IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            722 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Pabla, H.S. 1984 Caracal Habitat in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh (India)
Conference Proceeding
Pacheco, L.F. 2004 Large Estimates of Minimum Viable Population Sizes
Conservation Biology (18)
Pacheco, L.F. 2004 Monitoring large mammals in high Andean prairies and cloud forests in Bolivia
Ecologia Austral (14)
Pacheco, L.F.; Gallardo, G.; NuĀ¤ez, A.; Varela, F. 2010 Puma-livestock conflicts in the highlands of Bolivia
Wild Felid Monitor (3)
Pacheco, L.F.; Gallardo, G.; Nu¤ez, A. 2004 Design of a monitoring program for cougars and foxes in the Altiplano
Ecolog”a en Bolivia (39)
Pacheco, L.F.; Guerra, J.F.; R”os-Uzeda, B. 2003 Efficiency of lures for carnivores in Yungas forests and high altitude prairies in the Bolivian Andes
Mastozoologia Neotropical (10)
Pacheco, L.F.; Lucero, A.; Villca, M. 2004 Diet of the puma (Puma concolor) in Sajama National Park, Bolivia and its conflict with cattle ranching
Ecolog”a en Bolivia (39)
Pacheco, L.F.; Salazar, J.A. 1996 Bases para la conservcion de f‚lidos en Bolivia
Book Chapter
Pacheco, V.; Cadenillas, R.; Salas, E.; Tello, C.; Zeballos, H. 2009 Diversidad y endemismo de los mamĀ”feros del PerĀ£
Revista Peruana de Biologia (16)
Pacheco, V.; Marquez, G.; Salas, E.; Centty, O. 2011 Diversidad de mamĀ”feros en la cuenca media del rĀ”o Tambopata, Puno, PerĀ£
Revista Peruana de Biologia (18)
Pacifici, M. 2015 Assessing species vulnerability to climate change
Natural climate change (5)
Pacifici, M.; Santini, L.; Di Marco, M.; Baisero, D.; Francucci, L.; Marasini, G.G.; Visconti, P.; Rondinini, C. 2013 Generation length for mammals
Nature Conservation (5)
Packer, C. 1996 Coping with a lion killer
Natural History (6)
Packer, C. 1996 Who rules the Park?
Wildlife Conservation
Packer, C. 2000 The busy researchers of Tanzania 
A.L.W.G.News (1)
Packer, C. 1990 Serengeti Lion survey
Full Book
Packer, C. 1994 Dogs to blame
New Scientist
Packer, C. 1997 Virus hunter
Natural History
Packer, C. 1989 Molecular ecology
Tree (4)
Packer, C. 1992 Captives in the wild
National Geographic
Packer, C. 1986 The Ecology of Sociality in Felids
Book Chapter
Packer, C. 1998 Why Menopause?
Natural History (7-8)
Packer, C. 2000 Infanticide Is No Fallacy
American Anthropologist (102)
Packer, C. 2000 The Ecology of Menopause
Book Chapter
Packer, C. 2009 Managing Human-Lion Conflicts
Transactions of the 72nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Packer, C. 2010 The economics of trophy hunting in Africa
Swara (4)
Packer, C. 2007 Lion Conservation in Tanzania
Conference Proceeding
Packer, C. 2003 But for the radio collar
Swara (26)
Packer, C. 2013 Is India's pride actually African?
Science (340)
Packer, C. 2019 The African Lion: A Long History of Interdisciplinary Research
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7)
Packer, C.; Abrams, P. 1990 Should Co-operative Groups be More Vigilant than Selfish Groups?
