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Fernandez-Gonzalez, L.; MĀller, K.; Jewgenow, K.; Zahmel, J.
Felid-gamete-rescue within EAZA - efforts and results in biobanking felid oocytes and sperm
2019  Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research (7): 15-24

The combination of gamete banking, defined as the preservation of gametes and gonads and assisted reproductive techniques (ART) such as, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer is an important tool to preserve the genetic diversity of endangered species. It can not only reduce the huge problem of limited space for large populations in zoos, but might facilitate conservation breeding and help to overcome barriers between in situ and ex situ populations. Within the Felid-Gamete Rescue-Project we aim to collect and store gametes of all felid species and improve the methods of in vitro embryo production, including in vitro maturation and fertilisation and sperm storage. Gonads of 74 females and 67 males from 36 different zoological institutions were donated to the project. The majority of samples (86/141) originated from individuals younger than three years old or older than 13 years of age. Epididymal sperm was collected from 42 males (63%) and samples from 36 males (54%) were suitable for freezing. Sperm quality and quantity was sufficient for the demands of artificial insemination (>10 x 106 motile sperm) in 21% of males, whereas almost all cryopreserved samples can be used for intracytoplasmic sperm cell injection (ICSI). 1110 oocytes were retrieved from 62 out of 74 females (84%) and 277 (25%) oocytes matured in vitro. Forty-seven embryos were generated by in vitro maturation and fertilisation, among them nine highly valuable embryos from Asiatic golden cat and Northern Chinese leopards. Zoos are strongly encouraged to offer available gametes to the gamete bank and consider the potential benefit of artificial insemination and embryo transfer for their breeding programmes.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)