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Ferrer de Valdecebro, A.
Propiedade de el Tigre
1696  Book Chapter

Second Edition of this curious Spanish natural history. A less extensive version was published in Madrid in 1658. It lies somewhere between the group of emblem books known as The Mirror for Princes and a bestinary. Descriptions of the habitat, nature and qualities of each animal are accompanied by their mystical symbols. Although Casey Wood does not list this particular work his illuminating note to Ferrer de Valdecebro's similar work on birds equally applies to it. "An interesting mixture of fact and fancy that throws much light on popular ideas touching the .(mammalogy) of Spain in the seventeenth century, in which, some information of value, one finds the usual pious adjuncts to be expected from the author, 'El Padre Maestro Fray Andres'. "There are references to the New World, particularly in the chapters on the unicorn, with emphasis on Peru.

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