Journal of Theoretical Biology (142)
Packer, C.; Altizer, S.; Appel, M.J.G.; Brown, E.W.; Martenson, J.S.; O'Brien, S.J.; Roelke-Parker, M.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Lutz, H. 1999 Viruses of the Serengeti: patterns o infection and mortality in African lions
Journal of Animal Ecology (68)
Packer, C.; Brink, H.; Kissui, B.M.; Maliti, H.; Kushnir, H.; Caro, T. 2010 Effects of Trophy Hunting on Lion and Leopard Populations in Tanzania
Conservation Biology (25)
Packer, C.; Caro, T.M. 1997 Foraging costs in social carnivores
Animal Behaviour (54)
Packer, C.; Clottes, J. 2000 When lions ruled France
Natural History
Packer, C.; Gilbert, D.A.; Pusey, A.E.; O'Brien, S.J. 1991 A molecular genetic analysis of kinship and cooperation in African lions
Nature (351)
Packer, C.; Herbst, L.; Pusey, A.E.; Bygott, J.D.; Hanby, J.P.; Cairns, S.J.; Borgerhoff Mulder, M. 1988 Reproductive Success of Lions
Book Chapter
Packer, C.; Hilborn, R.; Mosser, A.; Kissui, B.; Borner, M.; Hopcraft, G.; Wilmshurst, J.; Mduma, S.; Sinclair, A.R.E. 2005 Ecological Change, Group Territoriality, and Population Dynamics in Serengeti Lions
Science (307)
Packer, C.; Holt, R.D.; Hudson, P.J.; Lafferty, K.D.; Dobson, A.P. 2003 Keeping the herds healthy and alert: implications of predator control for infectious disease
Ecology Letters (6)
Packer, C.; Ikanda, D.; Kissui, B.; Kushnir, H. 2005 Lion attacks on humans in Tanzania
Nature (436)
Packer, C.; Kosmala, M.; Cooley, H.S.; Brink, H.; Pintea, L.; Garshelis, D.; Purchase, G.; Strauss, M.; Swanson, A.; Balme, G.; Hunter, L.; Nowell, K. 2009 Sport Hunting, Predator Control and Conservation of Large Carnivores
PLoS ONE (4)
Packer, C.; Lewis, S.; Pusey, A.E. 1992 A comparative analysis of non-offspring nursing
Animal Behaviour (43)
Packer, C.; Lichtenfeld, L.; Trout, C.; Kiondo, M.R.; Magoma, N.; Konzo, E.; Munishi, L.; Kazaeli, C.; Rwiza, M.; Mwina, N.J.; Kibebe, J.; Lobora, A.; Sabuni, G.; Durant, S.; Lejora, I.A.; Erickson, D.; Ikanda, D.K. 2009 The Tanzania Lion and Leopard Conservation Action Plan
Full Book
Packer, C.; Lichtenfeld, L.; Trout, C.; Kiondo, M.R.; Magoma, N.; Konzo, E.; Munishi, L.; Kazaeli, C.; Rwiza, M.; Mwina, N.J.; Kibebe, J.; Lobora, A.; Sabuni, G.; Durant, S.; Lejora, I.A.; Erickson, D.; Ikanda, D.K. 2007 Proceedings of the First Tanzania Lion and Leopard Conservation Action Plan Workshop
Full Book
Packer, C.; Loveridge, A.; Canney, S.; Caro, T.; Garnett, S.T.; Pfeifer, M.; Zander, K.K.; Swanson, A.; MacNulty, D.; Balme, G.; Bauer, H.; Begg, C.M.; Begg, K.S.; Bhalla, S.; Bissett, C.; Bodasing, T.; Brink, H.; Burger, A.; Burton, A.C.; Clegg, B.; Dell, S.; Delsink, A.; Dickerson, T.; Dloniak, S.M.; Druce, D.; Frank, L.; Funston, P.; Gichohi, N.; Groom, R.; Hanekom, C.; Heath, B.; Hunter, L.; Delongh, H.H.; Joubert, C.J.; Kasiki, S.M.; Kissui, B.; Knocker, W.; Leathem, B.; Lindsey, P.A.; Maclennan, S.D.; McNutt, J.W.; Miller, S.M.; Naylor, S.; Nel, P.; Ngweno, C.; Nicholls, K.; Ogutu, J.O.; Okot-Omoya, E.; Patterson, B.D.; Plumptre, A.; Salerno, J.; Skinner, K.; Slotow, R.; Sogbohossou, E.A.; Stratford, K.J.; Winterbach, C.; Winterbach, H.; Polasky, S. 2013 Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence
Ecology Letters (16)
Packer, C.; Pusey, A. 1985 Asymmetric contest in social mammals respect, manipulation and age-specific aspects
Book Chapter
Packer, C.; Pusey, A. 1995 The lack of clutch in a communal breeder: Lion litter size is a mixed evolutionarily stable strategy
The American Naturalist (145)
Packer, C.; Pusey, A.E. 1997 Divided we fall: Cooperation among lions
Scientific American
Packer, C.; Pusey, A.E. 1987 Retracing the history of the Ngorongoro lions
Swara (10)
Packer, C.; Pusey, A.E. 1990 Serengeti Lion Project long-term studies

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)