IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis margarita
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis marmorata
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis nigripes
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis pardalis
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis planiceps
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis rubiginosa
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis rufa
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis serval
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis silvestris
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis temmincki
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis tigrina
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis viverrina
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis wiedii
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis yagouarundi
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Panthera leo
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Panthera onca
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Panthera pardus
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Panthera tigris
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Panthera uncia
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Neofelis nebulosa
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Acinonyx jubatus
Book Chapter
Dolrenry, S.; Hazzah, L.; Frank, L. 2020 Corridors of tolerance through human-dominated landscapes facilitate dispersal and connectivity between populations of African lions _Panthera leo_
Oryx (54)
Dolrenry, S.; Hazzah, L.; Frank, L.G. 2016 Conservation and monitoring of a persecuted African lion population by Maasai warriors
Conservation Biology (30)
Dolrenry, S.; Stenglein, J.; Hazzah, L.; Lutz, R.S.; Frank, L. 2014 A metapopulation approach to African lion (_Panthera leo_) conservation
PLoS ONE (9)
Dolz, G.; Lecis, R.; Solorzano-Morales, A.; Aguilar-Vargas, F.; Solorzano-Scot, T.; Pena, R.; Zobba, R.; Tore, G.; Pitau, M.; Albert, A. 2020 _Leopardus wiedii_ Papillomavirus type 1, a novel papillomavirus species in the tree ocelot, suggests Felidae Lambda papillomavirus polyphyletic origin and host-independent evolution
Infection, Genetics and Evolution (81)
Domingo-Roura, X.; Jacobson, H.A.; Weaver, R.F. 1997 Sex linkage of minisatellite bands in bobcats
The Journal of Heredity (88)
Dominguez-Rodrigo, M. 2001 A study of carnivore competition in riparian and open habitats of modern savannas and its implications for hominid behavioral modelling
Journal of Human Evolution (40)
Donadio, E.; Buskirk, S.W. 2006 Diet, Morphology, and Interspecific Killing in Carnivora
The American Naturalist (167)
Donadio, E.; Novaro, A.J.; Buskirk, S.W.; Wurstten, A.; Vitali, M.S.; Monteverde, M.J. 2010 Evaluating a potentially strong trophic interaction: pumas and wild camelids in protected areas of Argentina
Journal of Zoology (280)
Donaldson, R.; Finn, H.; Bejder, L.; Lusseau, D.; Calver, M. 2012 The social side of human-wildlife interaction: wildlife can learn harmful behaviours from each other
Animal Conservation (15)
Dong, T.; Chu, H.; Wu, H.; Wang, Y.; Ge, Y.; Bu, L. 2014 Monitoring birds and mammals through camera traps in Mount Kalamaili Ungulate Nature Reserve, Xinjiang
Biodiversity Science (22)
Donlan, C.J. 2007 Restoring America's big wild animals
Scientific American (June 2007)
Donoghue, A.M.; Howard, J.G.; Byers, A.P.; Goodrowe, K.L.; Bush, M.; Blumer, E.; Lukas, J.; Stover, J.; Snodgrass, K.; Wildt, D.E. 1992 Correlation of sperm viability with gamete interaction and fertilization in vitro in the cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Biology of Reproduction (46)
Donoghue, A.M.; Johnston, L.A.; Armstrong, D.L.; Simmons, L.G.; Wildt, D.E. 1993 Birth of a Siberian tiger cub following laparoscopic intrauterine artificial insemination
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (24)
Donovan, T.M.; Freeman, M.; Aboulezz, H.; Royar, K.; Howard, A.; Mickley, R. 2011 Quantifying home range habitat requirements for bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) in Vermont, USA
Biological Conservation (144 )
Dookia, S. 2007 Sighting of Asiatic wildcat in Gogelao enclosue, Nagaur in Thar Desert of Rajasthan
Cat News (46)
Dorazio, R.M.; Karanth, K.U. 2017 A hierarchical model for estimating the spatial distribution and abundance of animals detected by continuous-time recorders
PLoS ONE (12)
Dorji, D.P. 1988 Number of tiger (Panthera tigris) in Bhutan
Dorji, D.P.; Santiapillai, C. 1989 The status, distribution and conservation of the tiger Panthera tigris in Bhutan
Biological Conservation (48)
Dorji, D.P.; Wangchuk, T.R. 1994 Panthera tigris in Buthan - an overview of its status
Conference Proceeding
Dorji, K.; Dorji, N.P.; Sheeran, L.K.; Dhendup, T. 2022 Tiger in the Buffer of Gangtey-Phobji Ramsar Site and Jigme Singye Wangchuck NP
Cat News (75)
Dorji, S.; Rajaratnam, R.; Vernes, K. 2019 Mammal richness and diversity in a Himalayan hotspot: the role of protected areas in conserving Bhutan's mammals
Biodiversity and Conservation (28)
dos Santos, M.d.F.M.; Pellanda, M.; Tomazzoni, A.C.; Hasenack, H.; Hartz, S.M. 2004 Mam¡feros carn¡voros e sua rela‡Æo com a diversidade de h bitats no Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra, sul do Brasil
Iheringia - Serie Zoologia (94)
Doswald, N.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2007 Testing expert groups for a habitat suitability model for the lynx _Lynx lynx_ in the Swiss Alps
Wildlife Biology (13)
Dotta, A.; Anand, M.O.; Naniwadekar, R. 2008 Empty forests: large carnivore and prey abundance in Namdapha National Park, north-east India
Biological Conservation (141)
Dotta, G.; Queirolo, D.; Senra, A. 2007 Distribution and Conservation Status of Small Felids on the Uruguayan Savanna Ecoregion, Southern Brazil and Uruguay
Conference Proceeding
Dotta, G.; Verdade, L.M. 2009 Felids in an agricultural landscape in SÆo Paulo, Brazil
Cat News (51)
Dou, H.; Yang, H.; Feng, L.; Mou, P.; Wang, T.; Ge, J. 2016 Estimating the population size and genetic diversity of Amur tigers in Northeast China
PLoS ONE (11)
Doube, M.; Wiktorowicz Conroy, A.; Christiansen, P.; Hutchinson, J.R.; Shefelbine, S. 2008 Three-Dimensional Geometric Analysis of Felid Limb Bone Allometry
PLoS ONE (4)
Doughity, J. 2004 Bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) ecology in a longleaf pine ecosystem in southwestern Georgia
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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)