IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Carroll, C.; Hoss, R.F.; Paquet, P.C.; Schumaker, N.H. 2003 Use of popularion viability analysis and reserve selection algorithms in regional conservation plans
Ecological Applications (13)
Carroll, C.; McRae, B.H.; Brookes, A. 2011 Use of linkage mapping and centrality analysis across habitat gradients to conserve connectivity of gray wolf populations in Western North America
Conservation Biology (26)
Carroll, C.; Miquelle, D.G. 2006 Spatial viability analysis of Amur tiger _Panthera tigris altaica_ in the Russian Far East: the role of protected areas and landscape matrix in population persistence
Journal of Applied Ecology
Carroll, C.; Noss, R.F.; Paquet, P.C. Carnivore Conservation in the Rocky Mountains
Full Book
Carroll, C.; Noss, R.F.; Paquet, P.C. Carnivores as focal species for conservation planning in the Rocky Mountain region
Full Book
Carroll, C.; Noss, R.F.; Paquet, P.C. 2001 Carnivores as focal species for conservation planning in the Rocky Mountain Region
Ecological Applications (11)
Carruthers, J. 2008 Wilding the farm or farming the wild? The evolution of scientific game ranching in South Africa from the 1960s to present
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa
Carruthers, J.; Nattrass, N. 2018 History of predator-stock conflict in South Africa
Book Chapter
Carson, R.T. 2000 Contingent Valuation: A User's Guide
Environmental Science & Technology (34)
Carson, R.T. 1998 Valuation of tropical rainforests: philisophical and practical issues in the use of contingent valuation
Ecological Economics (24)
Carstens, A.; Kirberger, R.M.; Spotswood, T.; Wagner, W.M.; Grimbeek, R.J. 2006 Ultrasonography of the liver, spleen, and urinary tract of the cheetah
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound (47)
Carter, N. 2013 Coupled human and natural systems approach to tiger conservation in Chitwan, Nepal and beyond
Full Book
Carter, N.; Jasny, M.; Gurung, B.; Liu, J. 2015 Impacts of people and tigers on leopard spatiotemporal activity patterns in a global biodiversity hotspot
Global Ecology and Conservation (3)
Carter, N.; Levin, S.; Barlow, A.; Grimm, V. 2016 Modeling tiger population and territory dynamics using an agent-based approach
Ecological Modelling (312)
Carter, N.H.; Allendorf, T.D. 2016 Gendered perceptions of tigers in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Biological Conservation (202)
Carter, N.H.; Bouley, P.; Moore, S.; Poulos, M.; Bouyer, J.; Pimm, S.L. 2018 Climate change, disease range shifts, and the future of the Africa lion
Conservation Biology (32)
Carter, N.H.; Gurung, B.; Vina, A.; Campa III, H.; Karki, J.B.; Liu, J. 2013 Assessing spatiotemporal changes in tiger habitat across different land management regimes
Ecosphere (4)
Carter, N.H.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Bruskotter, J.T.; Gore, M.; Chapron, G.; Johnson, A.; Epstein, Y.; Shrestha, M.; Frank, J.; Ohrens, O.; Treves, A. 2016 A conceptual framework for understanding illegal killing of large carnivores
Ambio (46)
Carter, N.H.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2016 Co-Adaptation Is Key to Coexisting with Large Carnivores
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (31)
Carter, N.H.; Riley, S.J.; Liu, J. 2012 Utility of a psychological framework for carnivore conservation
Oryx (45)
Carter, N.H.; Riley, S.J.; Shortidge, A.; Shrestha, B.K.; Liu, J. 2014 Spatial assessment of attitudes toward tigers in Nepal
Ambio (43)
Carter, N.H.; Shrestha, B.K.; Karki, J.B.; Pradhan, N.M.B.; Liu, J. 2012 Coexistence between wildlife and humans at fine spatial scales
Pnas (109)
Carter, N.H.; Shrestha, B.K.; Karki, J.B.; Pradhan, N.M.B.; Liu, J. 2013 Reply to Goswam et al., Harihar et al., and Karanth et al.: Fine-scale interactions between tigers and people
Carter, P. 1997 Mining for disaster
Campaigns Supplement
Carter, P. 2017 High elevation record of marbled cat in Kinabalu Park, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Cat News (65)
Carter, T.D.; Hill, J.E.; Tate, G.H.H. 1945 Mammals of the Pacific World
Full Book
Cartes, J.; Thompson, J.; Yanosky, A. 2015 The Paraguayan Chaco as one of the last refuges for threatened mammals of Cono Sur
Paraquaria Natural (3)
Carus, H. 2017 Scottish Wildcats: an overview
Full Book
Caruso, F.; Perovic, P.; De Angelo, C.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2023 Recent jaguar records confirm the conservation value of the Barit£-Tariqu¡a corridor between Argentina and Bolivia
Oryx (57)
Caruso, F.; Perovic, P.G.; T lamo, A.; Trigo, C.B.; Andrade-D¡az, M.S.; Mar s, G.A.; Saravia, D.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Altrichter, M. 2020 People and jaguars: new insights into the role of social factors in an old conflict
Oryx (54)
Caruso, N.; Guerisoli, M.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Castillo, D.; Casanave, E.B. 2015 Modelling the ecological niche of an endangered population of _Puma concolor_: first application of the GNESFA method to an elusive carnivore
Ecological Modelling (297)
Caruso, N.; Lucherini, M.; Fortin, D.; Casanave, E.B. 2016 Species-Specific Responses of Carnivores to Human-Induced Landscape Changes in Central Argentina
PLoS ONE (11)
Caruso, N.; Luengos Vidal, E.; Guerisoli, M.; Lucherini, M. 2016 Carnivore occurrence: do interview-based surveys produce unreliable results?
