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Raghunathan, M.; Pandya, M. EE strategy for children and schools
Full Book
Ragni, B. 1981 Una scoperta in un Museo scolatico: Segnalazione di un esemplare di lince tassidermizzata
Natura e Montagna
Ragni, B. 1983 Un importante ritorno: Riuscir… la lince a ricolonizzare il territorio italiano?
Natura e Montagna
Ragni, B. 1984 Definizione di modellli morfologici di Felis
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B. 1981 Possibilit… i reintroduzione della Lince in Italia
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B. 1983 Il ritorno della lince nel territorio Italiano
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B. 1983 Definizione di modelli morfologice di popolazioni di Felis
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B. 1976 Esigenze ecologiche del gatto selvatico e dell'aquila reale in caso di reintroduzione
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B. 1981 Gatto selvatico Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777
Book Chapter
Ragni, B. 1973 Observations on the ecology and behaviour of the wild cat (Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Italy
Carnivore Genetics Newsletter (3)
Ragni, B. 1993 Status and conservation ot the wildcat in Italy
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B. 1993 The crucial problem of in vivo identification of wildcat and recognition of hybrids with domestic cats
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B. 2006 The wildcat
Book Chapter
Ragni, B.; Armentano, L. 1982 Osservazioni sui mantelli di ibridi tra Felis s. silvestris e gatto domestico
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B.; Armentano, L. 1982 Possibile nicchia ecologica della lince in ecosistemi Italiani
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B.; Baldi, A.; Vercillo, F. 2016 Presence and status of _Lynx lynx _in the Ossola Valley (Western Italian Alps)
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B.; Lapini, L.; Perco, F. 1986 Primi dati sul gatto selvatico Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1777 e sulla lince lynx lynx (L., 1758) nelle Alpi Sud Orientali Italiane e relativo avanterra Societ… Italiana di Biogeografia XXVI Congresso
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B.; Lapini, L.; Perco, F. 1987 Situazione attuale del gatto selvatico Felis silvestris silvestris e della lince Lynx lynx nell'area delle Alpi sud-orientali
Biogeographia (131)
Ragni, B.; Mariani, L. 1981 Proposta di revisione sistematica dei gatti italiani
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B.; Petruzzi, E. 2008 Recent situation of the old world wildcat _Felis silvestris_ Schreber, 1777 and Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx_, Linnaeus, 1758, in the Apennines
Conference Proceeding
Ragni, B.; Possenti, M. 1996 Variability of coat-colour and markings system in _Felis silvestris_
Italian Journal of Zoology (63)
Ragni, B.; Possenti, M.; Mayr, S.; Carrer, M.; Zangrando, E.; Catello, M.; Dorigatti, E.; Di Lorenzo, M.; Mosca, A.; Fattor, M.; Lombardi, G. 1998 The lynx in the Italian Alps
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (10)
Ragni, B.; Possenti, M.; Sforzi, A.; Zavalloni, D.; Ciani, F. 1993 The wildcat in Central-Northern italian peninsula: a biogeographical dilemma
Biogeographia (17)
Ragni, B.; Randi, E. 1986 Multivariante analysis of craniometric characters in European wild cat, Domestic cat, and African wild cat (Genus Felis)
Zeitschrift fr S„ugetierkunde (51)
Ragni, B.; Seminara, S. 1987 Il gatto selvatico
Book Chapter
Ragni, B.; Seminara, S. 1987 La Lince
Book Chapter
Ragni, B.; Seminara, S. 1987 Il lupo
Book Chapter
Ragni, D. 1977 Osservationi sul gatto selvatico (Felis s. silvestris Schreber) in Cattivita'
Natura - Soc.ital.Sci.nat.,Museo civ.Stor.nat.e Acquario civ.Milano (68)
Rahal, S.C.; Fillipi, M.G.; Mamprim, M.J.; Oliveira, H.S.; Teixeira, C.R.; Teixeira, R.H.F.; Monteiro, F.O.B. 2013 Meniscal mineralisation in little spotted cats
BMC Veterinary Research (9)
Rahalkar, K. 2008 Attitudes of local people to conflict with leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in an agricultural landscape in Maharashtra, India
Full Book
Raharyono, D. 2010 Javan Tiger
Full Book
Raheja, N.M. 1997 Saving the tiger
Raheja, N.M. 1997 In the Supreme Court of India: Tiger Conservation
Raheja, N.M. 2000 Petition: Suggestions for Protection of Tigers from members of Steering Committee for urgent orders
Rahimi, N.M. 1974 Conservation of wildlife
Rahman, H.; Hidayat, R.A.; Nofrizal, A.Y.; Wilastra, I.; Nasution, A.F.R. 2023 Priority Corridor Zone for Human-Tiger Conflict Mitigation: A Landscape Connectivity Approach in West Sumatra Region, Indonesia
Journal for Nature Conservation (76)
Rahman, H.A. 2017 Mammal biodiversity in the northeast forests, and the distribution of Fishing cats in Bangladesh
Full Book
Rahman, H.A.; Barlow, A.C.D.; Greenwood, C.J.; Islam, M.A.; Ahmed, I.U. 2009 Livestock depredation by tiger on the edge of the Bangladesh Sundarbans
Full Book
Rahman, H.A.; McCarthy, J.L. 2014 Observation of a juvenile fishing cat in Bangladesh
Cat News (61)
Rahman, M.M. 1982 A study of the tiger population of Nilkamal Sanctuary
Bano Biggyan Patrik (11)
Rahman, M.M.; Motiur, M.R.; Guogang, Z.; Islam, K.S. 2010 A review of the present threats to tropical moist deciduous Sal (_Shorea robusta_) forest ecosystem of central Bangladesh
Tropical Conservation Science (3)
Rahmani, A.R. 1998 Massacre of the innocents Seminar 466 - Reconciling the needs of man and wildlife in India
Conference Proceeding
Rai, J.; Yadav, K.; Gc, S.; Acharya, R.; Thapa, K.; Ghimirey, Y. 2019 First record of Asiatic golden cat from Tinjure-Milke-Jaljale Area, Nepal
Cat News (69)
Rai, N.D.; Johnsingh, A.J.T. 1993 A Preliminary Survey of the Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) in Mizoram and Sikkim, India
Full Book
Rai, U. 1994 Ban robs Madhya Pradesh of its tiger's share of tourists
Rai, U. 1993 High flying poachers find new target
Rai, U. 1996 Tiger "trapped" in crossfire
Rainey, H.J.; Kong, K. 2010 A fishing cat observation from northern Cambodia
Cat News (52)
Rainey, H.J.; ZuberbÂhler, K.; Slater, P.J.B. 2004 Hornbills can distinguish between primate alarm calls
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (271)
Rainforest Action Network, 2014 The last place on earth - exposing the threats to the Leuser ecosystem
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)