IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            451 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Taylor, S.K.; Buergelt, C.D.; Roelke-Parker, M.E.; Homer, B.L.; Rotstein, D.S. 2002 Causes of mortality of free-ranging Florida panthers
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (38)
Taylor, T. 2020 From big spots to little spots: Influence of camera trap deployment on spatial capture-recapture estimates of servals (_Leptailurus serval_) in Ithala Game Reserve
Full Book
Taylor, W. 2003 Leopard
Game Trails
Taylor, W.L. 1946 The Wild cat (_Felis silvestris_) in Great Britain
Journal of Animal Ecology (15)
Taylor, Z.P. 2017 Identifying and Quantifying Disjunctions at Multiple Taxonomic Levels in Western Hemisphere Mammals
The Professional Geographer (69)
Taylor-Ide, J.O. 2000 In search of the clouded leopard
National Geographic (September 2000)
T¢chez, M. 2016 Architectural design of infrastructure for the fire department in the parish Vilcabamba of the canton and province of Loja
Full Book
Tchernov, E.; Tsoukala, E. 1997 Middle Pleistocene (early Toringian) carnivore remains form northern Israel
Quaternary Research (48)
Tebet, J.M. 2004 Efeito da criopreserva‡Æo sobre a c‚lula esperm tica em trˆs esp‚cies de felinos: o gato-do-mato-pequeno, a jaguatirica, e o gato dom‚stico
Full Book
Tedford, R.H. 1994 Key to carnivores
Natural History
Teer, J.G.; Swank, W.G. 1986 The current biological and political status of the jaguar - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Teer, J.G.; Swank, W.G. 1977 Status of the leopard in Africa south of the Sahara
Full Book
Tefera, M. 2003 Phenotypic and reproductive characteristics of lions (_Panthera leo_) at Addis Ababa Zoo
Biodiversity and Conservation (12)
Tegtmeyer, N.; Traverso, F.R.; Rohde, M.; Oyarzabal, O.A.; Lehn, N.; Schneider-Brachert, W.; Ferrero, R.L.; Fox, J.G.; Berg, D.E.; Backert, S. 2013 Electron microscopic, genetic and protein expression analyses of _Helicobacter acinonychis_ strains from a Bengal tiger
PLoS ONE (8)
Tehou, C.A. 2012 Report on the training workshop for field agents on the method of census and age determination in lions and the use of camera trapping in the WAP complex
Full Book
Tehsin, R. 1994 Rusty spotted cat (Felis rubiginosa Geoffroy) sighted near Udaipur
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (91)
Tehsin, R. 1995 Aggressive behaviour of a thirsty Leopard _Panthera pardus_ (Linn.)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (92)
Tehsin, R. 1991 Behaviour of a Jackal _canis aureus_ at a Leopard _panthera pardus_ kill
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (88)
Tehsin, R.; Tehsin, F. 1989 Jungle cat Felis chaus and grey junglefowl Gallus sonneratii
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (87)
Tehsin, R.H. 1997 Induced emesis by jungle cat (Felis chaus)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (94)
Tehsin, R.H. 1996 Panther, Panthera pardus (Linnaeus) with guinea worm infection
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (93)
Tehsin, R.H.; Nathawat, J.S. 1992 The territory marking behaviour of a tiger (Panthera tigris)
Tiger Paper (19)
Teichman, K.J.; Cristescu, B.; Darimont, C.T. 2016 Hunting as a management tool? Cougar-human conflict is positively related to trophy hunting
BMC Ecology (16)
Teichman, K.J.; Cristescu, B.; Nielsen, S.E. 2013 Does sex matter? Temporal and spatial patterns of cougar-human conflict in British Columbia
PLoS ONE (8)
Teixeira, C.P.; de Azevedo, C.S.; Mendl, M.; Cipreste, C.F.; Young, R.J. 2007 Revisiting translocation and reintroduction programmes: the importance of considering stress
Animal Behaviour (73)
Teixeira, L.M.C. 2018 Tolerance towards wildlife in the Atlantic forest: an empirical test across ecological contexts and mammal species
Full Book
Tejada-Flores, A.E.; Shaw, C.A. 1984 Tooth replacement and skull groth in smilodon from Rancho La Brea
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (4)
Teketay, D.; Bekele, T. 2002 Indicators and tools for restoration and sustainable management of forests in East Africa
Full Book
