IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Ng'weno, C.C.; Buskirk, S.W.; Georgiadis, N.J.; Gituku, B.C.; Kibungei, A.K.; Porensky, L.M.; Rubenstein, D.I.; Goheen, J.R. 2019 Apparent competition, lion predation, and managed livestock grazing: Can observation value be enhanced?
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Ng, F.Y.; Abdullah, R.; Nathan, S.; Sundram, K. 2017 Towards a better future for the conservation of Sabah's Sunda clouded leopard - and how the Malaysian palm oil industry is playing a vital role
Journal of Oil Palm, Environment & Health (8)
Ng, J.; Nemora., 2007 Tiger Trade Revisited In Sumatra, Indonesia
Full Book
Ng, P.K.L. 1994 The citation of species names and the role of the author's name
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (42)
Ng, S.J.; Dole, J.W.; Sauvajot, R.M.; Riley, S.P.D.; Valone, T.J. 2004 Use of highway undercrossings by wildlife in southern California
Biological Conservation (115)
Ngai, A. 1995 Record fine for tiger drugs firm
Ngoprasert, D.; Gale, G.A. 2019 Tiger density, dhole occupancy, and prey occupancy in the human disturbed Dong Phayayen - Khao Yai Forest Complex, Thailand
Mammalian Biology (95)
Ngoprasert, D.; Lynam, A.J.; Gale, G.A. 2007 Human disturbance affects habitat use and behaviour of Asiatic leopard _Panthera pardus_ in Kaeng Krachan National Park, Thailand
Oryx (41)
Ngoprasert, D.; Lynam, A.J.; Sukmasuang, R.; Tantipisanuh, N.; Chutipong, W.; Steinmetz, R.; Jenks, K.K.; Gale, G.A.; Grassman Jr., L.I.; Kitamura, S.; Howard, J.; Cutter, P.; Cutter, P.; Leimgruber, P.; Songsasen, N.; Reed, D.H. 2012 Occurrence of three felids across a network of protected areas in Thailand: prey, intraguild, and habitat associations
Biotropica (44)
Nguyen, B.T. 1998 A report on tiger field survey in Quang Nam province (From May 2 to May 20, 1998)
Full Book
Nguyen, X.D.; Pham, T.A. 1991 Tiger Tales - New information on the tiger in Vietnam
Nichols, J.D. 2012 Evidence, models, conservation programs and limits to management
Animal Conservation (15)
Nichols, J.D.; Karanth, K.U.; O'Connell, A.F. 2011 Science, Conservation and Camera Traps
Book Chapter
Nichols, J.D.; O'Connell, A.F.O.; Karanth, K.U. 2011 Camera traps in animal ecology and conservation: What's next?
Book Chapter
Nichols, J.D.; Williams, B.K. 2006 Monitoring for conservation
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (21)
Nicholson, K.L.; Krausman, P.R. 2011 New Flea and Tick Records for Mountain Lions in Southwestern Arizona
Wildlife Biology in Practice (7)
Nicholson, K.L.; Krausman, P.R.; Munguia-Vega, A.; Culver, M. 2011 Spatial and temporal interactions of sympatric mountain lions in Arizona
European Journal of Wildlife Research (57)
Nicholson, K.L.; Krausman, P.R.; Smith, T.; Ballard, W.B.; McKinney, T. 2014 Mountain lion habitat selection in Arizona
The Southwestern Naturalist (59)
Nicholson, S.K.; Dickman, A.; Hinks, A.; Riggio, J.; Bauer, H.; Loveridge, A.; Becker, M.; Begg, C.; Bhalla, S.; Burnham, D.; Cotterill, A.; Dolrenry, S.; Droge, E.; Funston, J.P.; Hazzah, L.; Ikanda, D.; Gebresenbet, F.; Henschel, P.; Mandisodza-Chikerema, R.L.; Mbizah, M.M.; Hunter, L.; Jacobsen, K.; Lindsey, P.; Maputla, N.; Macdonald, E.; MacDonald, D.W.; Duff, R.K.; Packer, C.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Mudumba, T.; Strampelli, P.; Sogbohossou, E.A.; Tyrrell, P.; Jacobson, A.P. 2023 Socio-political and ecological fragility of threatened, free-ranging African lion populations
Communications Earth & Environment (4)
Nicholson, S.K.; Marneweck, D.G.; Lindsey, P.A.; Marnewick, K.; Davies-Mostert, H.T. 2020 A 20-year review of the status and distribution of African wild dogs (_Lycaon pictus_) in South Africa
African Journal of Wildlife Research (50)
Nicols, A. 1885 Natural History Sketches among the Carnivora
Full Book
Niedballa, J.; Sollmann, R.; bin Mohamed, A.; Bender, J.; Wilting, A. 2015 Defining habitat covariates in camera-trap based occupancy studies
Scientific Reports
Niedballa, J.; Wilting, A.; Sollmann, R.; Hofer, H.; Courtiol, A. 2019 Assessing analytical methods for detecting spatiotemporal interactions between species from camera trapping data
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (5)
Niedzialkowska, M.; Jedrzejewski, W.; Myslajek, R.W.; Nowak, S.; Jedrzejewska, B.; Schmidt, K. 2006 Environmental correlates of Eurasian lynx occurrence in Poland - Large scale census and GIS mapping
