IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Durant, S.M.; Wacher, T.; Bashir, S.; Woodroffe, R.; de Ornellas, P.; Ransom, C.; Newby, T.; Abaigar, T.; Abdelgadir, M.; Alqamy, E.; Baillie, J.; Beddiaf, M.; Belbachir, F.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Berbash, A.A.; Bemadjim, N.E.; Beudels-Jamar, R.; Boitani, L.; Breitenmoser, C.; Cano, M.; Chardonnet, P.; Collen, B.; Cornforth, W.A.; Cuzin, F.; Gerngross, P.; Haddane, B.; Hadjeloum, M.; Jacobson, A.; Jebali, A.; Lamarque, F.; Mallon, D.; Minkowski, K.; Monfort, S.; Ndoassal, B.; Niagate, b.; Purchase, G.; Samaila, S.; Samna, A.K.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Soultan, A.E.; Stanley Price, M.R.; Pettorelli, N. 2014 Fiddling in biodiversity hotspots while deserts burn? Collapse of the Sahara's megafauna
Diversity and Distributions (20)
Durden, L.A.; Cunningham, M.W.; McBride, R.; Ferree, B. 2006 Ectoparasites of free-ranging pumas and jaguars in the Paraguayan Chaco
Veterinary Parasitology (137)
Dures, S.G.; Carbone, C.; Loveridge, A.J.; Maude, G.; Midlane, N.; Aschenborn, O.; Gottelli, D. 2019 A century of decline: Loss of genetic diversity in a southern African lion-conservation stronghold
Diversity and Distributions (25)
Dures, S.G.; Carbone, C.; Savolainen, V.; Maude, G.; Gottelli, D. 2020 Ecology rather than people restrict gene flow in Okavango-Kalahari lions
Animal Conservation (23)
Durham, M. 1982 Leopard in southern Africa reclassified to "Threatened" species
Durrant, B.S.; Millard, S.E.; Zimmerman, D.M.; Lindburg, D.G. 2001 Lifetime semen production in a cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Zoo Biology (20)
Durrant, B.S.; Millard-Davis, S. 2000 Estrus induction studies in captive cheetahs
Cheetah News (10)
Dutta, S.; Pokhariya, K.; Krishnamurthy, R. 2021 First photographic evidence of fishing cat in Panna Tiger Reserve, Central India
Cat News (73)
Dutta, T.; McRae, B.; Sharma, S.; DeFries, R. 2016 Mapping corridors and barriers to improve connectivity in a tiger conservation landscape in central India
Conference Proceeding
Dutta, T.; Sharma, S. 2004 An encounter with the Enigmatic Eee
Sanctuary Asia (October 2004)
Dutta, T.; Sharma, S.; Maldonado, J.E.; Wood, T.C.; Panwar, H.S.; Seidensticker, J. 2012 Fine-scale population genetic structure in a wide-ranging carnivore, the leopard _(Panthera pardus fusca) _in central India
Diversity and Distributions
Dutta, T.; Sharma, S.; Maldonado, J.E.; Wood, T.C.; Panwar, H.S.; Seidensticker, J. 2013 Gene flow and demographic history of leopards in the central Indian highlands
Evolutionary Applications (6)
Dutta, T.; Sharma, S.; Maldonado, J.E.; Wood, T.C.; Seidensticker, J. 2012 A reliable method for individual identification and gender determination of wild leopards (Panthera paruds fusca using non-invasive samples
Conservation Genetics Resources (4)
Dutta, T.; Sharma, S.; McRae, B.H.; Roy, P.S.; DeFries, R. 2016 Connecting the dots: mapping habitat connectivity for tigers in central India
Regional Environmental Change (16)
Duvall, C.S. 2000 Important habitat for chimpanzees in Mali
African Study Monographs (21)
Dwnp, 2008 National Tiger Conservation Action Plan for Malaysia 2008-2020
Full Book
Dwnp, 2010 Red List of Mammals for Peninsular Malaysia - Red List Mammalia Semenanjung Malaysia
Full Book
Dyar, J.A.; Wagner, J. 2003 Uncertainty and species recovery program design
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (45)
Dybas, C.L.: 2013 Leo's Star Sets in the West - Vulnerable everywhere in the wild, lions already face regional extinction
Natural History
Dyck, M.A.; Iosif, R.; Promberger-Frrpass, B.; Popescu, V.D. 2022 Dracula's m‚nagerie: A multispecies occupancy analysis of lynx, wildcat, and wolf in the Romanian Carpathians
Ecology and Evolution (12)
Dye, L. 1990 Prehistoric Pride - Tar Pits Suggest Altruism Among Saber-Toothed Tigers
Dyer, T. 1994 Private lands - Role in ecosystems protection and management
Conference Proceeding
Dyson, P. 2015 Lion conservation in Maasailand: response to Hazzah et al. 2014
Conservation Biology (29)
Dzieduszycki, A.M.; Zlamal, A.; Ryba, M.S.; Grieb, P.; Taraszewska, A.; Kruszewicz, A.G.; Jakucinski, M. 2004 Myelopathy in cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) cubs treated with citidinediphosphocholine (CDP-Choline)
Conference Proceeding
Dcker, G. 1958 Colour-vision in Mammals
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (61)
Dtterer, M.; Bernhart, F. 1996 The occurence of wildcats in the southern Swiss Jura Mountains
Acta Theriologica (41)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)