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G”ritz, F.; Vargas, A.; Mart¡nez, F.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Naidenko, S.V.; Palomares, F.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; P‚rez, M.J.; Quevedo, M.A.; Jewgenow, K.
Ultrasonographical assessment of structure and function of the male and female reproductive organs in the Eurasian and the Iberian lynx (Evaluaci¢n ecogr fica de la estructura y funci¢n de los ¢rganos reproductivos masculinos y femeninos de linces boreales e ib‚ricos)
2009  Book Chapter

Knowledge on lynx reproduction biology and reliable methods for reproductive monitoring are imperative to assist and propagate the Iberian lynx in captivity. Because of limited access to Iberian lynxes the less endangered Eurasian lynx and the bobcat were included as a surrogate species in this comparative study. We examined morphological and functional parameters of the male reproductive organs prior to, during and after the breeding season in adult captive Eurasian lynxes (n=3). Size and morphology of the reproductive tract was monitored by transcutaneous (testes) and transrectal (accessory sex glands) ultrasonography. Captive (n=7; 4 adult and 3 juvenile animals) and free ranging (n=4 adult animals) male Iberian lynxes were available for ultrasound examination out of breeding season (late November/early December). Testes and prostate of Eurasian lynx showed seasonal-related changes in size and texture. The maximum and minimum testicular volume was 2.8 ñ 0.76 cm3 and 1.5 ñ 0.3 cm3 (Mean ñ SEM), respectively. The highest testosterone concentrations were found in February (1240 ñ 393 ng/g feces). A second increase was documented in May (971 ñ 202 ng/g feces). The lowest testosterone concentrations were measured in January (481 ñ 52.9 ng/g feces). In the Iberian lynx the mean testicular volume ranged from 0.4 cm3 in juvenile to 2.0 + 0.2 cm3 in adult animals. Mean testosterone concentration measured in blood serum was higher in the Iberian lynx (0.32 ñ 0.07 ng/ml) than in the Eurasian lynx (0.16 ñ 0.04 ng/ml). In female Eurasian and Iberian lynxes and in bobcats, transrectal ultrasonography was implemented to visualize ovarian structures (follicles, corpora lutea) and to assess ovarian activity in addition to analysis of serum progesterone and estradiol. The presence of active corpora lutea during the non breeding season was confirmed by ultrasonography and by elevated serum levels of progesterone averaging 3.56 ñ 1.3 ng/ml in Eurasian and 6.1 ñ 0.26 ng/ ml in Iberian lynx, respectively. The ultasonographical findings on the ovarian structure suggests strongly that corpora lutea developed after ovulation stay active at least until November and regress before the onset of the next estrus.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)