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Qamar, Q.; Yadvendradev, V.J.; Satya, P.Y.; Virendra, R.T.; Rajendra, G.; Amit, M. 2024 Status of Leopards in India
Full Book
Qamar, Q.Z.; Dar, N.I.; Ali, U.; Minhas, R.A.; Ayub, J.; Anwar, M. 2010 Human-leopard conflict: an emerging issue of common leopard conservation in Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Pakistan Journal of Wildlife (1)
Qarqaz, M.; Abu Baker, M. 2006 The leopard in Jordan
Cat News (Special Issue 1)
Qi, J.; Gu, J.; Ning, Y.; Miquelle, D.G.; Holyoak, M.; Wen, D.; Liang, X.; Liu, S.; Roberts, N.J.; Yang, E.; Lang, J.; Wang, F.; Li, C.; Liang, Z.; Liu, P.; Ren, Y.; Zhou, S.; Zhang, M.; Ma, J.; Chang, J.; Jiang, G. 2021 Integrated assessments call for establishing a sustainable meta-population of Amur tigers in northeast Asia
Biological Conservation (261)
Qi, J.; Shi, Q.; Wang, G.; Li, Z.; Sun, Q.; Hua, Y.; Jiang, G. 2015 Spatial distribution drivers of Amur leopard density in northeast China
Biological Conservation (191)
Qiao, J.; Jia, G.; Zhou, H.; Gong, L.; Jiang, Y.; Xiao, N.; Gao, X.; Wen, A.; Wang, J. 2022 Mammal and bird diversity recorded with camera traps in Gongga Mountain National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China
Biodiversity Science (30)
Qin, Y.; Nyhus, P.J.; Larson, C.L.; Carroll, C.J.W.; Muntifering, J.; Dahmer, T.D.; Jun, L.; Tilson, R.L. 2015 An assessment of South China tiger reintroduction potential in Hupingshan and Houhe National Nature Reserves, China
Biological Conservation (182)
Qingxi, L. 1986 All kinds of lions 
China Reconstructs
Qiu, M. 1999 Project proposal: Preserving Tigers in the Namcha Barwa Region, Southeastern Tibet - A Research Proposal Submitted to the World Wide Fund for Nature
Full Book
Qiu, M. 1996 Project proposal: Preserving tigers in southeast Tibet
Full Book
Qiu, M.; Zhang, M.; Liu, W. 1997 A preliminary study on the Bengal tiger in Namcha Barwa, southeastern Tibet
Acta Theriologica Sinica (17)
Qiu, Z. 2003 Dispersals of neogene carnivorans between Asia and North America
Bulletin American Museum of Natural History (279)
Quade, C.; Minkova, T.; Fisher, S.; Johnson, A.; Vugteveen, T.; Kellum, C.; Poelstra, J.; Myers, S. 2006 Lynx Habitat Management Plan - For DNR-Managed Lands
Full Book
Quadros, R.M.; Pilati, C.; Marques, S.M.T.; Mazzolli, M.; Benedet, R.C. 2009 _Capillaria hepatica_ in _Puma concolor_: first report in Brazil
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (40)
Quan, L.; Li, Q. Tiger Work in China
Quang, L.H. 1999 Wildlife trade in Vietnam's central highlands. January-February 1999
Full Book
Queirolo, D. 2016 Diversity and distribution patterns of mammals from grasslands of Uruguay and Brazil
Bolet¡n de la Sociedad Zool¢gica del Uruguay (25)
Queirolo, D.; de Almeida, L.B.; de Mello Beisiegel, B.; de Oliveira, T.G. 2013 Avaliacao do risco de extincao do Gato-palheiro _Leopardus colocolo_ no Brasil
Biodiversidade Brasileira (3)
Queiroz, V.d.S. 2003 Estudo do efeito das condi‡äes de manipula‡Æo do sˆmen de jaguatiricas sobre a capacita‡Æo e a integridade morfol¢gica e funcional dos espermatoz¢ides
Full Book
Queney, G.; Delattre, D.; Fontbonne, A.; Routier, J.-Y.; Lafrance, B. 2007 Establishment of Genetic Profiles in Cheetahs Using Microstatellites [Microsatellites] Developed in the Domestic Cat
Conference Proceeding
