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Sharma, R.K.; Qureshi, Q.; Jhala, Y.V.
Home range size of a tigress in Sundarbans, India: preliminary results
2011  Cat News (54): 13-16

Tigers_ Panthera tigris_ are extremely difficult to study in the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans, as standard sampling methods do not work well in this habitat. Therefore, little is known about the ecology of tigers in the Sundarban mangroves. Two long-term studies have been undertaken on the Indian and Bangladesh side of the Sundarbans to address this gap. Tigers in a part of the Indian Sundarbans were successfully habituated to cage traps and this technique was used to radio-collar a female in December 2007. Based on data collected over 45 days, the home range of the tigress was estimated at 40 and 28 km2 using the 100% and 95% Minimum Convex Polygon method, respectively. Radio telemetry offers a promising tool for studying certain important aspects of tiger ecology in mangrove habitat.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)