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Fata, I.
Aplikasi SIG untuk Analisis Distribusi Populasi Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) dan Satwa Mangsanya di Hutan Blang Raweu, Kawasan Ekosistem Ulu Masen, Aceh
2011  Full Book

Very little information is known of the distribution of Sumatran tiger (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) and their prey species in Ulu Masen Ecosistem. Ulu Masen area is one of 18 Sumatran tiger's population determining area which was appointed by Forestry Ministry in Sumatra for the implementation of Tiger Strategy and Action Plan at 2007. It was acknowledged that Sumatran tiger existed at Ulu Masen, however, there was no any information on their population. This research was doing to support the government programs to determine the Sumatran tiger population. This research was done from December 2009 until May 2010 in Blang Raweu Forest and its surrounding area in Ulu Masen ecosystem in Pidie and Pidie Jaya province Aceh. Based on the land cover, Blang Raweu Forest consisted 3 types, lowland tropical forest, mountain tropical forest and high mountain tropical forest. It ranging from lowland forest, hills forest, and mountain forest. The data was taken by Random Camera Trap Methode and the prey population was analyzed based on the speed moving of the species. The tiger distribution was analyzed by overlaying the meeting point and the map of land cover type, forest type by the height, slope, grassland, river, settlement, and human activities in the area. Based on the tiger and prey distribution analysis by using GIS, the tiger distribution was followed the prey. It was saw from the daily activity types and they prey bassed on the tiger and prey distribution maps. The primary factor in prey distribution was feed, salt lick, and water, so it directly influence the tiger distribution. The other factors such as land cover, slope, altitude, human activity and the settlement which have different influence to the every animal. Estimated population based on CAPTURE (XñSE) program with the model mh was 6ñ2.45 individu. Meanwhile the tiger density is around 2-8 individu/100 km2 with the accuracy of about 95%. The primary prey in this area was Sambar deer, deer, and beard pig. Number of Sambar deer and deer could be estimated. There were 75 individu/100 km2 of sambar deer with 1:1 sex ratio.

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