IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Rabeil, T.; Beudels-Jamar, R.; Greth, A. 2010 Antilopes Sah‚lo-Sahariennes. Mission in Kell‚ and Termit - Tin Toumma, February 2010
Full Book
Rabeil, T.; Hejcmanova, P.; Gueye, M.; Greffrath, R.; Cornut, D. 2018 Inventaire combin‚ terrestre et a‚rien Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, S‚n‚gal
Full Book
Rabeil, T.; Wacher, T.; Newby, J. 2016 Sand cat sightings in Niger and Chad
Cat News (63)
Rabelo, M.R.; Aragon, S.; Bicca-Marques, J.C. 2019 Prey abundance drives habitat occupancy by jaguars in Amazonian floodplain river islands
Acta Oecologica (97)
Rabha, A. 2012 Ecology of tiger _Panthera tigris_ Linn. 1758 in Manas National Park, Assam, India
Full Book
Rabinowitz, A. 1997 Are jaguars really living in home on the range, the American southwest?
Wildlife International
Rabinowitz, A. 2009 Connecting the dots
Wildlife Conservation
Rabinowitz, A. 1984 Cat Notes - Jaguar and other cats
Conference Proceeding
Rabinowitz, A. 2007 Connecting the Dots: Saving a Species Throughout it's Range
Conference Proceeding
Rabinowitz, A. 2009 Stop the bleeding: implementing a strategic Tiger Conservation Protocol
Cat News (51)
Rabinowitz, A. 1999 The status of the Indochinese tiger: separating fact from fiction
Book Chapter
Rabinowitz, A.; Tun Khiang, S. 1998 Status of selected mammal species in North Myanmar
Oryx (32)
Rabinowitz, A.; Zeller, K.A. 2010 A range-wide model of landscape connectivity and conservation for the jaguar, _Panthera onca_
Biological Conservation (134)
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1991 Proposal to Initiate Project Tiger - Thailand
Full Book
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1993 Estimating the Indochinese tiger Panthera tigris corbetti population in Thailand
Biological Conservation (65)
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1996 Spirit of the Jaguar
Wildlife Conservation
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1990 Notes on the Behavior and Movements of Leopard Cats, Felis bengalensis, in a Dry Tropical Forest Mosaic in Thailand
Biotropica (22)
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1988 The Clouded leopard in Taiwan
Oryx (22)
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1986 Jaguar predation on domestic livestock in Belize
Wildlife Society Bulletin (14)
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1989 The density and behavior of large cats in a dry tropical forest mosaic in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society (37)
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1985 A multi-use management plan for the Cockscomb Basin Forest Reserve in Belize, Central America
Full Book
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1983 A Preliminary Jaguar Study in Belize, Central America
Full Book
Rabinowitz, A.R. The present status of Jaguars (Panthera onca) in the southwest United States
Full Book
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1991 Belize Trip Report
Full Book
Rabinowitz, A.R. 1999 The present status of jaguars in the Southwestern United States
The Southwestern Naturalist (44)
Rabinowitz, A.R.; Andau, P.; Chai, P.P.K. 1987 The Clouded leopard in Malaysian Borneo
Oryx (21)
Rabinowitz, A.R.; Nottingham, B.G. 1986 Ecology and behaviour of the Jaguar (Panthera onca) in Belize, Central America
Journal of Zoology (210)
Rabinowitz, A.R.; Schaller, G.B.; Uga, U. 1995 A survey to assess the status of Sumatran rhinoceros and other large mammal species in Tamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar
Oryx (20)
Rabinowitz, A.R.; Walker, S.R. 1991 The carnivore community in a dry tropical forest mosaic in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
Journal of Tropical Ecology (7)
Rabon Jr., D.R.; Waddell, W. 2010 Effects of inbreeding on reproductive success, performance, litter size, and survival in captive red wolves (_Canis lupus_)
Zoo Biology (29)
Racnik, J.; Skrbinsek, T.; Tozon, N.; Nemec, A.; Potocnik, H.; Kljun, F.; Kos, I.; Bidovec, A. 2004 Blood and urine values of free-living European wildcats in Slovenia
European Journal of Wildlife Research (50)
Racnik,; Skrbinsek, T.; Potocnik, H.; Kljun, F.; Kos, I.; Tozon, N. 2008 Viral infections in wild-living European wildcats in Slovenia
European Journal of Wildlife Research
Radinsky, L.; Emerson, S. 1982 The Late, Great Sabertooths
Natural History (91)
Radloff, F.G.T.; du Toit, J.T. 2004 Large predators and their prey in a southern African savanna: a predator's size determines its prey size range
Journal of Applied Ecology (73)
Raeesi Chahartaghi, N.; Kazari, M.; Talebi Otaghvar, Y.; Sepahvand, P.; Sedaghati Khayat, A. 2018 News about Pallas's cat in Iran
Conference Proceeding
Rafeei, F. 2013 Asian leopard specialists newsletter - Research, conservation, management
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1994 Camera trapping survey of Javan tiger and other wild animals in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1993 Javan Tiger Survey - Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1992 Report on preliminary survey to Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1993 Javan tiger in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1993 Javan tiger in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1993 Javan tiger in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1993 Photo Resulted During Javan Tiger Photo-trap Survey form March - December 1993 in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1994 Javan tiger in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1994 Javan tiger in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiastanto, A. 1994 Javan tiger in Meru Betiri National Park
Full Book
Rafiq, K. 2016 Risk-driven behaviour in the African leopard: how is leopard behaviour mediated by lion presence
Full Book
Rafiq, K.; Hayward, M.W.; Wilson, A.M.; Meloro, C.; Jordan, N.R.; Wich, S.A.; McNutt, J.W.; Golabek, K.A. 2020 Spatial and temporal overlaps between leopards (_Panthera pardus_) and their competitors in the African large predator guild
Journal of Zoology (311)
Rafiq, K.; Jordan, N.R.; Golabek, K.; McNutt, J.W.; Wilson, A.; Abrahms, B. 2023 Increasing ambient temperatures trigger shifts in activity patterns and temporal partitioning in a large carnivore guild
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (290)
Raghavaiah, P.S. 2007 Wetland birds of Pulicat Lake, India: seasonal patterns and habitat preferences
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)