IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Therrien, F.; Quinney, A.; Tanaka, K.; Zelenitsky, D.K. 2016 Accuracy of mandibular force profiles for bite force estimation and feeding behavior reconstruction in extant and extinct carnivorans
Journal of Experimental Biology (219)
Thiangtum, K.; Tonwattana, W.; Tongthainun, D.; Poonvorawan, Y.; Songserm, T. 2007 Avian Influenza H5N1 in Clouded Leopards (_Neofelis nebulosa_)
Conference Proceeding
Thiel, C. 2004 Range and focal points of space use of Felis silvestris silvestris (Schreber 1777) in the northern Eifel region 
Full Book
Thiel, C. 2007 Serval Monitoring Project - Zambia
Conference Proceeding
Thiel, C. 2011 Ecology and population status of the serval _Leptailurus serval_ in Zambia
Full Book
Thiel, C. 2015 _Leptailurus serval,_ serval
Full Book
Thiel-Bender, C. 2018 The safety net for the European wildcat - reconnecting Germany's forests
Conference Proceeding
Thielebein, J.; Kiefer, I.; Alef, M.; Ludewig, E.; Succow, D.; Hause, A.; Jacob, A. 2006 Diagnostic imaging in a juvenile Indochinese tiger _(Panthera tigris corbetti)_ with swimming puppy syndrome
Conference Proceeding
Thies, T.Q. 2010 History and function of US Sanctuaries
Book Chapter
Thin, V.N.; Khanh, L.Q.; Tuoc, D. 2002 The Tiger (_Panthera tigris)_ ecology in Bach Ma National Park
Full Book
Thinley, P. 2013 First photographic evidence of Pallas's cat in Jigme Dorji National Park, Bhutan
Cat News (58)
Thinley, P. 2010 Understanding the pattern of spatial co-occurrence between tigers, leopards, and black bears in Bhutan through spatial point pattern analysis of their livestock depredation sites
Journal of Renewable Natural Resources of Bhutan (5)
Thinley, P.; Lham, D.; Wangchuk, S.; Wangchuk, N. 2016 National snow leopard survey of Bhutan 2014-2016 (Phase I): sign and prey base survey
Full Book
Thinley, P.; Morreale, S.J.; Curtis, P.D.; Lassoie, J.P.; Dorji, T.; Leki,; Phuntsho, S.; Dorji, N. 2015 Diversity, occupancy, and spatio-temporal occurrences of mammalian predators in Bhutan's Jigme Dorji National Park
Bhutan Journal of Natural Resources & Development (2)
Thinley, P.; Tharchen, L. 2015 Conservation Management Plan of Jigme Dorji National Park January 2015 - December 2019
Full Book
Thite, V.; Pai, S.; Asquith, W.; Singh, K.; Paliwal, C. 2022 Mating behaviour of two female leopards mating with a single male concomitantly
Cat News (75)
Thomas, C.D. 1990 What do real population dynamics tell us about minimum viable population sizes?
Conservation Biology (4)
Thomas, C.D. 2011 Translocation of species, climate change, and the end of trying to recreate past ecological communities
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (26)
Thomas, G.A. 2001 Where Property Rights and Biodiversity Converge Part III: Incorporating Adaptive Management and the Precautionary Principle into HCP Design
Endangered Species UPDATE (18)
Thomas, I. 1111 The leopard and the porcupine
African Wildlife (39)
Thomas, L.H.; Seryodkin, I.V.; Goodrich, J.M.; Miquelle, D.G.; Birtles, R.J.; Lewis, J.C.M. 2016 Detection of _Hepatozoon felis_ in ticks collected from free-ranging Amur tigers (_Panthera tigris altaica_), Russian Far East, 2002-12
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (82 )
Thomas, P.; Balme, G.; Hunter, L.; McCabe-Parodi, J. 2005 Using scent attractants to non-invasively collect hair samples from cheetahs, leopards and lions
Animal Keeper's Forum (7/8)
Thomas, V.; Khan, S. 1998 Do more to protect endangered animals 
Thomason, R.K.; Lockhart, J.M.; Loughry, W.J.; Bielmyer-Fraser, G.K. 2016 Metal accumulation in bobcats in the Southeastern USA
Environmental monitoring and assessment (188)
Thompson, B.C.; Crist, P.J.; Prior-Magee, J.S.; Deitner, R.A.; Garber, D.L.; Hughes, M.A. 1996 Gap Analysis of Biological Diversity Conservation in New Mexico Using Geographic Information Systems
Full Book
Thompson, C.L. 2010 Intraspecific killing of a male ocelot
Mammalian Biology (76)
Thompson, D.J.; Fecske, D.M.; Jenks, J.A.; Jarding, A.R. 2009 Food habits of recolonizing cougars in the Dakotas: prey obtained from prairie and agricultural habitats
American Midland Naturalist (161)
Thompson, D.J.; Jenks, J.A. 2005 Long-distance dispersal by a subadult male cougar from the Black Hills, South Dakota
Journal of Wildlife Management (69)
Thompson, D.J.; Jenks, J.A. 2007 Spirits in the Hills: The Black Hill Cougar
Wild Cat News
Thompson, D.J.; Moody, D.S.; Bjornlie, D.D. 2008 Wyoming Mountain Lion Status report
