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Barrow, E.; Gichohi, H.; Infield, M.
Rhetoric or Reality? A review of Community Conservation Policy and practice in East Africa
2000  Full Book

While most of the substantive work was carried out through two grants from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) as part of their global Community Wildlife project _Evaluating Eden_, the original idea and funding for this review of community conservation in East Africa was a joint research activity between IDPM, University of Manchester, African Wildlife Foundation (Nairobi), Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe and the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, and with the IUCN Eastern African Regional office since late 1997. This project research was funded by the Global Environmental Change Programme, Phase IV (Grant No. L320 25 3211) of the Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdom. The authors are very grateful to these funding sources, and in particular to IIED, to enable this review to be completed. A chapter summarising this more substantive review appears in Hulme, D. and Murphree, M. (eds), 1999 (in press): _African Wildlife and African Livelihoods, the Promise and Performance of Community Conservation. _James Currey, Oxford. When we started working on this review we naively thought it would be a relatively simple affair! Little did we know the depth, scale, range and variety of community conservation initiatives there are in the region, ranging from small individual and community group efforts to large bi- and multi-laterally funded programmes (the list of over 170 'projects' mentioned in Annex 2 is indicative of this diversity). The smaller, and often more interesting individual and community initiated efforts (with little or no external funding) are difficult to find out about, and only usually through word of mouth as their experiences are often not documented. Given the limitations of time and resources we have tried to demonstrate some of this richness of experience, though inevitably the review has been based more on published and grey literature, together with our experience in the region. A second area concerned the boundaries of what we meant by 'community' and 'conservation'. Both terms have been widely used and abused. Much of the focus of community conservation has been on wildlife (fauna, and then mainly large terrestrial mammals). Yet there is a vast array of community conservation activities taking place with other forms of wildlife, both aquatic and marine, and with forestry. While we have tried to be as inclusive as we can, the focus of this review has been more on the wildlife (fauna), than the other forms wildlife. Clearly in a review of this nature there are many gaps. We are sure many very interesting projects and activities have not been mentioned, and apologise in advance for such omissions, though the 15- page reference list is testament to that richness of experience in the region. A review of this nature has had to concentrate on information available through reports, published papers, and through our contacts with field based projects. In this we recognise that much may have been left out, and it is hoped that this review will stimulate such projects to write about and share their experiences. More description and analysis is needed on:  Community conservation and marine and coastal ecosystems, and wetlands;  Changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices with respect to community conservation;  Hunting in Tanzania and the relative importance of subsistence hunting; and  Customary or traditional forms of community conservation.

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