Tellaeche, C.; Reppucci, J.; Luengos, E.; Ortiz, P.; Lucherini, M. 2010 Feeding habits of two species of sympatric felidae (_Leopardus jacobita_ and _L. colocolo_) (H bitos alimenticios de dos especies de felinos simp tricos (_Leopardus jacobita_ y _L. colocolo_))
Conference Proceeding
Tellaeche, C.G. 2015 Ecologia y uso del espacio de dos especies de f‚lidos, Gato Andino y Gato del Pajonal en la regi¢n Altoandina, Prov. de Jujuy
Full Book
Tellaeche, C.G.; Guerisoli, M.d.l.M.; Napolitano, C.; Di Nucci, D.L.; Reppucci, J.I. 2020 Filling a gap in Andean Cat _Leopardus jacobita_ (Cornalia, 1865) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) distributon range: new record in La Rioja province, Argentina
Journal of Threatened Taxa (12)
Tellaeche, C.G.; Reppucci, J.I.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Clifford, D.L.; Lucherini, M. 2020 Field Chemical Immobilization of Andean and Pampas Cats in the High-Altitude Andes
Wildlife Society Bulletin (44)
Tellaeche, C.G.; Reppucci, J.I.; Morales, M.M.; Vidal, E.M.L.; Lucherini, M. 2018 External and skull morphology of the Andean cat and Pampas cat: new data from the high Andes of Argentina
Journal of Mammalogy (99)
Tempa, T. 2017 The ecology of montane Bengal tigers in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan
Full Book
Tempa, T.; Hebblewhite, M.; Mills, L.S.; Wangchuk, T.R.; Norbu, N.; Wangchuk, T.; Nidup, T.; Dendup, P.; Wangchuk, D.; Wangdi, Y.; Dorji, T. 2013 Royal Manas National Park, Bhutan: a hot spot for wild felids
Oryx (47)
Tempa, T.; Norbu, N.; Dhendup, P.; Nidup, T. 2011 Results from a camera trapping exercise for estimating tiger population size in the lower foothills of Royal Manas National Park
Full Book
Tende, T.; Hansson, B.; Ottosson, U.; Akesson, M.; Bensch, S. 2014 Individual identification and genetic variation of lions (_Panthera leo_) from two protected areas in Nigeria
PLoS ONE (9)
Tende, T.; Ottosson, U.; Hansson, B.; Akesson, M.; Bensch, S. 2010 Population size of lions in Yankari Game Reserve as revealed by faecal DNA sampling
African Journal of Ecology (48)
Tensen, L. 2018 Biases in wildlife and conservation research, using felids and canids as a case study
Global Ecology and Conservation (15)
Tensen, L.; Roelofs, D.; Swanepoel, L.H. 2014 A note on the population structure of leopard (_Panthera pardus_) in South Africa
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (44)
Tenzin, J.; Dhendup, P.; Choki, K.; Dorji, T.; Wangdi, T.; Droji, D.; Dorji, S.; Bomzan, M.; Tenzin, K.; Thinley, P. 2021 Increase in tiger number in Sarpang Forest Division in south-central Bhutan
Cat News (73)
Tenzin, J.; Dhendup, P.; Thinley, P.; Vernes, K.; Rajaratnam, R. 2023 Tiger conservation: initiatives inside Sarpang district, Bhutan
Cat News (77)
Tenzin, J.; Dhendup, T.; Dhendup, P.; Dorji, T.; Choki, K.; Wangchuk, S.; Dorji, S.; Nidup, C.; Dorji, T. 2019 Six felid species occur outside protected areas in south-central Bhutan
Cat News (70)
Tenzin,; Dhand, N.K.; Ward, M.P. 2011 Patterns of Rabies Occurrence in Bhutan between 1996 and 2009
Zoonoses and Public Health (58)
Teo, R. 2007 Checklist of Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians of Pulau Ubin
Full Book
Terborgh, J.; Estes, J.; Paquet, P.; Ralls, K.; Boyd-Heger, D.; Miller, B.; Noss, R.F. 1999 The role of top carnivores in regulating terrestrial ecosystems
Wild Earth
Terborgh, J.W.; Fitzpatrick, J.W.; Emmons, L. 1984 Annotated checklist of bird and mammal species of Cocha Cashu Biological Station, Manu National Park, Peru
Fieldiana Zoology (21)
Terio, K.A. 2009 Diseases of captive and free-ranging non-domestic felids
Book Chapter
Terio, K.A.; Marker, L.L.; Munson, L. 2004 Evidence for chronic stress in captive but not free-ranging cheethas (_Acinonyx jubatus_) based on adrenal morphology and function
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (40)
Terio, K.A.; Marker, L.L.; Overstrom, E.W.; Brown, J.L. 2003 Analysis of ovarian and adrenal activity in Namibian cheetahs
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (33)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)