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Dang, N.X.; Nghia, N.X.; Lam, P.T.
Results of status assessment of Francois langur and other primates in Tam Dao National Park
2006  Full Book

This specific primate survey with focus on Francois langur (_Trachypithecus francoisi_) was conducted from 10 to 28 November 2006, including 2 phases: Interview of local villagers and forest rangers from10 - 12 November 2006 and field investigation from 13 - 28 November 2006. Totally, about 90 people from 11 villages and 8 TDNP forest rangers have been interviewed. The interviewees reported existence of 5 primate species and possible existence of small population of Francois langur in an area from Ao Dua (Dao Tru commune) to Rung Rinh moutain (Quan Chu commune). This area was taken for extensive field investigation. The effort of the field investigation consists of 12 days for active primate search with 14 transects of total 139 km long and 53 watching hours at 3 watching points. Very little information primate species could be obtained. Before 1980, Francois langur was very common in the Park (reported by local interviewees). In 1992-1993, the francois langur population was estimated for only 40-120 individuals (Do Tien Long, 1992 and FIPI, 1993). In 1998, Cao Van Sung et al. (1998) noted very low number of the langur population while hunting pressure remained very high. Nguyen Xuan Dang et al. (2005) could not obtain any direct sighting of Francois langur during their surveys in 2004 and 2005, though, local informants reported a small group in Thien Thi - Thach Ban area. This survey could not get any direct sighting of the Francois langur in the Park, only a single dung pile possibly of Francois langur was found in North Ao Dua area which is not enough to confirm the existence of species. Francois langur very likely have been extirpated from Tam Dao NP or remains only in very few individuals (possibly, less than 10 individuals). The existence of Rhesus macaque and stump-tailed macaques was confirmed in this survey by direct sighting, however, very low sighting rate (1 sightings per 12 days of active search in 14 transects with total of 139 km and 53 hours of point watching) and small number of animals in each sighted groups (less than 10 individuals) indicate their very low number remained. Existence of Pig-tailed macaque and Assamese macaque in Tam Dao NP could not be confirmed and their number is obviously very low if some remain.

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