IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Wolkomir, R. 1983 Draining the gene pool - Animals that appear to be thriving may be facing genetic trouble
National Wildlife (21)
Won, C.-M. 1999 Presentations of the country representatives - Republic of Korea: CITES implementation in the Republic of Korea
Conference Proceeding
Won, H.G. 1966 Some Data of Korean Tiger
Book Chapter
Won, P.-O. 1981 Red Date Book of the Republic of Korea Part 1 and 2 Mammals and Birds
Book Chapter
Won, P.-O. 1986 Amur leopard Panthera pardus orientalis (Schlegel, 1857)
Book Chapter
Wong Abdullah, I.; Panchanathan, D. 2007 High conservation value forests (HCVF) in forest management practises and biodiversity conservation
Conference Proceeding
Wood, J.G.; Holder, J.B. 1885 Our living world
Full Book
Woodford, M.H. 1993 International disease implications for wildlife translocation
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (24)
Woodford, M.H. 2000 Quarantine and health screening protocols for wildlife prior to translocation and release into the wild
Full Book
Woodford, M.H.; Rossiter, P.B. 1993 Disease risk associated with wildlife translocation projects
Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (12)
Woodgate, Z.; Distiller, G.; O'Riain, J. 2018 Variation in mammal species richness and relative abundance in the Karoo
African Journal of Range & Forage Science (35)
Woodgate, Z.A. 2014 Determinants of predator abundance in northern KwaZulu-Natal: top-down or bottom-up?
Full Book
Woodgate, Z.A.; Drouilly, M.; Nattrass, N.; O'Riain, M.J. 2023 Co-occurrence of black-backed jackal and caracal in the Karoo, South Africa
Journal of Arid Environments (219)
Woodroffe, R. 2000 Predators and people: using human densities to interpret declines of large carnivores
Animal Conservation
Woodroffe, R. 1999 Managing disease threats to wild mammals
Animal Conservation (2)
Woodroffe, R. 1998 Strategies for carnivore conservation: lessons from contemporary extinctions
Conference Proceeding
Woodroffe, R.; Frank, L.G. 2005 Lethal control of African lions (_Panthera leo_): local and regional population impacts
Animal Conservation (8)
Woodroffe, R.; Frank, L.G.; Lindsey, P.A.; ole Ranah, S.M.K.; Romanach, S. 2007 Livestock husbandry as a tool for carnivore conservation in Africa's community rangelands: a case-control study
Biodiversity Conservation (16)
Woodroffe, R.; Ginsberg, J.R. 1998 Edge Effects and the Extinction of Populations Inside Protected Areas
Science (280)
Woodroffe, R.; Hedges, S.; Durant, S.M. 2014 To fence or not to fence
Science (344)
Woods, M. 2001 What the cat brought in
BBC Wildlife
Wooldridge, R.L.; Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J. 2019 The functional role of scent marking in the social organization of large sympatric neotropical felids
Journal of Mammalogy (100)
Woolf, A.; Hubert Jr., G.F. 1998 Status and management of bobcats in the United States over three decades: 1970s-1990s
Wildlife Society Bulletin (26)
Woolf, A.; Nielsen, C.K.; Bluett, R.D. 2000 Current bobcat research and implications for management
Conference Proceeding
Woolf, A.; Nielsen, C.K.; Gibbs Kieninger, T. 2000 Status and distribution of the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) in Illinois
Transaction of the Illinois State Academy of Science (93)
Woolf, A.; Nielsen, C.K.; Weber, T.; Gibbs-Kieninger, T.J. 2002 Statewide modeling of bobcat, _Lynx rufus_, habitat in Illinois, USA
Biological Conservation (104)
Wooten, M.C.; Smith, M.H. 1985 Large mammals are genetically less variable?
Evolution (39)
Worah, S.; Bharucha, E.K.; Rodgers, W.A. 1989 The use of Geographic Information Systems in identifying potential wildlife habitat
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (86)
Worku, Z.; Girma, Z. 2017 Large Mammal Diversity and Endemism at Geremba Mountain Fragment, Southern Ethiopia
International Journal of Ecology (2020)
Worton, B.J. 1989 Kernel methods for estimating the utilization distribution in home-range studies
Ecology (70)
Wotschikowsky, U. 1990 Der Luchs gewinnt an Boden
Wild und Hund (19)
Wotschikowsky, U. 1985 Der Luchs in Europa
Mitteilungen aus der Wildforschung
Wotschikowsky, U. 1979 Le lynx dans la fort de Bavire The lynx in the Bavarian forest Der Luchs im Bayerischen Wald
Conference Proceeding
Wotschikowsky, U. 2002 Der Weg zurck ist frei
Full Book
Wotschikowsky, U. 1984 Situation of Lynx in Europe
Conference Proceeding
Wotschikowsky, U.; Kaczensky, P.; Knauer, F. 2001 Gehegeluchse weniger scheu
Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung (33)
Wozencraft, W.C. 1993 (Taxonomy of the Felidae)
Book Chapter
Wpsi, 1999 Update on the trade in tiger parts
Full Book
Wpsi, 1996 Tiger poaching statistics of India - January 1994 to September 1996
Full Book
Wpsi, 2000 WPSI records
TigerLink News (6)
Wpsi, 2011 WPSI's Leopard Poaching Statistics
Full Book
Wren, C.S. 1975 Snow, Dogs, Permit, Courage Needed to Catch Soviet Tigers
Wright, A. 1984 A Note on the Wild Cats of the North Eastern Region of India
Conference Proceeding
Wright, A. 1984 Cat Notes - Marbled Cat - Endangered
Conference Proceeding
Wright, A.; Rodgers, A. 1984 Conservation Plan: Lesser Cats
Conference Proceeding
Wright, B. 1998 Wildlife Protection Society of India - Annual Report September 1997 to September 1998
Full Book
Wright, B. 2005 Too Little Too Late - Can India's Tigers be Saved ?
Cat News (42)
Wright, B. 2010 Will the tiger survive in India?
Book Chapter
Wright, B.S. 1973 Cougar
Wright, F. 1890 Panthers tree'd by wild dogs
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (5)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)