IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Suzuki, A.; Setha, T.; Sokha, T.; Kobayashi, S. 2013 The first photographs of clouded leopards in the Northern Plains of Cambodia
Cat News (59)
Suzuki, A.; Sokha, T.; Setha, T.; Iwata, A. 2015 First confirmation of a marbled cat in northern Cambodia
Cat News (62)
Suzuki, H.; Hosoda, T.; Sakurai, S.; Tsuchiya, T.; Munechika, I.; Korablev, V.P. 1994 Phylogenetic relationship between the Iriomote cat and the leopard cat, Felis bengalensis, based on the ribosomal DNA
The Japanese Journal of Genetics (69)
Svancara, C.M.; Lien, A.M.; Vanasco, W.T.; Lopez-Hoffman, L.; Bonar, S.A.; Ruyle, G.B. 2015 Jaguar critical habitat designation causes concern for southwestern ranchers
Rangelands (37)
Svengren, H. 2008 Leopard survey in Sangare Ranch Conservancy, Kenya, using noninvasive methods including individual identification from fecal DNA
Full Book
Svengren, H.; Bj”rklund, M. 2010 An assessment of the density of a large carnivore using a non-invasive method adapted for pilot studies
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (40)
Svoboda, N.J.; Belant, J.L.; Beyer, D.E.; Duquette, J.F.; Martin, J.A. 2013 Identifying bobcat _Lynx rufus_ kill sites using a global positioning system
Wildlife Biology (19)
Swa, Guide to camera trapping Scottish wildcats
Full Book
Swain, D.; Behura, B.K. 2013 Melanistic tigers of Similipal Tiger Reserve, India: Bane or Boon?
Tigerpaper (40)
Swain, S. 2000 Tiger sighted in Kuldiha WLS
TigerLink News (6)
Swaisgood, R.R. 2007 Current status and future directions of applied behavioral research for animal welfare and conservation
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (102)
Swaminathan, M.S. 1996 Let the Tiger Retain its Home
Book Chapter
Swaminathan, M.S.; Singh, S.; Dey, S.C.; Talwar, R.; Rao, K.; Ranjitsinh, M.K.; Thapar, V.; Panjwani, R. 1996 The Tiger Call
Full Book
Swan, L.W. 1993 The Satpura Hypothesis: A biogeographical challenge to geology
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (90)
Swanepoel, L.; Dalerum, F.; Somers, M.J.; van Hoven, W. 2009 Density and sustainability of leopard populations in the Waterberg Biosphere
Conference Proceeding
Swanepoel, L.H. 2008 Ecology and conservation of leopards,_ Panthera pardus_, on slected game ranches in the Waterberg region, Limpopo, South Africa
Full Book
Swanepoel, L.H. 2009 Second density estimation of leopards on Welgevonden Private Game Reserve - Fifth progress report
Full Book
Swanepoel, L.H.; Balme, G.; Williams, S.; Power, R.J.; Snyman, A.; Gaigher, I.; Senekal, C.; Martins, Q.; Child, M.F. 2016 A conservation assessment of _Panthera pardus_
Book Chapter
Swanepoel, L.H.; Dalerum, F.; van Hoven, W. 2010 Factors affecting location failure of GPS collars fitted to African leopards_ (Panthera pardus)_
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (40)
Swanepoel, L.H.; Lindsey, P.; Somers, M.; van Hoven, W.; Dalerum, F. 2014 The relative importance of trophy harvest and retaliatory killing of large carnivores: South African leopards as a case study
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (44)
Swanepoel, L.H.; Lindsey, P.; Somers, M.J.; van Hoven, W.; Dalerum, F. 2013 Extent and fragmentation of suitable leopard habitat in South Africa
Animal Conservation (16)
Swanepoel, L.H.; Somers, M.J.; Dalerum, F. 2015 Functional responses of retaliatory killing versus recreational sport hunting of leopards in South Africa
Swanepoel, L.H.; Somers, M.J.; Dalerum, F. 2015 Density of leopards _Panthera pardus _on protected and non-protected land in the Waterberg Biosphere, South Africa
Wildlife Biology (21)
Swanepoel, L.H.; Somers, M.J.; van Hoven, W.; Schiess-Meier, M.; Owen, C.; Snyman, A.; Martins, Q.; Senekal, C.; Camacho, G.; Boshoff, W.; Dalerum, F. 2014 Survival rates and causes of mortality of leopards _Panthera pardus_ in southern Africa
Swank, W.G. 1989 The status of the Jaguar
