IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Azevedo, F.C.C.; Concone, H.V.B.; da Silva, A.P.; Verdade, L.M. 2010 Puma predation on a water buffalo
Mammalia (74)
Azevedo, F.C.C.; Costa, R.L.; Concone, H.V.B.; Pires-da Silva, A.; Verdade, L.M. 2010 Cannibalism among jaguars (_Panthera onca_)
The Southwestern Naturalist (55)
Azevedo-Ramos, C.; deCarvalho Jr, O.; doAmaral, B.D. 2006 Short-term effects of reduced-impact logging on eastern Amazon fauna
Forest Ecology and Management (232)
Aziz, A.; Barlow, A.C.D.; Greenwood, C.C.; Islam, A. 2013 Prioritizing threats to improve conservation strategy for the tiger Panthera tigris in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest of Bangladesh
Oryx (47)
Aziz, M.A. 2015 Population and genetic assessment of Bengal tigers in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest of Bangladesh
Full Book
Aziz, M.A. 2017 Population status, threats, and evolutionary conservation genetics of Bengal tigers in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
Full Book
Aziz, M.A.; Ahmad, I.U.; Dey, T.K.; Hossain, M.A.; Islam, M.A.; Child, T.; Greenwood, C.J.; Barlow, A.C.D. 2011 Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan 2009-2017: Threat assessment
Full Book
Aziz, M.A.; Tollington, S.; Barlow, A.; Goodrich, J.; Shamsuddoha, M.; Islam, M.A.; Groombridge, J.J. 2017 Investigating patterns of tiger and prey poaching in the Bangladesh Sundarbans: implications for improved management
Global Ecology and Conservation (9)
Aziz, M.A.; Tollington, S.; Barlow, A.; Greenwood, C.; Goodrich, J.M.; Smith, O.; Shamsuddoha, M.; Islam, M.A.; Groombridge, J.J. 2017 Using non-invasively collected genetic data to estimate density and population size of tigers in the Bangladesh Sundarbans
Global Ecology and Conservation (12)
Aziz, T. 1994 Tiger film raises hackles
WWF India Quarterly (Apr-June)
Azizan, A.; Paradis, E. 2021 Patterns and drivers of genetic diversity among Felidae species
Biodiversity and Conservation (30)
Azlan, J.M.; Sharma, D.S.K. 2006 The diversity and activity patterns of wild felids in a secondary forest in Peninsular Malaysia
Oryx (40)
Azlan, M.J. 2002 Give a new lease of life to bay cats: Distribution and relative abundance of bay cats and other Felids (Catopuma badia) in Borneo
Full Book
Azmi, R.; Ng Su-Chan, J. 2003 Can Tourism Really Save the Indo-Chinese Tiger?
Conference Proceeding
Azuara, D.; Medellin, R.A. 2011 Camera trapping as a tool to study jaguars and other mammals in the Lacandon forest, Chiapas
Book Chapter
šnal, Y.; Eryilmaz, A. 2020 Jungle cat (_Felis chaus, Schreber, 1777_) population density estimates, activity pattern and spatiotemporal interactions with humans and other wildlife species in Turkey
Applied ecology and environmental research (18)
šnal, Y.; Pekin, B.K.; Ogurlu, I.; Sel, H.; Koca, A. 2020 Human, domestic animal, caracal (caracal caracal) and other wildlife species interactions in a Mediterranean forest landscape
European Journal of Wilflie Research (66)
šnal, Y.; Pekin, B.K.; Ogurlu, I.; Sel, H.; Koca, A. 2020 Human, domestic animal, Caracal (_Caracal caracal_), and other wildlife species interactions in a Mediterranean forest landscape
European Journal of Wildlife Research (66)
µlvarez Pinna, C.M.; L¢pez, M.J.; Pereira, J.A. 2023 New record of the Uruguayan pampas cat _Leopardus munoai_ (Xim‚nez, 1961) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in the center of Uruguay
Notas sobre Mam¡feros Sudamericano (5)
µlvarez, H.G.; Zapata-R¡os, G. 2022 Do social factors influence perceptions of the jaguar _Panthera onca_ in Ecuador?
Oryx (56)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)