IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Allen, M.L.; Hocevar, L.; de Groot, M.; Krofel, M. 2024 Where to leave amessage? The selection and adaptive significance of scent-marking sites for Eurasian lynx
Behaviour Ecology and Sociobiology (71)
Allen, M.L.; Roberts, N.M.; Van Deelen, T.R. 2018 Hunter selection for larger and older male bobcats affects annual harvest demography
Royal Society Open Science (5)
Allen, M.L.; Rovero, F.; Oberosler, V.; Augugliaro, C.; Krofel, M. 2023 Effects of snow leopards (_Panthera uncia_) on olfactory communication of Pallas's cats (_Otocolobus manul_) in the Altai Mountains, Mongolia
Behaviour (1)
Allen, M.L.; Sibarani, M.C.; Krofel, M. 2021 Predicting preferred prey of Sumatran tigers _Panthera tigris sumatrae_ via spatio-temporal overlap
Oryx (55)
Allen, M.L.; Wang, S.; Olson, L.O.; Li, Q.; Krofel, M. 2020 Counting cats for conservation: seasonal estimates of leopard density and drivers of distribution in the Serengeti
Biodiversity and Conservation (29)
Allen, M.L.; Wang, Y.; Wilmers, C.C. 2016 Exploring the Adaptive Significance of Five Types of Puma (_Puma concolor_) Vocalizations
Canadian Field-Naturalist (130)
Allen, M.L.; Wilmers, C.C.; Elbroch, L.M.; Golla, J.M.; Wittmer, H.K. 2016 The importance of motivation, weapons and foul odors in driving encounter competition in carnivores
Ecology (97)
Allen, M.L.; Wittmer, H.U.; Houghtaling, P.; Smith, J.; Elbroch, L.M.; Wilmers, C.C. 2015 The role of scent marking in mate selection by female pumas (_Puma concolor_)
PLoS ONE (10)
Allen, M.L.; Wittmer, H.U.; Setiawan, E.; Jaffe, S.; Marshall, A.J. 2016 Scent marking in Sunda clouded leopards: novel observations close a key gap in understanding felid communication behaviours
Scientific Reports (6)
Allen, M.L.; Wittmer, H.U.; Wilmers, C.C. 2014 Puma communication behaviours: understanding functional use and variation among sex and age classes
Behaviour (151)
Allen, M.L.; Yovovich, V.; Wilmers, C.C. 2016 Evaluating the responses of a territorial solitary carnivore to potential mates and competitors
Scientific Reports (6)
Allen, P.M.; Macray, D. 2002 Snow leopard enterprises description and summarized business plan
Conference Proceeding
Allen, P.M.; McCarthy, T.M.; Bayarjargal, A. 2002 Conservation de la panthŠre des neiges (Uncia uncia) avec les ‚leveurs de Mongolie
Conference Proceeding
Allen, W.L.; Cuthill, I.C.; Scott-Samuel, N.E.; Baddeley, R. 2011 Why the leopard got its spots: relating pattern development to ecology in felids
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (278)
Allendord, T.D.; Gurung, B.; Smith, J.L.D. 2009 Community-based monitoring of tigers in Nepal
Himalaya XXIX (1-2)
Allendorf, F.W.; Leary, R.F.; Spruell, P.; Wenburg, J.K. 2001 The problems with hybrids: setting conservation guidelines
Ecology & Evolution (16)
Allendorf, T.D.; Allendorf, K. 2012 What every conservation biologist should know about human population
Conservation Biology (26)
Allendorf, T.D.; Gurung, B.; Poudel, S.; Dahal, S.; Thapa, S. 2019 Using community knowledge to identify potential hotspots of mammal diversity in southeastern Nepal
Biodiversity and Conservation (29)
Almansa Ruiz, J.C.; Bosman, A.-M.; Steenkamp, G. 2016 Bacterial profile of necrotic pulps in cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) canine teeth
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (47)
Alma‡a, C. 1992 Name, authorship, type specimen, and type locality of the Iberian lynx
Mammalia (56)
Almeida, A.B.P.F.; Silva, C.P.A.; Pitchenin, L.C.; Dahroug, M.A.A.; da Silva, G.C.P.; Sousa, V.R.F.; de Souza, R.L.; Nakazato, L.; Dutra, V. 2013 _Brucella abortus_ and _Brucella canis_ in captive wild felids in Brazil
International Zoo Yearbook (47)
Alonso, R.S.; Lyren, L.M.; Boydston, E.E.; Haas, C.D.; Crooks, K.R. 2014 Evaluation of road expansion and connectivity mitigation for wildlife in southern California
The Southwestern Naturalist (59)
Alonso, R.S.; McClintock, B.T.; Lyren, L.M.; Boydston, E.E.; Crooks, K.R. 2015 Mark-recapture and mark-resight methods for estimating abundance with remote cameras: a carnivore case study
PLoS ONE (10)
Aloufi, A.A.; Amr, Z.S. 2018 Carnivores of the Tabuk Province, Saudi Arabia (Carnivora: Canidae, Felidae, Hyaenidae, Mustelidae)
Lynx (Praha) (49)
Alpaca Urquizo, J.J. 2019 Identification and analysis of baseline times of the mining to optimize the production process in the Inmaculada Operative United
Full Book
Alss, 2011 Asian Leopard Specialists Newsletter 1/11
