IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Emanoil, M.
Leopard _Panthera pardus_
1994  Book Chapter

The leopard is known for its beautiful coat of light to tawny brown with clusters or rosettes of black spots. Some cats, most commonly in southern Asia, are born with a black coat that still retains the characteristics spotting, while still leopards, these cats are commonly called black panthers. The leopard averages 38-75 in (96-190 cm) long and weighs 65-155 lb (30-70kg). This nocturnal hunter's varied diet includes small to medium sized mammals, birds, rodents, and insects. Prey is killed by a bite to the neck or is seized by the throat and strangled. The leopard often stores it's dead prey in trees. Home range averages 4-20 sq mi (10-25 sq km), but can sometimes be much larger because it varies with availability of prey.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)