IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            923 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Cruz, E.; Palacios, G.; Guiris, M. 2011 Current status of jaguars in Chiapas
Book Chapter
Cruz, P.; De Angelo, C.; Martinez Pardo, J.; Iezzi, M.E.; Varela, D.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Paviolo, A. 2019 Cats under cover: Habitat models indicate a high dependency on woodlands by Atlantic Forest felids
Biotropica (51)
Cruz-Jacome, O.; Lopez-Tello, E.; Delfin-Alfonso, C.A.; Mandujano, S. 2015 Richness and relative abundance of medium and large mammals in a community of the Biosphere Reserve Tehuac n-Cuicatl n, Oaxaca, Mexico
Therya (6)
Cruz-Rodriguez, C.; Gonzalez-Maya, J.F.; Rodriguez-Bolanos, A.; Cepeda-Mercado, A.A.; Zarrate-Charry, D.; Belant, J.L. 2015 Ocelot _Leopardsu pardalis_ (Carnivorea: Felidae) spatial ecology in a fragmented landscape of Colombia
Revista Mexicana de Mastozoologia (5)
Cuar¢n, A.D. 2000 A Global Perspective on Habitat Disturbance and Tropical Rainforest Mammals
Conservation Biology (14)
Cuar¢n, A.D. 2000 Effects of Land-Cover Changes on Mammals in a Neotropical Region: a Modeling Approach
Conservation Biology (14)
Cu‚llar, R.L.; Alarc¢n, D.; Pe¤a, F.; Romero-Mu¤oz, A.; Maffei, L.; Ruimz, D.; Noss, A. 2012 Kaaiyana, a jaguar with cubs in the Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco Naitonal Park, Bolivia
Cat News (57)
Cucho, H.; Alarcon, V.; Ordonez, C.; Ampuero, E.; Meza, A.; Soler, C. 2016 Puma epididymal sperm morphometry
Asian Journal of Andrology (18)
Cuellar, E.; Maffei, L.; Arispe, R.L.; Noss, A. 2006 Geoffroy's cats at the northern limit of their range: activity patterns and density estimates from camera trapping in Bolivian dry forests
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (41)
Cuervo-Robayo, A.P.; Monroy-Vilchis, O. 2012 Distribuci¢n potencial del jaguar en Guerrero, M‚xico: persistencia de zonas para su conservaci¢n
Revista de Biologia Tropical (60)
Cuff, A.R.; Randau, M.; Head, J.; Hutchinson, J.R.; Pierce, S.E.; Goswami, A. 2015 Big cat, small cat: reconstructing body size evolution in living and extinct Felidae
Journal of Evolutionary Biology (28)
Cuff, A.R.; Sparkes, E.L.; Randau, M.; Pierce, S.E.; Kitchener, A.C.; Goswami, A.; Hutchinson, J.R. 2016 The scaling of postcranial muscles in cats (Felidae) I: forelimb, cervical, and thoracic muscles
Journal of Anatomy (229)
Cuff, A.R.; Sparkes, E.L.; Randau, M.; Pierce, S.E.; Kitchener, A.C.; Goswami, A.; Hutchinson, J.R. 2016 The scaling of postcranial muscles in cats (Felidae) II: hindlimb and lumbosacral muscles
Journal of Anatomy (229)
Cui, G. 2001 Current attempts to ban illegal hunting in Heilongjang Province of China
Conference Proceeding
Cullen Jr., L. 2006 Jaguars as landscape detectives for the conservation of Atlantic Forests in Brazil
Full Book
Cullen Jr., L.; Stanton, J.C.; Lima, F.; Uezu, A.; Perilli, M.L.L.; Ak‡akaya, H.R. 2016 Implications of fine-grained habitat fragmentation and road mortality for jaguar conservation in the Atlantic forest, Brazil
PLoS ONE (11)
Culver, M. 2005 DNA and the origin of North American pumas
Wild Cat News (2005)
Culver, M.; Driscoll, C.; Eizirik, E.; Spong, G. 2007 Population and Conservation Genetics of Felids
Conference Proceeding
Culver, M.; Hedrick, P.W.; Murphy, K.; O'Brien, S.J.; Hornocker, M.G. 2008 Estimation of the bottleneck size in Florida panthers
Animal Conservation (11)
Culver, M.; Johnson, W.E.; Pecon-Slattery, J.; O'Brien, S.J. 2000 Genomic ancestry of the American puma (Puma concolor)
Journal of Heredity (91)
Culver, M.; Raymond, M.; Johnson, W.E.; Roelke, M.E.; O'Brien, S.J. 1996 Characterization of genetic variation in the Puma (Puma concolor) Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Culver, M.; Roelke, M.; O'Brien, S.J. 1996 Genetic Geographic Variation Within the Puma (Puma concolor) Species--An Abstract
Conference Proceeding
Culver, M.; Stephens, J.C.; Murphy, K.; Laundr‚, J.; Sweanor, L.; Logan, K.; Roelke-Parker, M.; Hornocker, M.; O'Brien, S.J.; Menotti-Raymond, M. 1998 Use of Microsatellite Loci to Examine Kinship Levels in Free-Ranging North American Puma (_Puma concolor_) Populations
Cumming, W.D. 1904 Some panther notes
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (15)
Cunha Serra, R.; Sarmento, P. 2006 The Iberian Lynx in Portugal: Conservation Status and Perspectives
Cat News (45)
Cunha Serra, R.; Simao, C.; Abreu, T.; Baeta, R. 2005 Portuguese Iberian lynx _ex situ_ conservation plan
Full Book
Cunningham, A.A. 1996 Disease risk of wildife translocations