Altamirano Salas, T.A. 2016 Study and analysis of implementation strategies, mitigation measures, and repair and compensation of the environmental impact study of the actualisation of the mining project Quebrada Blanca
Full Book
Altamirano, T.A.; Hernandez, F.; de la Maza, M.; Bonacic, C. 2013 GuiĀ¤a (_Leopardus guigna_) preys on cavity-nesting nestlings
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (86)
Altendorf, K.B.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.; Brown, J.S. 2001 Assessing effects of predation risk on foraging behavior of mule deer
Journal of Mammalogy (82)
Altherr, T.L. 1996 The Catamount in Vermont Folklore and Culture, 1760-1900
Conference Proceeding
Altmann, S.A.; Altmann, J. 2003 The transformation of behaviour field studies
Animal Behaviour (65)
Alui, M.A.; Jahangirnamah, D.A.R. 1968 Leopard - Tiger
Book Chapter
Alvarado-Rybak, M.; Solano-Gallego, L.; Millan, J. 2016 A review of piroplasmid infections in wild carnivores worldwide: importance for domestic animal health and wildlife conservation
Parasites & Vectors (9)
Alvarenga, G.C. 2017 Spatial dynamics of medium- and large-sized mammal assemblages in vĀ rzea and terra firme forests, Central Amazonia, Brazil
Full Book
Alvarenga, G.C.; Ramalho, E.E.; Baccaro, F.B.; Gomes da Rocha, D.; Ferreira-Rerreira, J.; Bobrowiec, P.E.D. 2018 Spatial patterns of medium and large size mammal assemblages in varzea and terra firme forests, Central Amazonia, Brazil
PLoS ONE (13)
Alvarez, M.C.; Kaufmann, C.A.; Massigoge, A.; Gutierrez, M.A.; Rafuse, D.J.; Scheifler, N.A.; Gonzalez, M.E. 2012 Bone modification and destruction patterns of leporid carcasses by Geoffroy's cat: an experimental study
Quaternary International (278)
Alvarez-Solas, S.; Ramis, L.; Zurita-Benavides, M.; Penuela-Mora, M. 2018 Local knowledge and uses of large mammals: A tool to understand threats, behavior and distribution of these species
Revista de Investigacion Talentos (5)
Alves, B.S.G. 2020 Infectious disease status of the Scottish free-living cat population, including European wildcat (_Felis silvestris_), domestic cats (_Felis catus_) and domestic-wildcat hybrids, in the context of _F. silvestris_ conservation
Full Book
Alves, B.S.G.; Bacon, A.; Langridge, K.; Papasouliotis, K.; Handel, I.; Anderson, N.E.; Meredith, A.L. 2023 Epidemiology of a hybrid swarm: Evidence of 11 feline infectious agents circulating in a population of sympatric European wildcat hybrids and free-living domestic cats, in Scotland
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (2023)
Alves, M.Z. 2016 Influence of environmental conditions and predator-prey relationship in a community of medium and large sized terrestrial mammal in dense rain forest
Full Book
Alves, R.R.N.; Mendonca, L.E.T.; Confessor, M.V.A.; Vieira, W.L.S.; Lopez, L.C.S. 2009 Hunting strategies used in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (5)
Amarasekare, P. 2000 The geometry of coexistence
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (71)
Amarasinghe, A.A.T.; Madawala, M.B.; Karunarathan, D.M.S.S.; Manolis, S.C.; de Silva, A.; Sommerlad, R. 2015 Human-crocodile conflict and conservation implications of Saltwater Crocodiles _Crocodylus porosus_ (Reptilia: Crocodylia: Crocodylidae) in Sri Lanka
Journal of Threatened Taxa (7)
Amato, G. 1996 Cat-saving Science
Wildlife Conservation
Amato, G.; Wharton, D.; Zainuddin, Z.Z.; Powell, J.R. 1995 Assessment of Conservation Units for the Sumatran Rhinoceros (_Dicerorhinus sumatrensis_)
Zoo Biology (14)
Ambarli, H.; Menglloglu, D.; Bilgin, C.C. 2010 First camera trap pictures of Eurasian lynx from Turkey
Cat News (52)
Amelkina, O.; Zschockelt, L.; Painer, J.; Serra, R.; Villaespesa, F.; Krause, E.; Jewgenow, K.; Braun, B.C. 2016 Progesterone, estrogen and androgen receptors in the _corpus luteum_ of the domestic cat, Iberian lynx and Eurasian lynx
Theriogenology (86)
Amerasinghe, F.P.; Ekanayake, U.B.; Burge, R.D.A. 1990 Food habits of the leopard (_Panthera pardus fusca_) in Sri Lanka
Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences) (21)
Amin, R.; Baral, H.S.; Lamichhane, B.R.; Poudyal, L.P.; Lee, S.; Jnawali, S.R.; Acharya, K.P.; Upadhyaya, G.P.; Pandey, M.B.; Shrestha, R.; Joshi, D.; Griffiths, J.; Khatiwada, A.P.; Subedi, N. 2018 The status of Nepal's mammals
Journal of Threatened Taxa (10)
Amin, R.; Wacher, T.; Bruce, T.; Barichievy, C. 2021 The status and ecology of the sand cat in the Uruq Bani Ma'arid Protected Area, Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia
Mammalia (85)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)