Quigley, H.; Hoogesteijn, R.; Hoogesteijn, A.; Foster, R.; Payan, E.; Corrales, D.; Salom-Perez, R.; Urbina, Y. 2015 Observations and preliminary testing of jaguar depredation reduction techniques in and between core jaguar populations
Parks (21)
Quigley, H.; Hornocker, M. 1993 On the trail of Russia's leopards
International Wildlife
Quigley, H.B. 1993 Saving Siberia's Tigers
National Geographic
Quigley, H.B. 1994 Closing remarks
Conference Proceeding
Quigley, H.B.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 1989 Use of ultralight aircraft in wildlife radio telemetry
Wildlife Society Bulletin (17)
Quigley, H.B.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 1992 A conservation plan for the jaguar Panthera onca in the Pantanal region of Brazil
Biological Conservation (61)
Quigley, K.S.; Evermann, J.F.; Leathers, C.W.; Armstrong, D.L.; Goodrich, J.; Duncan, N.M.; Miquelle, D.G. 2010 Morbillivirus infection in a wild Siberian tiger in the Russian Far East
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (46)
Quiles Tundidor, P.; AscensÆo, F.; D'Amico, M.; Revilla, E.; Barrientos, R. 2021 Are road-kills representative of wildlife community obtained from atlas data?
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (32)
Quilodr n, C.S.; Nussberger, B.; MacDonald, D.W.; Montoya-Burgos, J.I.; Currat, M. 2020 Projecting introgression from domestic cats into European wildcats in the Swiss Jura
Evolutionary Applications (13)
Quinn, N.W.S.; Gardner, J.F. 1984 Relationships of age and sex to lynx pelt characteristics
Journal of Wildlife Management (48)
Quinn, N.W.S.; Parker, G.R. 1987 Lynx
Book Chapter
Quinn, N.W.S.; Thompson, J.E. 1985 Age and sex of trapped lynx, _Felis canadensis_, related to period of capture and trapping technique
Canadian Field-Naturalist (99)
Quintana, I.; Cifuentes, E.F.; Dunnink, J.A.; Ariza, M.; Martinez-Medina, D.; Fantacini, F.M.; Shrestha, B.R.; Richard, F.-J. 2022 Severe conservation risks of roads on apex predators
Scientific Reports (2902)
Quintero, J.D.; Roca, R.; Morgan, A.; Mathur, A.; Shi, X. 2010 Smart green infrastructure in tiger range countries - A multi-level approach
Full Book
Quirke, T.; O'Riordan, R.M. 2011 The effect of a randomised enrichment treatment schedule on the behaviour of cheetahs (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (135 )
Quirke, T.; O'Riordan, R.M. 2012 Evaluation and interpretation of the effects of environment utilizing varying degrees of sampling effort
Zoo Biology (32)
Quirke, T.; O'Riordan, R.M.; Zuur, A. 2012 Factors influencing the prevalence of stereotypical behaviour in captive cheetahs (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (142)
Quiroga, V.A.; Boaglio, G.I.; Noss, A.J.; Di Bitetti, M.S. 2014 Critical population status of the jaguar _Panthera onca_ in the Argentine Chaco: camera-trap surveys suggest recent collapse and imminent regional extinction
Oryx (48)
Quiroga, V.A.; Noss, A.J.; Paviolo, A.; Boaglio, G.I.; Di Bitetti, M.S. 2016 Puma density, habitat use and conflict with humans in the Argentine Chaco
Journal for Nature Conservation (31)
Qureshi, Q.; Gopal, R.; Jhala, Y. 2019 Twisted tale of the tiger: the case of inappropriate data and deficient science
PeerJ (7)
Qureshi, Q.; Gopal, R.; Kyatham, S.; Basu, S.; Mitra, A.; Jhala, Y.V. 2006 Evaluating tiger habitat at the tehsil level
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)