Conservation Biology (10)
Cunningham, M.W. 2005 Epizootiology of feline leukemia virus in the florida panther
Full Book
Cunningham, M.W.; Dunbar, M.R.; Buergelt, C.D.; Homer, B.L.; Roelke-Parker, M.E.; Taylor, S.K.; King, R.; Citino, S.B.; Glass, C. 1999 Atrial septal defects in Florida panthers
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (35)
Cunningham, M.W.; Onorato, D.P.; Sayler, K.A.; Leone, E.H.; Conley, K.J.; Mead, D.G.; Bradley, J.A.C.; Meas, R.K.; Kiupel, M.; Shindle, D.B.; Wisley, S.M.; Subramaniam, K.; Wise, A.G.; Clemons, B.C.; Cusack, L.M.; Jansen, D.; Schueller, P.; Hern ndez, F.A.; Waltzek, T.B. 2021 Pseudorabies (Aujeszky's diesease) is an underdiagnosed cause of death in the Florida panther (_Puma concolor coryi_)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (57)
Cunningham, P.; Wronski, T.; Al Aqeel, K. 2009 Predators persecuted in the Asir region, Western Saudi Arabia
Wildlife Middle East (4)
Cunningham, P.; Wronski, T.; Al Aqeel, K. 2009 Predators persecuted in the Asir region, Western Saudi Arabia
Wildlife Middle East (4)
Cunningham, S.C. 1996 Population demographics of an exploited mountain lion population Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Cunningham, S.C. 1996 Prey availability and selection by mountain lions in the Aravaipa-Klondyke area of Arizona Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Curlik, J.; Lazar, P.; Iglodyova, A.; Barbusinova, E.; Smiga, L.; Novotny, J.; Mojzisova, J.; Ondrejkova, A.; Hromada, R.; Konjevic, D.; Bhide, M.R.; Drazovska, M. 2020 Detection of _Mycobacterium avium_ subsp. _paratuberculosis_ in Slovakian wildlife
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences (23)
Currier, M.J.P. 1983 Felis concolor
Mammalian Species
Curro, T.G.; Okeson, D.; Zimmerman, D.; Armstrong, D.L.; Simmons, L.G. 2004 Xylazine-midazolam-ketamine versus medetomidine-midazolam-ketamine anesthesia in captive Siberian tigers
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (35)
Curry, C.J.; Davis, B.W.; Bertola, L.D.; White, P.A.; Murphy, W.J.; Derr, J.N. 2021 Spatiotemporal genetic diversity of Lions reveals the influence of habitat fragmentation across Africa
Molecular Biology and Evolution (38)
Curry, C.J.; White, P.A.; Derr, J.N. 2015 Mitochondrial haplotype diversity in Zambian lions: bridging a gap in the biogeography of an iconic species
PLoS ONE (10)
Curtis-Robles, R.; Lewis, B.C.; Hamer, S.A. 2016 High _Trypansoma cruzi_ infection prevalence associated with minimal cardiac pathology among wild carnivores in central Texas
International Journal for Parasitology (5)
Cusack, J.J.; Dickman, A.J.; Rowcliffe, J.M.; Carbone, C.; MacDonald, D.W.; Coulson, T. 2015 Random versus game trail-based camera trap placement strategy for monitoring terrestrial mammal communities
PLoS ONE (10)
Cusack, J.J.; Swanson, A.; Coulson, T.; Packer, C.; Carbone, C.; Dickman, A.J.; Kosmala, M.; Lintott, C.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 2015 Applying a random encounter model to estimate lion density from camera traps in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
The Journal of Wildlife Management (79)
Cushman, S.A.; Elliot, N.B.; Bauer, D.; Kesch, K.; Bahaa-el-din, L.; Bothwell, H.; Flyman, M.; Mtare, G.; MacDonald, D.W.; Loveridge, A.J. 2018 Prioritizing core areas, corridors and conflict hotspots for lion conservation in southern Africa
PLoS ONE (13)
Cushman, S.A.; Elliot, N.B.; MacDonald, D.W.; Loveridge, A.J. 2015 A multi-scale assessment of population connectivity in African lions (_Panthera leo_) in response to landscape change
Landscape Ecology
Cushman, S.A.; McKelvey, K.S.; Schwartz, M.K. 2010 Use of Empirically Derived Source-Destination Models to Map Regional Conservation Corridors
Conservation Biology (23)
Cushman, S.A.; McRae, B.; Adriaensen, F.; Beier, P.; Shirley, M.; Zeller, K. 2013 Biological corridors and connectivity
Book Chapter
Cutter, P. 2009 Fishing Cat Research and Conservation Project Report 
Full Book
Cutter, P. 2007 Surveys for Fishing Cat (_Prionailurus viverrinus_) in Thale Noi Non-Hunting Area, Pattalung Province, Thailand, May 2006 - February 2007
Full Book
Cutter, P. 2009 Camera Trapping and Conservation Status Assessment of Fishing Cats at Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park, Thailand and Surrounding Areas
Full Book
Cutter, P. 2015 Fishing cat ecology: Food habits, home ranges, habitat use and mortality in a human-dominated landscape around Khao Sam Roi Yot Area, Peninsular Thailand
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)