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Ferguson, A.W.; Currit, N.A.; Weckerly, F.W.
Isometric scaling in home-range size of male and female bobcats (_Lynx rufus_)
2009  Canadian Journal of Zoology (87): 1052-1060

For solitary carnivores a polygynous mating system should lead to predictable patterns in space-use dynamics. Females should be most influenced by resource distribution and abundance, whereas polygynous males should be strongly influenced by female spatial dynamics. We gathered mean annual home-range-size estimates for male and female bobcats (_Lynx rufus_ (Schreber, 1777)) from previous studies to address variation in home-range size for this solitary, polygynous carnivore that ranges over much of North America. Mean annual home ranges for bobcats (171 males, 214 females) from 29 populations covering the entire north to south and east to west range demonstrated female home-range sizes varied more than an order of magnitude and that, on average, males maintained home ranges 1.65 times the size of females. Male home-range sizes scaled isometrically with female home-range sizes indicating that male bobcats increase their home-range size proportional to female home-range size. Using partial correlation analysis we also detected an inverse relationship between environmental productivity, estimated using the normalized difference vegetation index, and home-range size for females but not males. This study provides one of the few empirical assessments of how polygyny influences home-range dynamics for a wide-ranging carnivore.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)