Full Book
Thompson, J.J.; Maart¡nez Mart¡, C.; Quigley, H. 2020 Anthropogenci factors disproportionally affect the occurrence and potential population connectivity of the Neotropic's apex predator: The jaguar at the southwenstern extent of its distribution
Global Ecology and Conservation (24)
Thompson, J.J.; Morato, R.G.; Niebuhr, B.B.; Bejarano Alegre, V.; Oshima, J.E.F.; de Barros, A.E.; Paviolo, A.; de la Torre, J.A.; Lima, F.; McBride Jr, R.T.; Cunha de Paula, R.; Cullen, L.; Silveira, L.; Kantek, D.L.Z.; Ramalho, E.E.; MaranhÆo, L.; Haberfeld, M.; Sana, D.A.; Medellin, R.A.; Carrillo, E.; Montalvo, V.H.; Monroy-Vilchis, O.; Cruz, P.; Jacomo, A.T.A.; Alves, G.B.; Cassaigne, I.; Thompson, R.; S enz-Bola¤os, C.; Cruz, J.C. 2021 Environmental and anthropogenic factors synergistically affect space use of jaguars
Current Biology (31)
Thompson, J.J.; Velilla, M. 2017 Modeling the effects of deforestation on the connectivity of jaguar_ Panthera onca _populations at the southern extent of the species' range
Endangered Species Research (34)
Thompson, J.J.; Velilla, M.; Morato, R.G.; De Angelo, C.; Paviolo, A.; Quiroga, V.; Perovic, P.G.; Tortato, F.; Mirol, P.; Romero-Mu¤oz, A.; Maffei, L.; Bonzi, V.R.; Cabral, H.; Breuer, N.E.; Gimenez, D.; Rumiz, D. 2021 Developing transboundary monitoring of the jaguar in southern South America
Cat News (72)
Thompson, R.; Boe, S.; Millican, J.; Swain, M.; McMullen, C.; Culver, M.; McKinney, T.; Conrad, D.; Langley, R.; Day, R.; Muning, A.; Breck, S. 2009 Mountain Lions and Bear conservation strategies report
Full Book
Thompson, R.; Muning, A.; O'Dell, J.; Laberge, C.; Poppenberger, S. 2008 Arizona Mountain Lion Status Report
Full Book
Thompson, S.; Jonkel, J.; Sowka, P. 2005 2005 Edition - Living with Predators Resource Guide - Practical Electric Fencing Resource Guide: Controlling Predators
Full Book
Thomson, I.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Cedeno-Calderon, J.; Segura-Fernandez, E.; Luke, B.; Vargas-Ramirez, E. 2022 Jaguars scavenging on a common bottlenose dolphin carcass in Tortuguero NP, Costa Rica
Cat News (75)
Thomson, I.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Luke, B.; King, M. 2023 Custom designed camera traps: lessons learned from a case study in Costa Rica
Cat News (77)
Thomson, I.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Spooner, F. 2014 Record of two jaguar cubs suckling from their mother in the wild
Cat News (61)
Thomson, R.; Potgieter, G.C.; Bahaa-el-din, L. Closing the gap between camera trap software development and the user community
African Journal of Ecology (56)
Thongphakdee, A.; Siriaroonrat, B.; Manee-in, S.; Klincumhom, N.; Kamolnorranath, S.; Chatdarong, K.; Techakumphu, M. 2010 Intergeneric somatic cell nucleus transfer in marbled cat and flat-headed cat
Theriogenology (73)
Thorn, M.; Green, M.; Bateman, P.W.; Cameron, E.Z.; Yarnell, R.W.; Scott, D.M. 2010 Comparative efficacy of sign surveys, spotlighting and audio playbacks in a landscape-scale carnivore survey
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (40)
Thorn, M.; Green, M.; Dalerum, F.; Bateman, P.W.; Scott, D.M. 2012 What drives human-carnivore conflict in the North West Province of South Africa?
Biological Conservation (150)
Thorn, M.; Green, M.; Keith, M.; Marnewick, K.; Bateman, P.W.; Cameron, E.Z.; Scott, D.M. 2011 Large-scale distribution patterns of carnivores in northern South Africa: implications for conservation and monitoring
Oryx (45)
Thorn, M.; Green, M.; Marnewick, K.; Scott, D.M. 2014 Determinants of attitudes to carnivores: implications for mitigating human-carnivore conflict on South African farmland
Oryx (49)
Thorn, M.; Green, M.; Scott, D.; Marnewick, K. 2013 Characteristics and determinants of human-carnivore conflict in South African farmland
Biodiversity and Conservation (22)
Thornback, J.; Jenkins, M. 1982 The IUCN red data book part 1
Full Book
Thornton, C.; Quinn, M.S. 2009 Coexisting with cougars: public perceptions, attitudes, and awareness of cougars on the urban-rural fringe of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Human-Wildlife Conflicts (3)
Thornton, D.; Zeller, K.; Rondinini, C.; Boitani, L.; Crooks, K.; Burdett, C.; Rabinowitz, A.; Quigley, H. 2016 Assessing the umbrella value of a range-wide conservation network for jaguars (_Panthera onca_)
Ecological Applications (26)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)