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Wacher, T.; de Smet, K.; Belbachir, F.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Fellous, A.; Belghoul, M.; Marker, L. 2005 Sahelo-Saharan Interest Group Wildlife Surveys. Central Ahaggar Mountains (March 2005)
Full Book
Wacher, T.; de Smet, K.; Belbachir, F.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Fellous, A.; Belghoul, M.; Marker, L.L. 2005 Sahelo-Saharan Interest Group Wildlife Surveys. Part 4: Central Ahaggar Mountains, Algeria (March 2005) (March 2005)
Full Book
Wachter, B.; Blanc, A.-S.; Melzheimer, J.; Breitenmoser, U.; Thalwitzer, S.; Jago, M.; Lonzer, J. 2007 Determination of the Diet in a Free-Ranging Cheetah Population Living on Farmland in Namibia
Conference Proceeding
Wachter, B.; Blanc, A.-S.; Melzheimer, J.; Hā€ner, O.P.; Jago, M.; Hofer, H. 2012 An advanced method to assess the diet of free-ranging large carnivores based on scats
PLoS ONE (7)
Wachter, B.; Jauernig, O.; Breitenmoser, U. 2006 Determination of Prey Hair in Faeces of Free-ranging Namibian Cheetahs with a Simple Method
Cat News (44)
Wachter, B.; Portas, R.; Melzheimer, J. 2023 The introduction of African cheetahs to India was planned without considering their spatial ecology
Conservation Science and Practice
Wachter, B.; Thalwitzer, S.; Hofer, H.; Lonzer, J.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Hermes, R. 2011 Reproductive history and absence of predators are important determinants of reproductive fitness: the cheetah controversy revisited
Conservation Letters (4)
Wade, D.A. 1985 Brief Comments on "Coyote Control and Taste Aversion"
Appetite (6)
Wadey, J.; Fletcher, C.; Campos-Arceiz, A. 2014 First photographic evidence of flat-headed cats (_Prionailurus planiceps_) in Pasoh Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia
Tropical Conservation Science (7)
Wadhwa, S. 1992 Trade in skins on despite ban
Waghray, P.; Waghray, R. 1997 Survival at stake
Wahab, A.Z.A.; Siong, B.L.M.; Sharma, D.S.K.; Jayasilan, M.A. 2006 Tiger Ecology Study in FELDA Jerangau Barat, Peninsular Malaysia
Full Book
Wahlberg, C.; Tarkkanen, A.; Blomqvist, L. 1982 Further observations on the multiple ocular coloboma (MOC) in the snow leopard, Panthera uncia
Int.Ped.Book of Snow leopards (3)
Wahyudi, H.A.; Traeholt, C.; Arinal, I.; Iqbal, M. 2016 A preliminary study of the population and ecology of Javan leopard in savanna ecosystem in Baluran National Park
Conference Proceeding
Wait, K.R.; Ricketts, A.M.; Ahlers, A.A. 2018 Land-use change structures carnivore communitites in remaining tallgrass prairie
The Journal of Wildlife Management
Waite, T.A.; Vucetich, J.; Saurer, T.; Kroninger, M.; Vaughn, E.; Field, K.; Ibargen, S. 2005 Minimizing extinction risk through genetic rescue
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (28)
Waits, L.P.; Buckley-Beason, V.A.; Johnson, W.E.; Onorato, D.; McCarthy, T. 2007 A select panel of polymorphic microsatellite loci for individual identification of snow leopards (_Panthera uncia_)
Molecular Ecology Notes (7)
Wakefield, S.; Attum, O. 2006 The effects of human visits on the use of a waterhole by endangered ungulates
Journal of Arid Environments (65)
Walder, C.; Dick, G.; Baumller, A.; Weatherley, J. 2006 Towards European Biodiversity Monitoring
Full Book
Walker, C. 1984 Leopard in the Transvaal are far from endangered
Walker, C. 1987 Hungry man-eaters stalk the streets in Soviet Far East
Walker, C. 1987 Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in the Waterberg mountains North Western Transvaal
Full Book
Walker, C. 1978 Cheetah dilemma
African Wildlife (32)
Walker, C. 1984 Southern Africa
Conference Proceeding
