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Dany, C.; Divan, N.; Grey, J.C.; Nowell, K.; Sovanna, P.; Weiler, H.
Cambodia Community Wildlife Ranger Tiger and Elephant Conservation Program Final Report May 1, 2003-August 31, 2005
2006  Full Book

What is now called the Cambodia Community Wildlife Ranger Program was initiated in 1998 with an interview survey of hunters and has been continuously evolving since. See Summary Program History section of this report for a detailed chronology All previous program reports are listed in that section and can be seen on the CAT website. This report is the final program report for the period May 1, 2003-December, 2005, covering an STF grant, an RTF grant and an AEF grant for the 2003-2004 period and an RTF grant and an AEF grant for the 2004-2005 period. The grant numbers and dates within which actual grant expenditures took place are on the cover page of this report. Ranger operations ceased in July 2005 and all 2004-2005 grant funds were spent by August 31. However, HQ and international staff continued to work without pay through December to close down the project in an orderly fashion, place the rangers in other projects, and prepare the final report. The most recent prior program report was submitted to the NFWF and USFWS in December 2003. It was the final report for the 2002-2003 grants and an interim progress report for the first six months of the 2003-2004 grants. During the second six months of the 2003-2004 grants, new STF and RTCF and AECF grant applications were submitted to continue the program in 2004-2005. STF, after five consecutive years of funding, declined to fund the program for another year, due in major part to failure to obtain other funding sources. This resulted in a major re-evaluation and restructuring of the program at the very time the program would have been preparing the final 2004-2005 report. The final report for the 2003-2004 grants and the interim progress report for the 2004-2005 grants were not overlooked; it was determined that it would be more meaningful to prepare one final report for the entire period, since sustainability of the program was a key issue for both NFWF and USFWS and the future of the program was not decided until well into 2005. Over the period there were continuously evolving changes to the long term strategy as new partnerships were formed and sustainable funding options explored to enable continuation as an independent program as well as integration into other NGO- supported government programs. A judgment call was made that the final report would be more meaningful to the donors if it was deferred until it was clear as to how all those developments would play out. Since new NFWA or USFWS grants for 2005-2006 are not being requested, this report will not only be the final report for the past two grant year cycles, but also the final overview report on the entire eight year program.

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