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Hunter, L.T.B.; Henschel, P.; Bauer, H.
New records of a threatened lion (Panthera leo) population in a West African park are unconvincing
2014  African Zoology (49): 1-4

In the context of earlier reports of the lion's (_Panthera leo_) functional or actual extinction in Mole National Park, Ghana, the recent records offered by Angelici _et al. _(2012) are tantalizing. The paper lists two records from April 2011, 'a roar [that] was clearly heard from the staff lodge compound' and a camera-trap video taken the following morning in which 'a young male [lion] with poorly developed mane was clearly recorded.' As far as we know, there is no physical recording of the roar but we reviewed the video evidence. The video quality is poor and the identity of the filmed species is ambiguous, so we used Final Cut Pro X (Apple, Cupertino, U.S.A.) software to enlarge and enhance the original recording. Unfortunately, after this process, it is quite apparent that the video shows a common warthog (_Phacochoerus africanus_).

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)