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Yaap, B.; Magrach, A.; Clements, G.R.; McClure, C.J.W.; Paoli, G.D.; Laurance, W.F. 2016 Large mammal use of linear remnant forests in an industrial pulpwood plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia
Tropical Conservation Science (9)
Yaap, B.; Watson, H.; Laurance, W.F. 2015 Mammal use of _Raphia taedigera_ palm stands in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula
Mammalia (79)
Yabsley, M.J.; Murphy, S.M.; Cunningham, M.W. 2006 Molecular Detection and Characterization of _Cytauxzoon felis_ and a _Babesia _Species in Cougars from Florida
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (42)
Yacelga, M.; Craighead, K. 2019 Filling the gap - melanistic jaguars in Panam 
Cat News (70)
Yachmennikova, A.; Zhu, S.; Kotlov, I.; Sandlersky, R.; Yi, Q.; Rozhnov, V. 2023 Is the Lesser Khingan Suitable for the Amur Tiger Restoration? Perspectives with the Current State of the Habitat and Prey Base
Animals (13)
Yachmennikova, A.A.; Rozhnov, V.V.; Blidchenko, E.Y.; Poyarkov, A.D.; Korenkova, A.A.; Shteiman, A.A. 2018 Data Integration for the General-Purpose Scale of Tiger Cubs Ontogenesis
Biology Bulletin Reviews (8)
Yackulic, C.B.; Chandler, R.; Zipkin, E.F.; Royle, J.A.; Nichols, J.D.; Grant, E.H.C.; Veran, S. 2013 Presence-only modelling using MAXENT: when can we trust the inferences?
Methods in Ecology and Evolution (4)
Yadav, B.P.; Appel, A.; Shrestha, B.P.; Dahal, B.R.; Dhakal, M. 2020 The Fishing Cat _Prionailurus viverrinus_ (Bennet, 1833) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal
Journal of Threatened Taxa (12)
Yadav, P.K.; Brownlee, M.T.J.; Kapoor, M. 2022 A systematic scoping review of tiger conservation in the Terai Arc Landscape and Himalayas
Oryx (56)
Yadav, S.K.; Lamichhane, B.R.; Subedi, N.; Dhakal, M.; Thapa, R.K.; Poudyal, L.P.; Dahal, B.R. 2018 Fishing cat camera trapped in Babai Valley of Bardia National Park, Nepal
Cat News (67)
Yahnke, C.J.; Gamarra de Fox, I.; Colman, F. 1998 Mammalian species richness in Paraguay: the effectiveness of national parks in preserving biodiversity
Biological Conservation (84)
Yalden, D.W. 1982 When did the mammal fauna of the British Isles arrive?
Other Document
Yalden, D.W.; Largen, M.J.; Kock, D. 1980 Catalogue of the mammals of Ethiopia
Italian Journal of Zoology (13)
Yamada, J.K.; Durrant, B.S. 1989 Reproductive Parameters of Clouded Leopards (Neofelis nebulosa)
Zoo Biology (8)
Yamaguchi, N. The size of lions and tigers
Full Book
Yamaguchi, N. 2000 The Barbary lion and the Cape lion: their phylogenetic places and conservation
A.L.W.G.News (1)
Yamaguchi, N. 2000 Follow up: The Barbary Lion Project: its feasibility and potential
African Lion News - The newsletter of the AFRICAN lion working group (2 )
Yamaguchi, N.; Cooper, A.; Werdelin, L.; MacDonald, D.W. 2004 Evolution of the mane and group-living in the lion (_Panthera leo_): a review
Journal of Zoology (London) (263)
Yamaguchi, N.; Driscoll, C.A.; Kitchener, A.C.; Ward, J.M.; MacDonald, D.W. 2004 Craniological differentiation between European wildcats (_Felis silvestris silvestris_), African wildcats (F.s._lybica_) and Asian wildcats (F.s. _ornata_): implications for their evolution and conservation
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (83)
Yamaguchi, N.; Driscoll, C.A.; Werdelin, L.; Abramov, A.V.; Csorba, G.; Cuisin, J.; Fernholm, B.; Hiermeier, M.; Hills, D.; Hunter, L.; Itakura, H.; Johansson, U.S.; Kascheev, V.; Krohmann, K.; Martin, T.; Nowak-Kemp, M.; Pavlinov, I.Y.; Renoud, F.; Tomsett, L.; van der Mije, S.; Zholnerovskaya, E.; Groves, C.; Kitchener, A.C.; Nijman, V.; MacDonald, D.W. 2013 Locating specimens of extinct tiger (_Panthera tigris_) subspecies: Javan tiger (_P. t. sondaica_), Balinese tiger (_P. t. balica_), and Caspian tiger (_P. t. virgata_), including previously unpublished specimens
Mammal Study (38)
Yamaguchi, N.; Haddane, B. 2001 The north African Barbery lion and the Atlas lion project
Full Book
Yamaguchi, N.; Kitchener, A.; Driscoll, C.; Nussberger, B. 2015 _Felis silvestris_, wild cat
Full Book
Yamaguchi, N.; Kitchener, A.C.; Driscoll, C.A.; Ward, J.M.; MacDonald, D.W. 2004 Craniological differentiation amongst wild-living cats in Britain and southern Africa: natural variation or the effects of hybridisation?
