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Global Tiger Recovery Program - Kunming consensus on transboundary conservation and combatting illegal wildlife trade
2013  Full Book

The St. Petersburg Declaration on Tiger Conservation, endorsed by the heads of government of the tiger range countries (TRCs) at the 2010 Global Forum on Tiger Conservation, committed the TRCs to work collaboratively to advance transboundary issues, such as the uninhibited movement of tigers and the management of tiger conservation landscapes, and to eradicate poaching, smuggling, and illegal trade of tigers. This was reaffirmed at the Second Asian Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation in October 2012, in Bhutan, where TRC ministers or delegation heads committed to enhanced collaboration in management of transboundary landscapes and corridors, combatting illegal trade, and eliminating illicit demand in the Thimphu Affirmative Nine-Point Action Agenda Item 4. The _International Workshop for Transboundary Conservation of Tigers and Other Endangered Species and the Strategy to Combat Illegal Trade in Wildlife_ was convened and hosted by the Department of Wildlife Conservation and Nature Reserve Management of the State Forestry Administration (SFA) of China, in Kunming, China, from 29-31 July 2013. Representatives of the TRCs, international partner organizations of the Global Tiger Initiative, and others interested in the conservation of wild tigers met with the objective to identify and promote good practices to enhance and mainstream collaboration among countries in management of transboundary landscapes and corridors, combatting illegal trade, and eliminating illicit demand for wildlife products. The Kunming Consensus outlines recommendations based on best practices and the TRCs' planned transboundary activities to sharpen and advance the commitments of the St. Petersburg Declaration and the Thimphu Agenda.

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