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Rduch, V.
Is there predation pressure on Puku-antilopes (_Kobus vardonii_) in Kasanka national park Zambia?
2017  Zeitschrift des K”lner Zoos (2): 79 -95

What does puku (_Kobus vardonii_) taste like? I don't know, but admittedly I would love to try it. SCLATER reported in 1900: "The flesh of the puku is stated by SELOUS to be even more nauseous and npalatable than that of the common waterbuck" ("The flesh of pukus, according to SELOUS, is even more nauseous and npalatable than that of the common waterbuck"). On the other hand, TOM HEINEKEN (pers. comm., Aug. 2010) states that waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) can be very tasty. When gutting the animal, it is important to ensure that the meat never comes into contact with the animal's fur. Pukus and waterbucks both belong to the genus Kobus, which belongs to the tribe of reedbucks and waterbucks. Members of this genus, which also includes kob antelopes (Kobus kob), lechwe (Kobus leche) and white-naped moor antelopes (Kobus megaceros), live close to water. They are not afraid to wade through the water, eat standing in the water and sometimes flee from predators into the water. Adapted to this habitat, the fur is oily and greasy and smells like peppermint (PUSCHMANN, 2004).

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)