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Trolle, M.; K‚ry, M.
Estimation of ocelot density in the Pantanal using capture-recapture analysis of camera-trapping data
2003  Journal of Mammalogy (84): 607-614

Neotropical felids such as the ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) are secretive, and it is difficult to estimate their populations using conventional methods such as radiotelemetry or sign surveys. We show that recognition of individual ocelots from camera-trapping photographs is possible, and we use camera-trapping results combined with closed population capture-recapture models to estimate density of ocelots in the Brazilian Pantanal. We estimated the area from which animals were camera trapped at 17.71 km2. A model with constant capture probability yielded an estimate of 10 independent ocelots in our study area, which translates to a density of 2.82 independent individuals for every 5 km2 (_SE _1.00)

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)