Walker, E.H.; Verschueren, S.; Schmidt-KĀntzel, A.; Marker, L. 2022 Recommendations for the rehabilitation and release of wild-born, captive-raised cheetahs: the importance of pre- and post-release management for optimizing survival
Oryx (56)
Walker, R.S.; Novaro, A.J.; Perovic, P.; Palacios, R.; Donadio, E.; Lucherini, M.; Pia, M.; Soledad L¢pez, M. 2007 Diets of three species of Andean carnivores in high-altitude deserts of Argentina
Journal of Mammalogy (88)
Walker, S. 1983 The ultimate cat
Friends of Mysore Zoo (1)
Walker, S. 1996 Indian zoos enter 21st century conservation research
Zoo's Print Ten Years
Walker, S. 1992 Tigers in Indian Zoos - An informal report Tiger Global Animal Survival Plan at Edinburgh Zoo
Conference Proceeding
Walker, S. 1991 How it works Zoo to wild
Conference Proceeding
Walker, S.; Funes, M.; Heidel, L.; Palacios, R.; Novaro, A. 2014 The endangered Andean cat and fracking in Patagonia
Oryx (48)
Walker, S.; Novaro, A. 2003 Second Report on the Multinational Initiative to Determine the Status of the Andean Mountain Cat and Priorities for its Conservation
Full Book
Walker, S.; Novaro, A.J. 2001 First report on the multinational initiative to determine the status of the Andean mountain cat and priorities for its conservation
Full Book
Wall, B.; Child, B. 2009 When does hunting contribute to conservation and rural development?
Book Chapter
Wallace, B. 1993 Mountain Lion Peril in East Bay
Wallace, R.B.; Gomez, H.; Ayala, G.; Espinoza, F. 2003 Camera trapping for jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Tuichi valley, Bolivia
Journal of Neotropical Mammalogy (10)
Wallet, F.; Dussert, C. 1997 Multifactorial comparative study of spatial point pattern analysis methods
Journal of Theoretical Biology (187)
Wallinger, W.A. 1904 "Kills" by carnivorous animals: being some remarks on the method of their identification
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (15)
Wallner, A. 1998 The role of fox, lynx and wolf in mythology Workshop on human dimension in large carnivore conservation
Conference Proceeding
Walls, S. 2010 The development and advantages of coded telemetry
Walmsley, A.; Elton, S.; Louys, J.; Bishop, L.C.; Meloro, C. 2012 Humeral epiphyseal shape in the Felidae: the influence of phylogeny, allometry, and locomotion
Journal of Morphology (273)
Walpole, A.A.; Bowman, J.; Murray, D.L.; Wilson, P.J. 2012 Functional connectivity of lynx at their southern range periphery in Ontario, Canada 
Landscape Ecology (27)
Walpole, M.J.; Goodwin, H.J. 2001 Local attitudes towards conservation and tourism around Komodo National Park, Indonesia
Environmental Conservation (28)
Walpole, M.J.; Goodwin, H.J.; Ward, K.G.R. 2001 Pricing Policy for Tourism in Protected Areas: Lessons from Komodo National Park, Indonesia
Conservation Biology (15)
Walser-Reinhardt, L.; Wernick, M.B.; Hatt, J.-M.; Spiess, B.M. 2010 Bilateral vision loss in a captive cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Veterinary Ophthalmology (13)
Walsh, E.J.; Wang, L.M.; Armstrong, D.L.; Curro, T.; Simmons, L.G.; McGee, J. 2003 Acoustic communication in_ Panthera tigris_: A study of tiger vocalisation and auditory receptivity
Conference Proceeding
Walsh, M.; Goldman, H. 2012 Chasing imaginary leopards: science, witchcraft and the politics of conservation in Zanzibar
Journal of Eastern African Studies (6)
Walsh, M.T.; Goldman, H.V. 2003 The Zanzibar Leopard between Science and Cryptozoology
Nature East Africa (33)
Walsh, M.T.; Goldman, H.V. 2004 Zanzibar Leopard Dead or Alive
Tanzanian affairs (77)
Walsh, M.T.; Goldman, H.V. 2007 Killing the king. The demonization and extermination of the Zanzibar leopard
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)