Caruso, N.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Lucherini, M.; Guerisoli, M.; Martinez, S.; Casanave, E.B. 2017 Carnivores in the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires: ecology and conflicts with farmers
Ria (43)
Caruso, N.; Manfredi, C.; Vidali, E.M.L.; Casanaveao, E.B.; Lucherinio, M. 2012 First density estimation of two sympatric small cats, _Leopardus colocolo _and _Leopardus geoffroyi_, in a shrubland area of central Argentina
Annales Zoologici Fennici (49)
Caruso, N.C. 2015 Factores determinantes de la distribucion de cuatro especies de carnivoros en el Sudoeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires
Full Book
Caruso, N.C.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Manfredi, M.C.; Araujo, M.S.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2020 Spatio-temporal interactions of carnivore species in a coastal ecosystem in Argentina
Ocean and Coastal Management (198)
Caruso, N.C.; Luengos Vidal, E.M.; Manfredi, M.C.; Araujo, M.S.; Lucherini, M.; Casanave, E.B. 2020 Co-occurrence, habitat use and activity pattern of carnivore species in a coastal area of Argentina
Ocean & Coastal Management (198)
Carvajal, S.; Caso, A.; Downey, P.; Moreno, A.; Tewes, M. 2007 Home Range and Activity Patterns of the Margay (_Leopardus wiedii_) at "El Cielo" Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas Mexico
Conference Proceeding
Carvajal-Villarreal, S.; Caso, A.; Downey, P.; Moreno, A.; Tewes, M.E.; Grassman Jr., L.I. 2012 Spatial patterns of the margay (_Leopardus wiedii_; Felidae, Carnivora) at "El Cielo" Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Mammalia (76)
Carvalho Jr, E.A.R.; Morato, R.G. 2013 Factors affecting big cat hunting in Brazilian protected areas
Tropical Conservation Science (6)
Carvalho jr., E.A.R.; Pezzuti, J.C.B. 2010 Hunting of jaguars and pumas in the Tapaj¢s-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve, Brazilian Amazonia
Oryx (44)
Carvalho, E.A.R.; Zarco-Gonzalez, M.M.; Moroy-Vilchis, O.; Morato, R.G. 2015 Modeling the risk of livestock depredation by jaguar along the Transamazon highway, Brazil
Basic and Applied Ecology (16)
Carvalho, F.P. 2020 Conservation of the last savannah animals in West Africa: challenges and call for action
International Journal of Environmental Studies (77)
Carvalho, J.C.; Gomes, P. 2004 Feeding resource partitioning among four sympatric carnivores in the Peneda-Gerˆs National Park (Portugal)
Journal of Zoology (London) (263)
Carvalho, P.S.L.; Pereira, G.G.; Petrus, L.C.; Soares, E.C.; Michima, L.E.; Larsson, M.H.M.A. 2007 Avalia‡Æo de alguns parƒmetros ecocardiogr ficos do gato-do-mato mantido em cativeiro e submetido   anestesia com xilazina e quetamina
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterin ria e Zootecnia (59)
Carvalho, W.D.; Adania, C.H.; Esberard, C.E.L. 2013 Comparison of two mammalian surveys made with camera traps in southeastern Brazil, focusing the abundance of wild mammals and domestic dogs
Brazilian Journal of Biology (73)
Carver, S.; Scorza, A.V.; Bevins, S.N.; Riley, S.P.D.; Crooks, K.R.; VandeWoude, S.; Lappin, M.R. 2012 Zoonotic parasites of bobcats around human landscapes
Journal of Clinical Microbiology (50)
Casamitjana, J.; Tsang, J.; Flocken, J.; Lajoie, S.; Moos, S. 2016 Killing for trophies - An analysis of global trophy hunting trade
Full Book
Casanova, D.C.; Morato, R.G.; Goncalves, H.; Endo, W.; de Paula Rodarte, R.R.; de Camargos, V.L. 2018 Rediscovery of jaguar in an Atlantic Rainforest area, southeast of Bahia State, Brazil
Cat News (68)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)