IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Toweill, D.; Nadeau, S.; Smith, D.
Cougars - Past, present and future challenges
2008  Conference Proceeding

The 9th Mountain Lion Workshop was held in Sun Valley, Idaho from May 5-9, 2008. The theme for the workshop was Past, Present, and Future Challenges. Organizers provided sessions for state and province status reports; interactions with humans and the urban interface; habitat use and movements; multi-carnivore and prey interactions; genetics and disease; population estimation and dynamics; education and social issues; and key concepts. During the state status reports, the state managers were asked to provide the 2 primary issues their jurisdiction is dealing with in regards to cougar management. On the last day of the workshop, a panel of experts discussed these issues and opened the discussion to workshop participants. A poster session was also provided with many excellent posters from students and researchers. The banquet night was also a 40th anniversary celebration of cougar research by Dr. Maurice Hornocker and Wilbur Wiles in central Idaho, and we provided them both with lifetime achievement awards.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)