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Avenant, N.L.; Drouilly, M.; Power, R.J.; Thorn, M.; Martins, Q.; Neils, A.; du Plessis, J.; Do Linh San, E.
A conservation assessment of _Caracal caracal_
2016  Book Chapter

Caracals are widespread within the assessment region. They are considered highly adaptable and, within their distribution area, are found in virtually all habitats except the driest part of the Namib. They also tolerate high levels of human activity, and persist in most small stock areas in southern Africa, despite continuously high levels of persecution over many decades. In some regions it is even expected that Caracal numbers might have increased. Thus, the Least Concern listing remains. The use of blanket control measures over vast areas and the uncontrolled predation management efforts over virtually the total assessment region are, however, of concern. In the North West and Limpopo provinces, concerns have also been raised about hunting and live-removals. Ongoing monitoring, education efforts, and the continuous propagation of mitigation measures such as exclusion and precautionary techniques, the removal of proven damage-causing animals (DCAs), and sustaining sufficient levels of natural prey diversity and biomass on farmlands, should be a priority to prevent possible national declines. Attention must also be paid to the paucity of existing data about Caracal, especially on rangelands in southern Africa.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)