Animal Conservation (7)
Yamaguchi, N.; Kitchener, A.C.; Gilissen, E.; MacDonald, D.W. 2009 Brain size of the lion (_Panthera leo_) and the tiger (_P.tigris_): implications for intrageneric phylogeny, intraspecific differences and the effects of captivity
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (98)
Yamaguchi, N.; Kitchner, A.C.; Driscoll, C.A.; MacDonald, D.W. 2009 Divided infraorbital foramen in the lion (_Panthera leo_): its implications for colonisation history, population bottlenecks, and conservation of the Asian lion (_P. l. persica_)
Constributions to Zoology (78)
Yamaguchi, R.; Nakamura, S.; Hori, H.; Kato, Y.; Une, Y. 2012 Purulent Meningoventriculitis caused by _Streptococcus equi_ subspecies _zooepidemicus_ in a snow leopard
Journal of Comparative Pathology (147)
Yamazaki, K. 1996 Social variation of lions in a male-depopulated area in Zambia
Journal of Wildlife Management (60)
Yamazaki, K.; Bwalya, T. 1999 Fatal lion attacks on local people in the Luangwa Valley, Eastern Zambia
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (29)
Yamin, R.A.M.; Yang, A.B. 2013 Islam, wildlife conservation and you
Full Book
Yan, C.; Stenseth, N.C.; Krebs, C.J.; Zhang, Z. 2013 Linking climate change to population cycles of hares and lynx
Global Change Biology (19)
Yanfa, L. Felis bieti (Desert cat)
Full Book
Yanfa, L. 1985 A preliminary investigastion into the geographic distribution of the snow leopard
Full Book
Yanfa, L.; Bangjie, T. A preliminary study on the geographical distribution of snow leopards in China
Full Book
Yang, H.; Dou, H.; Baniya, R.K.; Han, S.; Guan, Y.; Xie, B.; Zhao, G.; Wang, T.; Mou, P.; Feng, L.; Ge, J. 2018 Seasonal food habits and prey selection of Amur tigers and Amur leopards in Northeast China
Scientific Reports
Yang, H.; Han, S.; Xie, B.; Feng, L. 2018 Do prey availability, human disturbance and habitat structure drive the daily activity patterns of Amur tigers (_Panthera tigris altaica_)?
Journal of Zoology
Yang, H.; Xie, B.; Zhao, G.; Gong, Y.; Mou, P.; Ge, J.; Feng, L. 2022 Elusive cats in our backyards: persistence of the North Chinese leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis in a human-dominated lanscape in central India
Integrative Zoology (16)
Yang, H.; Zhao, X.; Han, B.; Wang, T.; Mou, P.; Ge, J.; Feng, L. 2018 Spatiotemporal patterns of Amur leopards in northeast China: Influence of tigers, prey, and humans
Mammalian Biology (92)
Yang, L.; Huang, M.; Zhang, R.; Lv, J.; Ren, Y.; Jiang, Z.; Zhang, W.; Luan, X. 2016 Reconstructing the historical distribution of the Amur leopard (_Panthera pardus orientalis_) in Northeast China based on historical records
ZooKeys (592)
Yang, Q. 1992 Further study on the geographical distribution and conservation of snow leopard in Qinghai, P.R.China
Conference Proceeding
Yanosky, A.A.; Mercolli, C. 1994 Notes on the ecology of _Felis geoffroyi_ in Northeastern Argentina
The American Midland Naturalist (132)
Yanti, E. 2011 Kajian Karakteristik Habitat dan Pola Sebaran Spasial Macan Tutul Jawa (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809) di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak
Full Book
Yara-Ortiz, D.C.; Galindo-Espinosa, E.Y.; Gutierrez-Diaz, K.A.; Reinoso, G.; Bejarano-Delgado, M.; Garcia-Melo, J.E. 2009 Regional management plan for the conservation of moutain lions in the department of Tolima (Plan de manejo regional para la conservacion del le¢n de monta¤a (_Puma concolor_) en el departamento del Tolima)
Full Book
Yarnell, R.W.; Phipps, W.L.; Burgess, L.P.; Ellis, J.A.; Harrison, S.W.R.; Dell, S.; MacTavish, D.; MacTavish, L.M.; Scott, D.M. 2013 The influence of large predators on the feeding ecology of two African mesocarnivores: the black-backed jackal and the brown hyaena
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (43)
Yarovenko, A.Y. 2014 Spatial distribution and population of the jungle cat (_Felis chaus guild_) in the Republic of Dagestan
Conference Proceeding
Yarovenko, Y. Status and distribution of leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in the mountains of Dagestan, Russia
Full Book
Yarovenko, Y.; Zazanashvili, N. 2016 Recent hard evidence for the occurrence of the occurrence of the leopard, _Panthera pardus _(Mammalia: Felidae), in the Eastern Greater Caucasus
Zoology in the Middle East (62)
Yasuda, M. 2004 Monitoring diversity and abundance of mammals with camera traps: a case study on Mount Tsukuba, central Japan
Mammal Study (29)
Yasuda, M.; Kawakami, K. 2002 New method of monitoring remote wildlife via the internet
Ecological Research (17)
Yasuda, M.; Matsubayashi, H.; Rustam,; Numata, S.; Sukor, J.R.A.; Bakar, S.A. 2007 Recent cat records by camera traps in peninsular Malaysia and Borneo
Cat News (47)
Yasuma, S. 1994 Family Felidae
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)