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Namroodi, S.; Gholami, A.; Shariat-Bahadori, E. 2016 Toxoplasmosis may lead to road kills of Persian leopards (_Panthera pardus saxicolor_) in Golestan National Park, Iran
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (52)
Nams, V.O. 2006 Detecting oriented movement of animals
Animal Behaviour (72)
Nams, V.O. 1996 The VFractal: a new estimator for fractal dimension of animal movement paths
Landscape Ecology (11)
Nams, V.O. 2005 Using animal movement paths to measure response to spatial scale
Oecologia (143)
Naples, V.L.; Martin, L.D. 2000 Restoration of the superficial facial musculature in nimravids
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (129 )
Naples, V.L.; Rothschild, B.M. 2012 Sex determination in lions: a novel method of distinguishing male and female skulls
Mammalia (76)
Napoli, E.; Anile, S.; Arrabito, C.; Scornavacca, D.; Mazzamuto, M.V.; Gaglio, G.; Otranto, D.; Giannetto, S.; Brianti, E. 2016 Survey on parasitic infections in wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_ Schreber, 1777) by scat collection
Parasitology Research (115)
Napolitano, C. 2018 Andean cat and guigna conservation in Chile
Conference Proceeding
Napolitano, C.; Bennet, M.; Johnson, W.E.; O'Brien, S.J.; Marquet, P.A.; Barr”a, I.; Poulin, E.; Iriarte, A. 2008 Ecological and biogeographical inferences on two sympatric and enigmatic Andean cat species using genetic identification of faecal samples
Molecular Ecology (17 )
Napolitano, C.; Diaz, D.; Sanderson, J.; Johnson, W.E.; Ritland, K.; Ritland, C.E.; Poulin, E. 2015 Reduced Genetic Diversity and Increased Dispersal in Guigna (_Leopardus guigna_) in Chilean Fragmented Landscapes
Journal of Heredity (106)
Napolitano, C.; Johnson, W.E.; Sanderson, J.; O'Brien, S.J.; Hoelzel, A.R.; Freer, R.; Dunstone, N.; Ritland, K.; Ritland, C.E.; Poulin, E. 2014 Phylogeography and population history of _Leopardus guigna_, the smallest American felid
Conservation Genetics
Napolitano, C.; Sacristan, I.; Beltran-Saavedra, L.F.; Limachi-Quinajo, R.; Poulin, E. 2018 Molecular and Serologic Survey of Pathogens in an Endangered Andean Cat (Leopardus jacobita) of the High Andes of Bolivia
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (Letters) (55)
Napolitano, O.; Galvez, N.; Bennett, M.; Acosta-Jamett, G.; Sanderson, J. 2015 _Leopardus guigna,_ GuiĀ¤a
Full Book
Narayan, E.J.; Parnell, T.; Clark, G.; Martin-Vegue, P.; Mucci, A.; Hero, J.-M. 2013 Faecal cortisol metabolites in Bengal (_Panthera tigris tigris_) and Sumatran tigers (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_)
General and Comparative Endocrinology (194)
Nardelli, F. 2020 Guide to the Felidae of the Indo-Malayan realm
Full Book
Nascimento Soares, T.; Telles, M.P.C.; Resende, L.V.; Silveira, L.; Jacomo, A.T.A.; Morato, R.G.; Diniz-Filho, J.A.F.; Eizirik, E.; Brondani, R.P.V.; Brondani, C. 2006 Paternity testing and behavioral ecology: a case study of jaguars in Emas National Park, Central Brazil
Genetics and Molecular Biology (29)
Nascimento Soares, T.; Telles, M.P.C.; Resende, L.V.; Silveira, L.; J como, A.T.A.; Morato, R.G.; Diniz-Filho, J.A.F.; Eizirik, E.; Brondani, R.P.V.; Brondani, C. 2006 Paternity testing and behavioral ecology: A case study of jaguars (_Panthera onca_) in Emas National Park, Central Brazil
Genetics and Molecular Biology (29)
Nascimento, F.O. 2014 On the morphological variation and taxonomy of the Geoffroy's cat _Leopardus Geoffroyi_
Papā€šis Avulsos de Zoologia (54 )
Nascimento, F.O.; Cheng, J.; Feijo, A. 2020 Taxonomic revision of the pampas cat _Leopardus colocola_ complex (Carnivora: Felidae): an integrative approach
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Scoiety (191)
Nascimento, F.O.; dos Santos Pompeu, P.; Passamani, M. 2016 Range extension of the Pantanal cat _Leopardus braccatus_ (Carnivora, Felidae) in a Cerrado-Caatinga-Atlantic forest ecotone, Brazil
Mastozoologia Neotropical (23)
Nascimento, F.O.; Feijo, A. 2017 Taxonomic revision of the tigrina_ Leopardus tigrinus_ (Schreber, 1775) species group (Carnivorea, Felidae)
Papā€šis Avulsos de Zoologia (57)
Nascimento, F.O.; Garbino, G.S.T. 2013 On the available names for the northern and eastern South American subspecies of _Puma concolor _and their type localities
zootaxa (3646)
