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Eloff, F.C.
Food ecology of the Kalahari lion _Panthera leo vernayi_
1984  Koedoe (Supplement): 249-258

Aspects of the food ecology of the lion were researched in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. A survey based on 195 periods of 24 hours each, indicated that porcupines represented 32.3% and gemsbok 25% of lion kills. Because so many small or young mammals are being caught, a single Kalahari lion probably makes as many as 50 kills per year - considerably more than anywhere else in Africa. The Kalahari lion covers a distance, on average, of 11,8 km per night in search of food. The hunting success of the Kalahari lion, the ecological division of predators, and the effect of food on mortality is discussed. Predation by lions seems to play an insignificant role in the regulation of prey population numbers.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)