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Bujarbarua, P.; Sen, P.
Pakke tiger reserve: an overview 
2011  Tigerpaper (38): 3 -7

Pakke Tiger Reserve is an important natural ecosystem of scientific, educative and recreative interest in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, where plants and animals live in perfect harmony. The salient feature of the vegetation with the combination of luxuriant semi-evergreen, evergreen and riverine forests is that it harbors a good amount of biological diversity. Although a detailed floristic study of the area has yet to be made, it is certain that the area harbors a vast array of vascular plants with a number of endemic, rare and threatened plant species. As far as the protection of tiger and other wildlife are concerned, the maintenance of intact natural ecosystems is the topmost priority. Therefore, tiger conservation is not merely an effort to save an endangered species, but equal importance should also be put on preserving biotypes of sizeable magnitudes.

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