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Tof¢li, C.F.; Rohe, F.; Setz, E.Z.F.
Jaguarundi_ _(_Puma yagouaroundi_) (Geoffroy, 1803) (Carnivora,Felidae) food habits in a mosaic of Atlantic Rainforest and eucalypt plantations of southeastern Brazil
2009  Brazilian Journal of Biology (69): 871-877

Food habits of jaguarundi (_Puma yagouaroundi_) (Geoffroy, 1803) (Carnivora, Felidae) were studied between November 2000 and November 2001, in a 24.9 km2 area of secondary Atlantic Rainforest and eucalypt plantation, in the Serra de Paranapiacaba, SÆo Paulo State, Brazil. Analyses of 26 fecal and regurgitate samples, obtained over a stretch of 570.1 km, showed the consumption of 19 prey items and 74 prey occurrences. Small mammals were the most frequent food item (42.5%), followed by birds (21%), reptiles (14%) and medium-sized mammals (3%). The percent occurrence (PO) suggests that the diet consisted mainly of small rodents (30%) and birds (21%). We recorded for the first time the predation of Viperidae snakes by _P. yagouaroundi_. Although having a large list of items and range of dietary niche breadths (Bsta = 0.76), our data show that jaguarundi prey mainly on small vertebrates (mammals, birds or reptiles), and even in tall tropical forests or eucalypt plantations, it preys mostly on animals that come to, or live on, the ground.

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