysia
Oryx (41)
Lynam, A.J.; Rabinowitz, A.; Myint, T.; Maung, M.; Latt, K.T.; Po, S.H.T. 2009 Estimating abundance with sparse data: tigers in northern Myanmar
Population Ecology (51)
Lynam, A.J.; Round, P.D.; Brockelman, W.Y. 2006 Status of birds and large mammals in Thailand's dong Phayayen - Khao Yai Forest Complex
Full Book
Lynch, C. 2008 Population biology: the science of population management for captivity, reintroduction, and conservation
Wildlife Middle East (2)
Lynch, C. 2008 Population biology: the science of population management for captivity, reintroduction, and conservation
Wildlife Middle East (2)
Lynch, G.S.; Kirby, J.D.; Warren, R.J.; Conner, L.M. 2008 Bobcat spatial distribution and habitat use relative to population reduction
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Lynch, M.; Lande, R. 1998 The critical effective size for a genetically secure population
Animal Conservation (1)
Lyngdoh, A.W.; Kumara, H.N.; Karunakaran, P.V.; Babu, S. 2019 A review on status of Mammals in Meghalaya, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (11)
Lyngdoh, S.; Gopi, G.V.; Selvan, K.M.; Habib, B. 2014 Effect of interactions among ethnic communities, livestock and wild dogs (Cuon alpinus) in Arunachal Pradesh, India
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60)
Lyngdoh, S.; Selvan, K.M.; Gobi, G.V.; Habib, B.; Hazarika, M. 2011 Sighting and first photograph of Asiatic golden cat in western Arunachal Pradesh
Cat News (54)
Lyngdoh, S.; Selvan, K.M.; Gopi, G.V.; Habib, B. 2011 First photographic evidences of two rare cats from Pakke Tiger Reserve, western Arunachal Pradesh
Current Science (101)
Lyngdoh, S.; Selvan, K.M.; Gopi, G.V.; Habib, B. 2011 First photos of marbled cat in Pakke Tiger Reserve, Western Arunachal Pradesh, India
Cat News (55)
Lyngdoh, S.; Shrotriya, S.; Goyal, S.P.; Clements, H.; Hayward, M.W.; Habib, B. 2014 Prey preferences of the Snow leopard (_Panthera uncia_): regional diet specificity holds global significance for conservation
PLoS ONE (9)
Lyons, J.E.; Runge, M.C.; Laskowski, H.P.; Kendall, W.L. 2008 Monitoring in the context of structured decision-making and adaptive management
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Lyra-Jorge, M.C.; Ciocheti, G.; Pivello, V.R. 2007 Carnivore mammals in a fragmented landscape in northeast of SÆo Paulo State, Brazil
Biodiversity and Conservation (17)
Lyra-Jorge, M.C.; Ciocheti, G.; Pivello, V.R.; Meirelles, S.T. 2008 Comparing methods for sampling large- and medium-sized mammals: camera traps and track plots
European Journal of Wildlife Research
Lyra-Jorge, M.C.; Ciocheti, G.; Tambosi, L.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Pivello, V.R. 2009 Carnivorous mammals in a mosaic landscape in southeastern Brazil: Is it possible to keep them in an agro-silvicultural landscape?
Book Chapter
Lyra-Jorge, M.C.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Ciocheti, G.; Reverberi Tambosi, L.; Pivello, V.R. 2010 Influence of multi-scale landscape structure on the occurrence of carnivorous mammals in a human-modified savanna, Brazil
European Journal of Wildlife Research (56)
Lyren, L.M. 2001 Movement patterns of coyotes and bobcats relative to roads underpasses in the Chino Hills area of southern California
Full Book
Lyver, P.O.'B. 2000 Identifying mammalian predators from bite marks: a tool for focusing wildlife protection
Mammal Review (30)
Lhrs, M.-L.; Dammhahn, M. 2010 An unusual case of cooperative hunting in a solitary carnivore
Journal of Ethology (28)
Lps, P.; Flckiger, P.F.; Peier, D.; Schmid, P. 2002 Discovery of a forest cat Felis Silvestris near Oberbuchsiten
Other Document
L‚chenne, M.S.; Arnemo, J.M.; Br”jer, C.; Andr‚n, H.; Agren, E.O. 2012 Mortalities due to constipation and dystocia caused by intraperitoneal radio-transmitters in Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (58)
L‚ger, F.; Stahl, P.; Ruette, S.; Wilhelm, J.-L. 2008 The distribution of the forest cat in France: recent developments
faune sauvage
L‚on-Quinto, T.; Simąn, M.A.; Cadenas, R.; Jones, J.; Ruiz, V.; Moreno, J.M.; Soria, B. 2009 An Iberian lynx Biological Resource Bank and its applications to the _in situ _and_ ex situ_ conservation of the species
Book Chapter
L›e, J.; R›skaft, E. 2002 Large carnivores and human safety: a review
Ląpez Gonz lez, C.A.; Brown, D.E.; Gallo-Reynoso, J.P. 2003 The ocelot _Leopardus pardalis_ in north-western Mexico: ecology, distribution and conservation status
Oryx (37)
Ląpez Gonz lez, C.A.; Miller, B.J. 2002 Do jaguars (_Panthera onca_) depend on large prey?
Western North American Naturalist (62)
Ląpez, G. 2009 Feline leukemia virus and the Iberian lynx
Animal Conservation (12)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)