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Elton, C.; Nicholson, M.
The ten-year cycle in numbers of the lynx in Canada
1942  Journal of Animal Ecology (11): 215-244

The cycle in populations of Lynx Canadensis has received wide attention from biologists on account of the regularity and great amplitude of the rhythm it has produced in the fur catches of the Hudson's Bay Company over a long period. Discussion of this periodicity has been based entirely on the total fur returns or total sales of the company, except for a nearly complete series of fur returns or total sales of the company, except for a nearly complete series of fur returns for the MacKenzie River District for the years 1822 - 1927 (Elton, 1933). The present paper contains further material for analysis of the total fur returns into regions, derived from archives of the Hudson's Bay Company that have not previously been published. The search for material has been in progress since 1925, and has been aided by grants at different times from the Hudson's Bay Company; New York Zoological Society; the Leverhulme Research Fellowship Trust; the Christopher Welch Trust; Oxford University, Corpus Christi College, Oxford; the Department of Scientific and Industrial research; and the Carnegie Corporation of New York (through the Carnegie Institution of Washington). The Governor and Committee of the Hudson's Bay Company have given very full facilities for the examination of archives and the publication of material for scientific purposes. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance given by many of the Company's officials. The help of the Archivist, Mr. R. Leveson Gower, has been particularly valuable. We are indebted to Dr Willard E. Ireland, Archivist of British Columbia, for supplying copies of some early fur returns of the Hudson's Bay Company that are not in the latter's own collection.

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