IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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D'Andrada de Almelda, A.E. 1986 A survey and estimate of jaguar populations in some areas of Mato-Grosso - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
D'Arcy, R. 2018 Chronic kidney disease in non-domestic Felids in Australian Zoos
Full Book
D'Arcy, R. 2018 Chronic kidney disease in non-domestic felids in Australian zoos
Full Book
D'Bastiani, E.; D'Bastiani, M.; Pereira, A.D.; Bovendorp, R.S.; Faraco Junior, H.; Marques, J.L.d.A.; Bazilio, S. 2018 Inventory of medium and large mammals in the Biological Reserve of Arauc rias, Paran , Brazil
Acta Biologica Paranaense (47)
D'Cruze, N.; MacDonald, D.W. 2015 Clouded in mystery: the global trade in clouded leopards
Biodiversity Conservation (24)
D'Elia, M.; Gianni, C.; Jcf, 2009 Jaguar News - April 2009
da Costa, A.L.M. 2018 Application of infrared termographic images in aiding diagnostics of ex-situ felids and canids
Full Book
da Cunha Araujo, R.P.; Monteirao Rodirigues, A.L.A.; Galliez, M. 2019 Sharing the nature: Mammals and neighbor human population of a protected area in the Atlantic Forest Brazil
Oecologia Australis (24)
da Cunha, C.J.; Moreira, D.O.; Seibert, J.B.; Gatti, A. 2017 Research gaps and trends on the feeding ecology of _Leopardus wiedii_ and_ Leopardus guttulus_
Boletim do Museu de Biologia Profesor Mello Leitao (39)
da Cunha, R.C.d.S.C. 2012 Ocorrˆncia de anticorpos anti-_Leptospira_ spp., anti-_Toxoplasma gondii_ e anti-_Neospora caninum_ em carn¡voros selvagens e dom‚sticos de unidades de conserva‡Æo de Pernambuco
Full Book
da Fonseca, G.A.B. 2003 Conservation Science and NGOs
Conservation Biology (17)
da Fonseca, G.A.B.; Herrmann, G.; Leite, Y.L.R.; Mittermeier, R.A.; Rylands, A.B.; Patton, J.L. 1996 Lista Anotada dos Mamiferos do Brasil
da Paz, R.C.R. 2004 Biotecnologias da reprodu‡Æo utilizadas como ferramentas auxiliares no manejo e conserva‡Æo de duas esp‚cies de felinos selvagens: _Leopardus pardalis_ e _Leopardus tigrinus_
Full Book
da Paz, R.C.R.; Dias, E.A.; Adania, C.H.; Barnabe, V.H.; Barnabe, R.C. 2006 Ovarian response to repeated administration of alternating exogenous gonadotropin regimens in the ocelot and tigrinus
Theriogenology (66)
da Paz, R.C.R.; Leme, D.P.; Zuege, R.M.; Pessuti, C.; Santos, E.F.; Barnabe, R.C. 2003 Citologia aspirativa por agulha fina (CAAF), em test¡culo de on‡a pintada, utilizada como ferramenta no diagn¢stico de infertilidade
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science (40)
da Re, A. 2017 Functional and morphological adaptations of the digestive system induced by domestication in cats
AIVPA Journal - Italian Journal of companion animal practice (2017)
da Rocha, V.M. 2009 Parƒmetros eletrocardigr ficos de felideos selvagens da amaz“nia criados em cativeiro no estado do par , tranquilizados com ketamina e cloridrato de xilazina
Full Book
Da Rosa, R.G. 2017 Ethnozoological analysis of fauna in SÆo Louren‡o do Sul
Full Book
da Silva Neto, B.C.; Borba do Nascimento, A.L.; Schiel, N.; Nobrega Alves, R.R.; Souto, A.; Albuquerque, U.P. 2017 Assessment of the hunting of mammals using local ecological knowledge: an example from the Brazilian semiarid region
Environment, Development and Sustainability (19)
da Silva Nunes, V.; Miranda, J.R.; de Souza Barbosa, M.F. 1997 Game hunting by rubber trappers of the Tejo River Basin, Acre State, Brazil
da Silva Oliveira, L.; Gomes Varjao, I.C.; Machado Pereira, L.C.; Nicola-Pereira, P.A. 2019 First record of leucism in _Cerdocyon thous_ (Linnaeus, 1766) (Carnivora: Canidae) in Brazil
Biotemas (32)
da Silva Policarpo, I.; Duarte Barboza, R.R.; Martins Borges, A.K.; Nobrega Alves, R.R. 2018 Mammalian fauna used in folk medicine among hunters in a semiarid region of Brazil
Environment, Development and Sustainability (21)
Da Silva Santos, A.; Trigo, T.C.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Silveira, L.; Eizirik, E. 2019 Phylogeographic analyses of the pampas cat (_Leopardus colocola_; Carnivora, Felidae) reveal a complex demographic history
Genetics and Molecular Biology (41)
da Silva Zanzini, A.C.; Santana Machado, F.; de Oliveira, J.E.; Moes de Oliveira, E.C. 2018 Roadkills of medium and large-sized mammals on highway BR-242, midwest Brazil: A proposal of new indexes for evaluating animal roadkill rates
Oecologia Australis (22)
da Silva, A.B.S.; de Sousa Cavalcane, M.M.A.; Santos, A.C.C.; Guerra, S.P.L.; de Oliveira LOpes, L.; de Oliveira Bezerra, D.; Vieira, A.A.R.; Conde Junior, A.M. 2016 Anatomy and arterial vascularization of female genital system of margay (_Leopardus weidi_i, Schinz, 1821)