Nash, S.V. 1997 Fin, feather, scale and skin: observations on the wildlife trade in Lao PDR and Vietnam
Full Book
Nash, W.G.; O'Brien, S.J. 1982 Conserved regions of homologous G-banded chromosomes between orders in mammalian evolution: Carnivores and primates
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (79)
Nashid, M.A. 1984 Cat Notes - Desert cat (_Felis lybica_)
Conference Proceeding
Nasimovich, A.A. 1970 Sand Hill Cat, Caracal, Turan Tiger, Amur Tiger, Transcaucasian leopard
Book Chapter
Nassar, P.M. 2013 Viabilidade do ecoturismo cientĀ”fico com onā€”a-pintada na Reserva MamirauĀ , Amazā€œnia
Full Book
Nates, J.; Campos, C.; Lindemann-Matthies, P. 2010 Students' perception of plant and animal species: a case study from rural Argentina
Applied Environmental Education and Communication (9)
Natesh, M. 2020 Interrogating Pan-Indian Tiger Genetic Variation
Full Book
Natesh, M.; Atla, G.; Nigam, P.; Jhala, Y.V.; Zachariah, A.; Borthakur, U.; Ramakrishnan, U. 2017 Conservation priorities for endangered Indian tigers through a genomic lens
Scientific Reports (7)
Natesh, M.; Taylor, R.W.; Truelove, N.K.; Hadly, E.A.; Palumbi, S.R.; Petrov, D.A.; Ramakrishnan, U. 2019 Empowering conservation practice with efficient and economical genotyping from poor quality samples
Methods in Ecology and Evolution (10)
Nath, L. 1994 Jumbos are on the right track
Nath, L. 2000 Tiger Population Estimation and Monitoring
Book Chapter
Natoli, E. 1990 Mating strategies in cats: a comparison of the role and importance of infanticide in domestic cats and lions
Animal Behaviour (40)
Natoli, E.; De Vito, E.; Pontier, D. 2000 Mate Choice in the Domestic Cat (_Felis silvestris catus _L.)
Aggressive Behavior (26)
Natoli, E.; Schmid, M.; Say, L.; Pontier, D. 2007 Male Reproductive Success in a Social Group of Urban Feral Cats (_Felis catus _L.)
Ethology (113)
Nattrass, N.; Conradie, B.; Stephens, J.; Drouilly, M. 2019 Culling recolonizing mesopredators increases livestock losses: Evidence from the South African Karoo
Ambio (49)
Naude, V.N.; Balme, G.A.; O'Riain, J.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Fatebert, J.; Dickerson, T.; Bishop, J.M. 2020 Unsustainable anthropogenic mortality disrupts natal dispersal and promotes inbreeding in leopards
Ecology and Evolution (10)
Naughton-Treves, L.; Mena, J.L.; Treves, A.; Alvarez, N.; Radeloff, V.C. 2003 Wildlife Survival Beyond Park Boundaries: the Impact of Slash-and-Burn Agriculture and Hunting on Mammals in Tambopata, Peru
Conservation Biology (17)
Naulak, T.; Pradhan, S. 2021 Clouded leopard and marbled cat in the socio-ecological landscape of Skkim, India
Cat News (72)
Naumann, C.; Niethammer, J. 1973 On the mammalian fauna of the Afghan Pamirs and the Wakhan
Bonner zoologische Beitraege (24(3))
Nausherwan, A. 2001 Present Distribution and Recent Sightings of _Panthera Pardus_ in Pakistan
Nava, A.F.D. 2008 Espā€šcies sentinelas para a Mata Atlʒntica: as conseqĀĖ†ncias epidemiolĀ¢gicas da fragmentaā€”Ɔo florestal no Pintal do Paranapanema, SƆo Paulo
Full Book
Nava, A.F.D.; Cullen Jr., L.; Sana, D.A.; Nardi, M.S.; Ramos Filho, J.D.; Lima, T.F.; Abreu, K.C.; Ferreira, F. 2008 First evidence of canine distemper in Brazilian free-ranging felids
EcoHealth (5)
Navaneethan, B.; Sankar, K.; Manjrekar, M.; Qureshi, Q. 2019 Food habits of tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) as shown by scat analysis in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, Central India
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology (8)
Navarro, D.L. 1993 El Jaguar en M‚xico - The Jaguar in Mexico
Full Book
Navarro, D.L.; Rappole, J.H. 1985 Distribution of _Felis pardalis_, with special reference to Texas and northeastern Mexico
Navarro-Serment, C.J.; Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Gallo-Reynoso, J.-P. 2005 Occurrence of Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in Sinaloa, Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (50)
Navya, R.; Athreva, V.R.; Mudappa, D.; Raman, T.R.S. 2014 Assessing leopard occurrence in the plantation landscape of Valparai, Anamalai Hills
Current Science (107)
Nawaz, M.A.; Rafique, M.; Khan, N.K. 2011 Pattern of mammalian distribution in the Chagai desert, Balochistan, Pakistan
Pakistan Journal of Zoology (43)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)