Biological Conservation (133)
Nielsen, C.K.; McCollough, M.A. 2009 Considerations on the use of remote cameras to detect Canada lynx in northern Maine
Northeastern Naturalist (16)
Nielsen, C.K.; Woolf, A. 2003 Dispersal of Juvenile Male Bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) in Southern Illinois
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science (96)
Nielsen, C.K.; Woolf, A. 2001 Spatial organization of bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) in Southern Illinois
American Midland Naturalist (146)
Nielsen, C.K.; Woolf, A. 2002 Survival of unexploited bobcats in Southern Illinois
Journal of Wildlife Management (66)
Nielsen, C.K.; Woolf, A. 2002 Habitat-relative abundance relationship for bobcats in southern Illinois
Wildlife Society Bulletin (30)
Nieminen, M.; Lepp„luoto, J. 1988 Predation in the reindeer husbandry area in Finland during 1976-86
Rangifer (8)
Nietfeld, J.C.; Pollock, C. 2002 Fatal Cytauxzoonosis in a Free-ranging bobcat (_Lynx rufus_)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (38 )
Nigam, P.; Malik, P.K.; Chowdhury, S. 2010 Options for wild animal capture and restraint
Nigam, P.; Srivastav, A.; Tyagi, P.C. 2012 Development and maintenance of studbooks of selected endangered faunal types in Indian zoos
Full Book
Nigro, N.A.; Ocampo, N.L.; Falke, F. 2019 Record of a wild disabled jaguar in Barit£ National Park, Salta province, Argentina
Cat News (68)
Nijhawan, S. 2012 Conservation units, priority areas and dispersal corridors for jaguars in Brazil
Cat News (Special Issue 7)
Nijman, V.; Shepherd, C.R. 2015 Trade in tigers and other wild cats in Mong La and Tachilek, Myanmar - A tale of two border towns
Biological Conservation (182)
Nik, A.R.; Efransjah.,; Hamzah, K.A.; Samad, R.A.; Sayok, A.K. 2007 Forest biodiversity conservation and management: development of ecological monitoring system
Conference Proceeding
Nikolaeva, E.I. (ed) 2009 A monitoring program for the Amur tiger - Twelve-year report: 1998-2009
Full Book
Nikolaeva, E.I. (ed) 2009 A monitoring program for the Amur tiger - Twelve-year report: 1998-2009 (Russian)
Full Book
Nilsen, E.B.; Broseth, H.; Odden, J.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2012 Quota hunting of Eurasian lynx in Norway: patterns of hunter selection, hunter efficiency and monitoring accuracy
European Journal of Wildlife Research (58)
Nilsen, E.B.; Br›seth, H.; Odden, J.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2010 The cost of maturing early in a solitary carnivore
Oecologia (164)
Nilsen, E.B.; Herfindal, I.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2005 Can intra-specific variation in carnivore home-range size be explained using remote-sensing estimates on environmental productivity?
Ecoscience (12)
Nilsen, E.B.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Andersen, R. 2009 Climate, season, and social status modulate the functional response of an efficient stalking predator: the Eurasian lynx
Journal of Animal Ecology (78)
Nilsen, E.B.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Samelius, G.; Andr‚n, H. 2012 Patterns of variation in reproductive parameters in Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
Acta Theriologica (57)
Nilsson, G. 2005 Persecution and Hunting
Book Chapter
Nilsson, S. 2012 Use of space in captive Siberian tigers
Full Book
Nilsson, S.; Sjoberg, J.; Amundin, M.; Hartmann, C.; Buettner, A.; Laska, M. 2014 Behavioral responses to mammalian blood odor and a blood odor component in four species of large carnivores
PLoS ONE (9)
Nilsson, T. 2013 Population viability analyses of the Scandinavian populations of bear (_Ursus arctos_), lynx _(Lynx lynx_) and wolverine (_Gulo gulo_)
Full Book
Nimalrathna, T.S.; Choo, Y.R.; Kudavidanage, E.P.; Amarasinghe, T.R.; Bandara, U.G.S.I.; Wanninayaka, W.A.C.L.; Ravindrakumar, P.; Chua, M.A.H.; Webb, E.L. 2019 First photographic record of the Rusty-spotted Cat _Prionailurus rubignosus_ (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka
Journal of Threatened Taxa (11)
Ning, Y.; Kostyria, A.V.; Ma, J.; Chayka, M.I.; Gusov, V.Y.; Qi, J.; Sheremetyeva, I.N.; Wang, M.; Jiang, G. 2019 Dispersal of Amur tiger from spatial distribution and genetics within the eastern Changbai mountain of China
Ecology and Evolution (9)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)