Jornal Interdisciplinar de Biociencias (1)
da Silva, C.R. 2001 Riqueza e diversidade de mam¡feros nÆo-voadores em um mosaico formado por plantios de _Eucalyptus saligna _e remanescentes de floresta atlƒntica no munic¡pio de Pilar do Sul, sp
Full Book
da Silva, J.M.C.; Leal, I.R.; Tabarelli, M. 2017 Caatinga: the largest tropical dry forest region in South America
Full Book
da Silva, L.G. 2014 Analise da distribuicao especial do melanismo na familia Felidae em funcao de condicionantes ambientais
Full Book
da Silva, L.G.; Cherem, J.J.; Kasper, C.B.; Trigo, T.C.; Eizirik, E. 2014 Mapping wild cat roadkills in southern Brazil: baseline data for species conservation
Cat News (61)
da Silva, L.G.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Kasper, C.B.; Cherem, J.J.; Moraes, E.A.J.; Paviolo, A.; Eizirik, E. 2016 Biogeography of polymorphic phenotypes: Mapping and ecological modelling of coat colour variants in an elusive Neotropical cat, the jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi)
Journal of Zoology (299)
da Silva, L.G.; Kawanishi, K.; Henschel, P.; Kittle, A.; Sanei, A.; Reebin, A.; Miquelle, D.; Stein, A.B.; Watson, A.; Kekule, L.B.; Machado, R.B.; Eizirik, E. 2017 Mapping black panthers: macroecological modeling of melanism in leopards (_Panthera pardus_)
PLoS ONE (12)
da Silveira Bueno, R.; Falcone, S.; La Mantia, T.; Librera, M. 2020 Update on the distribution and habitat use of the wildcat, pine marten and weasel in Sicily
Book Chapter
da Silveira, C.T. 2018 Spatial analysis of tree vegetation in a portion of a savanicola stational steppe in The Espinilho State Park, RS
Full Book
Da Silveira, R.; Ramalho, E.E.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B.; Magnusson, W.E. 2010 Depredation by Jaguars on Caimans and Importance of Reptiles in the Diet of Jaguar
Journal of Herpetology (44)
Dacheux, L.; Larrous, F.; Mailles, A.; Boisseleau, D.; Delmas, O.; Biron, C.; Bouchier, C.; Capek, I.; Muller, M.; Ilari, F.; Lefranc, T.; Raffi, F.; Goudal, M.; Bourhy, H. 2009 European Bat Lyssavirus Transmission among Cats, Europe
Emerging Infectious Diseases (15)
Dagar, J.C. 2018 Perspectives of vegetation ecology and biodiversity for management of ravine lands
Book Chapter
Dagg, A.I. 1999 Infanticide by male lions hypothesis: a fallacy influencing research into human behavior
American Anthropologist (100)
Daggett, P.M.; Henning, D.R. 1974 The Jaguar in North America
American Antiquity (39)
Dahal, S.; Dahal, D.R. 2011 Trapping of fishing cat in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Cat News (55)
Dahal, S.; Thudugula, A. 2018 Second International Symposium on Fishing Cat Conservation
Cat News (68)
Dahar, S. 2012 Study of Fishing Cat in Nepal: Past, Presence and Future
Conference Proceeding
Dahroug, M.A.A.; Almeida, A.B.P.F.; Sousa, V.R.F.; Dutra, V.; Turbino, N.C.M.R.; Nakazato, L.; de Souza, R.L. 2010 _Leishmania chagasi_ in captive wild felids in Brazil
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (104)
Dailidiene, D.; Dailide, G.; Ogura, K.; Zhang, M.; Mukhopadhyay, A.K.; Eaton, K.A.; Cattoli, G.; Kusters, J.G.; Berg, D.E. 2004 _Helicobacter acinonychis_: Genetic and rodent infection studies of a _Helicobacter pylori_-like gastric pathogen of cheetahs and other big cats
Journal of Bacteriology (186)
Daily, G.C.; Ceballos, G.; Pacheco, J.; Suz n, G.; S nchez-Azofeifa, A. 2003 Countryside Biogeography of Neotropical Mammals: Conservation Opportunities in Agricultural Landscapes of Costa Rica
Conservation Biology (17)
Dalerum, F.; Belton, L. 2015 African ungulates recognize a locally extinct predator
Behavioral Ecology
Dalerum, F.; Somers, M.J.; Kunkel, K.E.; Cameron, E.Z. 2008 The potential for large carnivores to act as biodiversity surrogates in southern Africa
Biodiversity and Conservation (17)
Dalton, D.L.; Charruau, P.; Boast, L.; Kotze, A. 2013 Social and genetic population structure of free-ranging cheetah in Botswana: implications for conservation
European Journal of Wildlife Research (59)
Daly, B.; Friedmann, Y. 2006 The Leopard Controversy in South Africa: Common Cat or Conservation Concern?
Cat News (44)
Daly, B.; Power, J.; Carmanch, G.; Traylor-Holzer, K.; Barber, S.; Catterall, S.; Fletcher, P.; Martins, Q.; Martins, N.; Owen, C.; Thal, T.; Friedmann, Y. (eds) 2005 Leopard (_Panthera pardus_) population and habitat viability assessment
Full Book
Damania, R.; Bulte, E.H. 2007 The economics of wildlife farming and endangered species conservation
Ecological Economics (62)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)