IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Dunbar Brander, A.A.
Carnivora or beasts of prey
1934  Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society: 112-124

The Carnivora or flesh-eaters is a name given to a distinctive group of animals known familiarly as 'Beasts of Prey'. The assemblage includes the cats, great and small, and such varied animals as civets, dogs, bears and the weasels and their numerous kindred. It also includes the aquatic beasts of prey - seals, sea-lions and walruses. The Carnivora as a whole reveal in their structure certain characters which are common to all of them and which mark them as animals whose particular role is to capture and destruction of living prey. The evidence of a predatory life is most signally revealed in the structure of their teeth and claws-essential weapons designed to secure for the beast of prey its appropriate food.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)