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Durant, S.M.; Caro, T.M.; Collins, D.A.; Alawi, R.M.; FitzGibbon, C.D.
Migration patterns of Thomson's gazelles and cheetahs on the Serengeti Plains
1988  African Journal of Ecology (26): 257-268

Monthly changes in abundance of Thomson's gazelles at 142 locations on the Serengeti Plains are presented over a 3« year period. Numbers of gazelles on the eastern plains were strongly correlated with rainfall, whereas numbers in the central and western plains appeared to be related to other variables. Movements of female cheetahs and non-resident male cheetahs corresponded closely to the movements of Thomson's gazelles but those of resident male cheetahs remained relatively independent of the gazelle migration.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)