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Treves, A.; Karanth, K.U.
Human-Carnivore conflict and perspectives on carnivore management worldwide
2003  Conservation Biology (17): 1491-1499

Carnivore conservation depends on the sociopolitical landscape as much as the biological landscape. Changing political attitudes and views of nature have shifted the goals of carnivore management from those based on fear and narrow economic interests to those based on a better understanding of ecosystem function and adaptive management. In parallel, aesthetic and scientific arguments against lethal control techniques are encouraging the development of nonlethal approaches to carnivore management. We anticipate greater success in modifying the manner and frequency with which the activities of humans and domestic animals intersect with those of carnivores. Success should permit carnivore populations to persist for decades despite human population growth and modification of habitat.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)