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da Silva, C.R.
Riqueza e diversidade de mam¡feros nÆo-voadores em um mosaico formado por plantios de _Eucalyptus saligna _e remanescentes de floresta atlƒntica no munic¡pio de Pilar do Sul, sp
2001  Full Book

The Atlantic Forest presents high endemism, diversity and richness. However, with the continuous devastation it became one of the most endangered ecosystems of the world. In spite of the high diversity of mammals with many endemic species, the distribution, the ecological patterns and the use of altered environments are practically ignored. The State of SÆo Paulo presents an extensive reforestation area with _Eucalyptus spp._ However, any studies about the species of mammals that explore this environment were realized. This study was developed in Fazenda JoÆo XXIII, located in Pilar do Sul City - SÆo Paulo State, where the landscape is characterized by a mosaic of fragments surrounded by _Eucalyptus saligna_ plantations and an extensive area of Atlantic Forest continuous to Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho. The goal of this study was to survey the species of mammals and to verify its richness and diversity in the forest remainders and in the _E. saligna_ plantations. During nine months of study with a sampling effort of 7290 trap-day and 3888 pitfall-day, 537 captures of small mammals were accomplished. Sand plots were used during 36 nights, to record the use of _E. saligna_ plantations by medium and large size mammals. All methods were used in the three environments that are present the local landscape: continuous forest, fragments surrounded by _E. saligna_ and _E. saligna_ plantations. In the studied area, 47 mammal species were registered. Among these, species listed as endangered such as _Puma concolor_ and _Myrmecophaga tetradactyla_; rare species in inventories such as _Brucepattersonius igniventris_ and _Monodelphis brevicaudata_; and the _Blarynomys breviceps_, a new occurrence for the State of SÆo Paulo. The higher relative abundance of small mammals verified at continuous forest, were the marsupials _Philander frenata_, and _M. incanus_, and the rodent _Oryzomys russatus_. The same species were also found as more abundant in the fragments surrounded by eucalyptus plantations. And in the eucalyptus plantations, _Oligoryzomys nigripes_ was responsible for 55 % of the relative abundance of small mammals. The diversity of species was similar in both sampled areas of native forest and lower in the eucalyptus plantations. Among the medium and large size mammals,_ L. pardalis_ and _Leopardus_ sp used the eucalyptus plantation in larger proportion than other environments. The species more frequently registered in the plots of sand was _Tapirus terrestris_. In the present context of fragmentation and degradation of the Atlantic Forest, the eucalyptus plantations in Fazenda JoÆo XXIII represent an important role in the local conservation of the species of mammals, because most of these species use this environment as habitat or even for displacement.

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