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Fern ndez, M.J.G.; Fameli, A.; G¢mez, J.R.; Pereira, J.A.; Mirol, P.
Phylogeographical spatial diffusion analysis reveals the journey of Geoffroy's cat through the Quaternary glaciations of South America
2020  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (129): 603-617

_Leopardus geoffroyi_ is a small feline with a widespread distribution in a broad array of habitats. Here we investigate its evolutionary history to characterize the phylogeographical patterns that led to its present distribution using mitochondrial DNA from 72 individuals collected throughout its entire range. All haplotypes conformed to a monophyletic group, including two clades with a central/marginal disposition that is incongruent to the proposed subspecies. Spatial diffusion analysis showed the origin of the species within the oldest and more diverse central clade. A Bayesian Skyline Plot combined with a dispersal through time plot revealed two population increases at 190 000-170 000 and 45 000-35 000 years ago, the latter period accompanied by an increase in the dispersal rate. Species distribution models showed similar patterns between the present and Last Interglacial Period, and a reduction of high-probability areas during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Molecular evidence confirms L. geoffroyi as a monotypic species whose origin is located in Central Argentina. The last glaciation had little effect on the pattern of distribution of the species: the population and range expansion that started before the LGM, although probably being halted, continued after the glaciation and resulted in the presence of this felid in the far south of Patagonia.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)