Swank, W.G.; Teer, J.G. 1986 The management of threatened and endangered species for survival and use - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Swank, W.G.; Teer, J.G. 1987 Status of the Jaguar, 1987
Full Book
Swank, W.G.; Teer, J.G. 1989 Status of the jaguar - 1987
Oryx (23)
Swanson, A.; Caro, T.; Davies-Mostert, H.; Mills, M.G.L.; MacDonald, D.W.; Borner, M.; Masenga, E.; Packer, C. 2014 Cheetahs and wild dogs show contrasting patterns of suppression by lions
Journal of Animal Ecology (83)
Swanson, A.; Kosmala, M.; Lintott, C.; Simpson, R.; Smith, A.; Packer, C. 2015 Snapshot Serengeti, high-frequency annotated camera trap images of 40 mammalian species in an African savanna
Scientific Data (2)
Swanson, A.B. 2014 Living with lions: spatiotemporal aspects of coexistence in savanna carnivores
Full Book
Swanson, B.J.; Rusz, P.J. 2006 Detection and Classification of Cougars in Michigan Using Low Copy DNA Sources
The American Midland Naturalist (155)
Swanson, W.F. 2006 Application of assisted reproduction for population management in felids: The potential and reality for conservation of small cats
Theriogenology (66)
Swanson, W.F.; Brown, J.L.; Wildt, D.E. 1996 Influence of seasonality on reproductive traits of the male Pallas' cat and implications for captive management
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (27)
Swanson, W.F.; Johnson, W.E.; Cambre, R.C.; Citino, S.B.; Quigley, K.B.; Brousset, D.M.; Morais, R.N.; Moreira, N.; O'Brien, S.J.; Wildt, D.E. 2003 Reproductive Status of Endemic Felid Species in Latin American Zoos and Implications for Ex Situ Conservation
Zoo Biology (22)
Swanson, W.F.; Maggs, D.J.; Clarke, H.E.; Newell, A.E.; Bond, J.B.; Bateman, H.L.; Kennedy-Stoskopf, S. 2006 Assessment of viral presence in semen and reproductive function of frozen-thawed spermatozoa from Pallas' cats infected with feline herpesvirus
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (37)
Swcapsg, 2018 Responsible domestic cat ownership and reducing the threat to Scottish wildcats: paper to Scottish Government
Full Book
Sweanor, L.L.; Kenneth, A.L.; Bauer, J.W.; Millsap, B.; Boyce, W.M. 2008 Puma and Human Spatial and Temporal Use of a Popular California State Park
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Sweanor, L.L.; Logan, K.A. 1992 Life among desert cougars
New Mexico Wildlife
Sweanor, L.L.; Logan, K.A.; Hornocker, M.G. 1996 Dispersal of cougars (Felis concolor) in metapopulation dynamics Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Sweanor, L.L.; Logan, K.A.; Hornocker, M.G. 1996 Reproductive biology of female cougars (Felis concolor) in the San Andres Mountains, New Mexico Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Sweanor, L.L.; Logan, K.A.; Hornocker, M.G. 2000 Cougar dispersal patterns, metapopulation dynamics, and conservation
Conservation Biology (14)
Sweanor, L.L.; Logan, K.A.; Hornocker, M.G. 2005 Puma responses to close approaches by researchers
Wildlife Society Bulletin (33)
Sweeney, K.; Birks, V.; Cole, R.; Thomas, D.; Webber, G. Cytochrome P450 activity of Amur Siberian Tiger (_Panthera tigris altaica_)
Swenson, J.E.; Andr‚n, H. 2005 A tale of two countries: large carnivore depredation and compensation schemes in Sweden and Norway
Book Chapter
Swt, 2011 The Scottish wildcat (_Felis silvestris_)
Full Book
Swynnerton, G.H.; Hayman, R.W. 1950 Check list _Panthera_ Tanzania
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society (20)
Swynnerton, G.H.; Hayman, R.W. 1951 A checklist of the land mammals of the Tanganyika Territory and the Zanzibar Protectorate
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society (20)
Sykes, W.H. 1831 Catalogue of the _Mammalia_ of Dukhun (Deccan); with observations on their habits, &c., and characters of new species
Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London (Part I, 1830-1831)
Symondson, W.O.C. 2002 Molecular identification of prey in predator diets
Molecular Ecology (11)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)